
Internship@Harlem Link Charter School 4 -中に入らないと分からない気付きとは?-

Last post about my internship at a charter school in Harlem! Below are the previous posts.

1. Stepping-up Ceremony

今回はちょうどPre-KのStepping-up ceremony(進級式)がありました。

Today there was a stepping-up ceremony for Pre-K. Many parents and siblings attended despite the fact it was held in the morning (11:30am).
At first a co-founder greeted them, followed by a song sung by children, slide show reflecting on this year and certificate granting.

I believe this would encourage students to keep on making efforts in school life!!

2. Start-to Finish Project (Cont.)

さて最後のタスクの紹介ですが、連邦法に基づきGrade 3-8までは毎年MathとELA(English)のテストがアメリカでは行われます。

・卒業後、進学した中学校の質とPassing rate(スコアが3以上の生徒の割合)に相関があるのか?

As an intern, I also analyzed how students' test scores have changed over time, including the relationship between the quality of middle schools and their passing rate, using test score data for Math and ELA (3-8 Grade annually persuant to NCLB).

・客観的な指標に基づき算出されたQualityでは、A中学校より質が劣るとされていたB中学校が、我々の卒業生のPassing rateに関してははるかに好実績を残していること
Passing rateに関しては好実績を残しているC中学校が、高校への接続という観点ではあまり良い学校に我々の卒業生を送れていないこと

Some of the takeaways are; the quality of middle schools and their passing rate are not necessarily correlated with each other, and some schools performing well in terms of test score are not successful in sending their alumni to Elite or Competitive high schools.

It's hard to generalize, but coupled with individual student's personality and characteristic, this data would give a tremendous benefit to advices for support about middle and high school application.

3. Restaurant Event by 1st Graders

さて、1st Graderによるレストランのイベントがあったので、うちの家族も誘ってきてもらいました。

In the afternoon I and my family visited a Dessert Restaurant held by 1st Graders! They greeted, took orders, served desserts, and lastly did the checkout.



My daughter ate almost all of the desserts instead of me. After that she suddenly caught a marker and tried to write something on the whiteboard. 1st Graders were so kind to her, saying "Cute" and "Adorable".

4. Reflection on this Internship


・副校長の方と話したときに、この学校はValue-Added score(各生徒の年度間の成績の推移を個人の教師と関連付けて教員評価をする方法)を採用していないことを聞いて驚きました。Charterは厳しい説明責任が課されているので当然使っているものだと思っていましたが、それよりもclassroom observationを重要視しているとのこと。


教員だけでなく、他のスタッフ(私の担当しているStart to Finish projectのほか、Financial affairs、Curriculum、Data and accountability、Hiring and Family Engagement等かなりの人数、しかもただの事務職員とかではなく優秀な人ばかりです。)も生徒1人1人の顔をしっかりと覚え、彼らの成長にコミットしていること。

Here are other takeaways that I could not elaborate in previous posts.
・I was surprised to see that this school is not using the Value-Added method for teacher evaluation. I assumed charter schools are using this method because they are burdened with a strict accoutability, but the assistant principal valued classroom observation much more.
・It's true that American classrooms are more interactive, but behind the scenes teachers spent a considerable amount of time in discipline such as keeping quiet and lining up.
・Not only teachers but also other staff (not only Start to Finish project which I was engaged in, but also other positions such as Financial affairs、Curriculum、Data and accountability、Hiring and Family Engagement) committed themselves to children's development, which is quite rare in Japan


This is the last day of my four week internship. I personally should improve my conversation skills to more actively engage, but I would take advantage of this valuable opportunity!!

