
This is because the article about Ri Seong-sil is a fact that people who subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun and watch NHK would never know.

Like the 'criminal who returned to the crime scene,' the Asahi returned to the war 'scene.'

TEDxAnjo Women 2023


TEDxAnjoWomen2023 Blog vol.01 - About TEDWomen, TEDxAnjoWomen


トイレ イギリス 20240414

Women’s Forum活動報告【牧場体験】


Women’s Forum Japan「古着deワクチンまごころプロジェクト」へ参加



Because the "turntable of civilization" is Divine Providence.

Unlike China and Korea, Japan is an "Incredible Japan." Society: Status of Women

There are bound to be idiots who say, "It's the duty of newspapers to bring down those in power with violent devices'' (Yoichi Funabashi, former chief editor of the Asahi Shimbun). What happened as a result? Open a newspaper, and you will find out.

#23【4月25・26日開催】 Femtech最新レポート:福利厚生の日本・グローバル動向解説&海外カンファレンス報告

徴兵 デンマーク 20240314

Takashi Uemura of the Asahi Shimbun created the lie about military comfort women.Uemura's Korean wife's mother made a fuss about erecting comfort women statues worldwide and pitched one in the U.S. as a first step.

Amartya Sen, a Nobel Prize winner in economics, had an interesting analysis of Japan. He is amazed at the tremendous growth in newspaper circulation since the Meiji Restoration.

3番 女帝のイメージソング



#4 ADHDの私が6年も教員を続けた方法(現在進行形)

#3 ADHD と生きる女性へ

Women in Agile Japan 2023 に行ってきました