
Education Pioneers

This post is about education internship I'm applying for.


現在授業を受けるかたわらインターンシップを探しているのですが、このEducation Pioneersというフェローシップに応募しています。
I'm now applying to the Education Pioneer Fellowship as a summer internship while attending classes.

1. Education Pioneersって?

この団体はK-12 Education(幼稚園から高校教育まで)を改革するためのリーダーを育成する組織ということで、教育に熱意と能力のある人々を集め、教育関連機関に(インターンもしくはジョブとして)つなぐマッチングのようなことをやっています。
This organization is aiming to develop top leaders in K-12 education by recruiting talents with passion and experiences and connecting to relevant organizations as summer internship or career track (like a matching organization).

2. どんなことをしているの?

特に焦点を当てているのが「Opportunity Gap」、つまり家庭・人種・民族を背景とする教育格差の是正です。

これは、全国学力・学習状況調査で、SES(Socio-Economic Status)の低い子供が週3時間勉強したよりも全く勉強していないSESの高い子供より学力が低かったということで日本でも一時ものすごく話題になりました。

Especially focusing on Opportunity gap, that is, gap in educational achievement resulting from family, race or ethnic background.
This issue is pressing also in Japan because a national survey revealed that children from highest-SES (Socio-Economic Status) those who didn't study at all had greater achievement than those from lowest-SES and studied more than three hours per week. However, please note that some schools succeed in overcoming this gap by good practices such as allocations of qualified peer-teachers or non-teaching staff.

アメリカは日本とは多様性が異なるので一概には比較できないですが、どのような取組がOpportunity gapを狭めるために行われているのかを肌で学ぶことは非常に有意義だと思って応募しました。
We cannot compare Japan to U.S. because diversity in both countries is totally different, but it's quite meaningful to have a deeper and vivid understanding of how people are trying to overcome this opportunity gap.

3. 選考の状況は?

I already passed documentation and phone interview, and next and final stage is a three-hour group interview. If I can make it, I would become a finalist.

I will have to prepare a lot for the next interview, but I'll do my best to get this invaluable opportunity which I cannot acquire in japan!


