
Dialogue with Futaba Future HS Students② -ふたば未来学園高校生とコロンビア大学生との対話(2年目)-

The other day we welcomed 12 students from Futaba Future High School!


1. ふたば未来学園とは?



This high school, as you can see from the link above, was established in 2015 with the aim to develop future leaders who contribute to revitalizing their community or resolving global issues. Many students had to evacuate from their own homes at the time of the earthquake and subsequent nuclear accident. Since I personally know the vice principal there, I organized this event to provide them with opportunities to not only come to my campus but also have a dialogue with Columbia students (below is the last year's post).

2. 対話の様子


スクールもSIPAだけでなく、Teachers College、East Asian Studies、Engineering SchoolそしてUndergradまでとこの上なく多様です。


Although there were some 10 participants last year, this time I made considerable efforts to attract more people, which resulted in some 35 participants. (Although it's not captured by this pic, there are many more on the left side of this pic)

The HS students collaboratively made a presentation for 40 minutes, which was followed by an hour of Q&A.

The beginning of the dialogue

3. 高校生によるプレゼン




In the presentation, they elaborated on their own experiences back then, and future visions such as renewable energy and countering fake news, while asking engaging questions (e.g., where is Fukushima located in Japan? What was the height of the tsunami back then? What percentage of the Fukushima area is inhabitable?)

4. 熱気溢れる質疑応答





In the Q&A session, participants asked tough questions like "how had the relationship among people within a community changed after the earthquake?" "What do you want to bring back to Japan through this trip?" "What do you think of the fact that HS students victimized by the school shooting in Florida raised their voice and are trying to lead policy discussions?" Most of them could not respond in English, which means that I had to translate, but some actually tried to speak in English!!

5. 未来のリーダー達に伝えたこと

参加してくれた外国人にとっても福島のこと、震災のこと、日本のことを知ってもらういい機会ですし、高校生にとっては自らをcomfort zoneから押し出す良い機会になったのではと思います。





This event I believe was mutually beneficial in a sense that participants had a solid understanding of Fukushima, the quake and Japan, whereas HS students were forced to push themselves out of comfort zone. After the event I gave the following feedback; presentation is preparation. Last year I volunteer to make a presentation (3 out of 5 people in a group), and I practiced and practiced. First looking at the script, second without, and lastly using eye contacts and gestures.




Organizing this event was actually much more time-consuming than I imagined. But comments from participants like "Hiro, thanks for this inspiring event!" made me pretty rewarded. My motto is to create opportunities that would not have been realized without me. Also inspired by younger generations, I'll try to take advantage of my life here to further challenge myself!!




