
物語「GreatesT’rip Jum”V”oyage」13−1. okujyou jum'v'oyage 質ーい

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「ミノルにとって、心の響く出来事なんでしょう? それを私に伝えてくれたことがいいことだから」

ね? と言わんばかりの、ってそのままだけど。シキは至って穏やかな表情をしていた。まっすぐなのか、ゆがんでいるのか。






























「大丈夫なんの問題もないよ、って思ってるんだけどわかった? 一応言葉でも伝えておくね」























「え? だってまだミノルが話す番でしょ?」





あれ? わたし何に悩んで、何にムキになっていたんだっけ。忘れちゃった。







「いや早すぎるだろ! ちょっとびっくりした」






















(13 中編へ・・・)

「コンビニのコーヒー(short live)」

NEXT: 完全版Full Stories ↓ 屋上版だけOn Rooftop Edition only↓↓

 I was climbing the stairs to the rooftop, my footsteps muffled.

Would it be an exaggeration to say that I was trying to get back at him for the other day? I had a really hard time after that. I wanted to say something rather than just vent my anger.
 I climbed up the steel stairs, my loafer heels clacking as I went. Needless to say, the main character was in the middle of the rooftop.
Shiki is sitting there reading a book.
  She didn't even know I was there. It seems that my efforts to muffle my footsteps were not in vain. Usually this kind of strategy usually fails, but unusually it might work. Then, let's surprise her by calling out to her out of the blue.
 From behind, I gently took a step, step, step.
 I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have a book in your bag, but I'm sure it's a good idea to have a book in your bag. I could feel her hair and a faint scent following it.
Hello girl, that's a pretty good move," she said, turning to face the front. It was as if she knew what I was going to do. It wasn't like I was practicing.
I lost again," she murmured in a whisper, which Shiki didn't miss.
I'm the best just for being here right now. So, I'm not winning or losing. It's not the kind of thing a person with good sense and know-how would say.
The most important thing to remember is that you are not the only one who can do this.
 The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your time is to be a good listener.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a look at the website and expect to get a great deal of results. The actual "I'm not a fan of the way you look at me" attitude is a big part of the reason why I've been doing this for so long. The teacher simply said, "You've studied hard," and let it go. Because there shouldn't be any irregularities," she said. But even that wasn't what I wanted. I told her what was wrong with me, and she just said, "What are you doing?
Siki just listened to what was being said. Why is she smiling when she is angry? I don't like the way even such a small thing seems to be so generous.

I was so happy to hear that. Thank you for the fun story." "No, where's the fun in it?" "It must be a heartbreaking event for Minoru, isn't it? The fact that you told me that is a good thing," she said. I don't know why she's smiling when she's angry. The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you want to do. Is it straight or crooked?
I'm sure you know that everyone is going to make fun of you, but you are too selfish. The actuality is, it's not a good thing to be in a position to do.
What's with that reaction? I'm saying, "I'm in trouble." Isn't that a bit light?
I was so angry that I said something when I thought she was going to say something.
 The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a chance on a new product or service and expect to get it back.

I'm angry at Siki for what happened the other day. I know it's right.
I've been thinking about it, but looking back at our exchange so far, I feel like I'm in the wrong.
 And I think the reason for that is that Siki, whom I am supposed to be lashing out at, isn't really doing anything at all. I'm still a tough girl. I was angry at Siki for what happened the other day, but then Siki asked me something that reminded me of something.
I'm just curious about something. By everyone, do you mean who and whom?"
I think I was not supposed to say it out loud, but my expression was coming out in my voice.
The most important thing to remember is that you don't want someone to say something bad about you or think you're a jerk, and that's why Minoru was so hurt.
Who, you know how that is. Who, who, who ....?"
I tried to say it, but the words didn't come out right. It's somehow someone at school, someone in the class. When I feel like this, I suddenly feel unmotivated and troublesome. No, that might not be accurate. I think he's just pretending that it's too much trouble, and he just can't answer.
I tried to say something, but the words wouldn't come out right. I'm not going to ask you anything else. I said I'd ask anything," Siki said, her voice unusually just a little bit stronger. It's like a spoonful of coffee with a hint of nudging or sulking added. I'm honestly envious of you because no matter how it's seasoned, it's delicious.
I'm not good. I'm not sure if this is a good way to answer.

I get it. That's all for now. Because for me, there are things I want to ask and talk about more.

I looked at Shiki's face from the front.
I thought as I made a very serious face. I think you are really pretty and cute, though I don't want you to know that.
I'm not sure about the story of some mysterious someone, and it's not important, and there is no such person in the first place, next!
I'm not sure I'm the only one who's been there.

I'm thinking, "Don't worry, I don't have any problem with that. I'm going to tell her with a few words.
How good-natured could he be? I've only met him here before, so what would it change about Shiki if he trusted me?
I was surprised to see Shiki's face return to a calm expression, "Everything's fine.

What do you mean? The most important thing to remember is that the best way to get the most out of your money is to be honest with yourself.
The first thing to do is to get a good look at the newest version of the game. The most important thing is that you should be able to find the right one for your needs.
Minoru, what's wrong?"
The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take your eyes off of the road.

Siki turns around 90 degrees to get in front of me, "No, no, hey," I turn around another 90 degrees, another 90 degrees, "What's wrong?
Shiki chased after him, not 90 degrees, but 180 degrees in the opposite direction.
Siki is right in front of me, smiling. I was beaten. I don't hear anything. The wind blows quietly. But there's a low-mid tone in the back of my ear, a thud.
I waited and looked at him for a few seconds, but he just kept smiling and didn't move.
No, say something. I'm still waiting for Minoru's turn to speak.
I'm not sure what to think. I was wondering about that. I couldn't help but speak up. I don't care about anything anymore.
What is it? What was I worried about, what was I getting upset about? I forgot.
I don't care what it's about anymore. I want to ask you something, okay?
I've been waiting for you," Shiki answered in an elegant pose, as if she was trying to be gracious or something, but I don't know what.
Finally, I could ask.
I don't know what it is anymore," she said, "I don't remember.
It's probably about this book, isn't it?
No, it's too soon! I was a little surprised," she said, forgetting that he had won or lost.
Was I wrong?" I was so excited that I was surprised to see her.
Shiki smiled a little bit without saying anything, and then she corrected her posture and voice a little exaggeratedly.
I don't know if this expression conveys the message.
'Well, then, let me answer your question.
This is a book of notes written by the author of a story. Some were stories, some were poems, some were the author's wishes for the world in which she lived, and some were her dissatisfaction.
 Siki's reaction came back to me in a way I had not expected. I'm a little startled because Siki came toward me a step before.
I'm not sure what the point of much of what she writes here is, but it's memorable in some way. For example, in a story like a fairy tale, there is a centipede that is a good dancer. They turned and stepped on a hundred feet. The animals in the forest who were watching us applauded.
But one day Frog didn't like it, so she wrote me a letter and asked me. Like the order of the dancing feet, or the balance, or the timing of each one.
But the centipede only danced because it was fun," Siki said, looking unusually happy. No, he's usually cheerful, but something about him seems to put a little bit of heat into it.
 I mean, you can open the book and show it to them, but you don't have to come near them, they said, close.
Centipede likes to dance because it's fun. So I can't answer that question because I don't think about which foot goes first, or after, or in what order, or anything like that. Siki reads the frog's letter and thinks, "How many feet did the centipede put up, and what was the next one, the 55th, the 12th, the 23rd, or the 19th?"
 Siki stares at me. Or is it a quiz?
No, I don't understand. I mean, it's part of the story, right?"
Yes," she says, "but I don't know in the middle of the story. But I don't understand the middle of the story. It seems to be a story that the author told at a lecture, and the topic changed in the middle of the story. I don't know what's in the story. But somehow it stays in the back of my mind and won't go away," I suddenly thought. If Centipede keeps reading the letter, he will probably not be able to dance as he is. I don't know if they dance together or if they have friends who might help them. Even if there is such an animal in the first place, it does not mean that it will stay with you.
I guess he will live his life with his 100 legs. I don't really like insects, but I don't see why I should have to spend time with them. ....


(Writter:No.4 ヤヤツカ Photo:No.5 ハルナツ Auful translation:Deep L & No.0)



