
12月のTOEICの申込みが始まりました!‐Applications for the December TOEIC test have begun!‐


Applications for the TOEIC test for December 10th have started today. Since it is the last exam of the year, I think there are many people who are considering taking the exam. I was wondering if I should take the test in October or November, but I was starting to give up after receiving the results of the previous test, so I ended up not being able to apply, but I will take the test in December.


Looking back, I took the exam in March, June, and September this year. The scores were 705 points, 750 points, and 685 points, respectively. If things continue like this, there is a risk that we will decline rather than maintain the status quo, so we will do our best without giving up. In the first place, why am I studying TOEIC even though I am not an office worker? I hope we can talk about it another time.


The deadline for applying for the TOEIC test in December is October 30th (Monday) at 3:00 pm. By the way, I applied today. I have been away from studying recently, but I would like to change my mind and take proper measures. For those of you who are studying, let's do our best together. See you soon. thank you very much.



