
Reflection on Spring 2018 semester -最終学期の振り返り-

My reflection on the last semester at Columbia SIPA!




●Education Policy Analysis/Implementation (Prof. Luis Huerta) (Grade: A)

Organization: ★★★★★
Contents: ★★★★☆
Workload: ★★★★★
Relevance: ★★★★☆
Explanation: ★★★★☆
Satisfaction: ★★★★★

教育政策を政治的・社会的・経済的枠組みを使って分析しつつ、Policy Memo(School disciplineとFinance litigation)とSimulation(教員の質向上、クラスサイズ、学校選択)で説得力のある政策議論を展開する力を鍛える授業。



Through this course, I acquired knowledge and skills to analyze education policies using political, social and economic frameworks, as well as to pursuade the professor and classmates with evidence through Policy Memo (on school discipline and finance litigation) and Simulation (on teacher effectiveness, class size reduction and school choice).
The Simuation that I facititated solicited so much animation, but there seemed to be some classmates who felt uncomfortable with the fact that one particular group had a huge influence on the actual discussion.
The class next week was spent mostly on the reflection of this Simulation, where we had a heated discussion on the purpose: being engaged in the pure policy discussion or also in the realities of policymaking.
It was a great opportunity for me to not only learn new theories but also apply them to the messy policy arena.

●Independent Study - Education Policy (Prof. Carolyn Riehl) (Grade: P)

Organization: N/A
Contents: ★★★★☆
Workload: ★★★★★
Relevance: ★★★★☆
Explanation: N/A
Satisfaction: ★★★★☆


もう1つの校長のリーダーシップを支える政策については現在関係各所に内容の確認をしているので、それ終わり次第こちらも出していく予定。Never give upの精神で頑張ります…^^;

This independent study was essentially my voluntary thesis at Columbia, on which I made strenuous efforts to secure a supervisor.
Although we had a 45-minute check-in every two weeks, steady progress has been made as I proactively organized the paper and collected necessary literature as well as data.
I'm now spliting the paper into two parts, and submitting the first piece (the role of the principal in Japan) to some journals (I was just rejected by the most influential journal on education, so will aim for journals that specifically focus on school leadership).
The other piece, which is about school leadership development practices in Japan, is still being finalized and will be submitted soon.
I'll never give up until I make it!!

●Resource Allocation in Education (Prof. Henry Levin) (Grade: P)

Organization: ★★★☆☆
Contents: ★★★★☆
Workload: ★★☆☆☆
Relevance: ★★★★☆
Explanation: ★★★☆☆
Satisfaction: ★★★☆☆




Prof. Levin is one of the first figures who introduced cost-benefit analysis to the field of education.
Although there are so many things that I learned from him, the organization and assignments showed some room for improvement. Also, it was a pity that two of the classes were cancelled due to snowstorm.
I'll need to review the texbook again to catch up some concepts and research.

●Leadership for Adult Development (Prof. Ellie Drago-Severson) (Grade: P)

Organization: ★★★★☆
Contents: ★★★★★
Workload: ★★★☆☆
Relevance: ★★★★☆
Explanation: ★★★★★
Satisfaction: ★★★★★



このConstructive Developmental Theoryを日本に普及すべく、今後は頑張って行きます^-^

This course is definitely one of the highlights of my life at Columbia.
It made me aware of the most important element that most education policies lack: how to support adults.
Additionally, the convening, which illuminated some of the assumptions that I held when I tried to help adults in the past, was also a life-changing experience.
I'll try to disseminate this amazing Constructive Developmental Theory throughout Japan!!

●Leadership in Schools & Communities (Prof. Jeffrey Young) (Grade: A-)

Organization: ★★★★☆
Contents: ★★★★☆
Workload: ★★☆☆☆
Relevance: ★★★★☆
Explanation: ★★★★☆
Satisfaction: ★★★★☆

教育分野に限らず幅広いリーダーシップに関する文献を読んでのディスカッション、そして学期末にはEffective Leadershipに関する自らのThesis Statementを書くというこの授業。


Final Paperでは"Leadership as Zooming, Adjusting Thermostat and Ensuring Sustainability"というタイトルで一般的に考えられるリーダーシップとは異なる像を提示しました。

This course drew upon many articles on leadership that is not confined to education, and aside from class discussion, we wrote a thesis statement on what we think of as Effective Leadership.
The professor's experience as the Superintendent of Cambridge added a specical tone and value to the discussion; especially, his way of using silence is incredible! My final paper, titled as "Leadership as Zooming, Adjusting Thermostat and Ensuring Sustainability" shed light on differences from traditional models of leadership. I'll use it as a milestone for my future professional life as it pertains to leadership.

●Effective Management in the Public Sector (Prof. William Eimicke) (Grade: A)

Organization: ★★☆☆☆
Contents: ★★★★☆
Workload: ★★☆☆☆
Relevance: ★★★★☆
Explanation: ★★☆☆☆
Satisfaction: ★★☆☆☆



Despite the interesting content itself, the poor organization decreased my satisfaction... This course was disorganized from grading policy to sudden changes to the dealine. Our group project on E-Medicine was exciting, and I see some applicability to the field of education as well!!


Now that I reflected on all the semesters at Columbia, in the coming posts I'll also talk frankly about the pros and cons of studying here. Just keep in touch!

(卒業式シーズン、バトラー図書館の前で娘と In front of the Butler Library, awaiting Commencement!)


