
同僚に気持ちよく協力してもらうテクニック-Techniques to get colleagues to cooperate comfortably-


Everyone, good evening. This time, I would like to introduce some excerpts from the title ``Techniques to make your mind go the way you want.'' By the way, in the previous article, I introduced the reasons why you are not seeing results even though you are working hard. If you are interested, please check them out as well.


"A method called "foot-in-the-door" is known. This technique involves asking for a small request first, and then making a big request. There is a famous experiment in which a person was asked to place an uncool signboard in the garden of a private house. The odds of someone agreeing to put up a sign were higher when they asked for it normally and when they asked for a small sticker two weeks in advance."


"The reason is said to be that your stance is determined when you first accept the sticker. In the case of this experiment, the stance is that ``I am a good citizen with a strong public spirit.'' Humans have a habit of continuing to act in a way that does not contradict the stance they have once decided on. Therefore, if you want your coworkers to help you, it's a good idea to ask for their help on small things on a regular basis."


What did you all think? Rather than trying to cooperate because we are indebted to others, humans seem to want to cooperate even more because we have always cooperated. If it's someone other than a co-worker, it might be a different story, but I think that regular communication and a relationship of trust are a prerequisite when asking someone for a favor. I hope this article is of some use to you. See you soon. thank you very much.







