
Why do we have two ears?

Hey there. How’s it going? Gentle Gian is here.
Today, I’d love to share an interesting article with you.

A while ago, I read an interesting article online. Unfortunately, I forgot which article and resource that was.

It said, “Listening to others is more important than speaking; that’s why we have two ears but only one mouth.” I definitely agree with that!

Speaking is essential when learning English, but our speaking skills will never improve if we can’t listen.

During online English class, my teacher often says, “I’m so sorry to be talkative.” Honestly, I don’t always think so. I'm sure she makes me improve my English with her speech, rather than that, I enjoy her speaking and thank her.

In the last class, I shared that article with her and said, “Don’t worry about that!” If she’ll have two mouths, I need another two ears, though. Just kidding!

That’s all for today. See you around.

