
Harry Potter

Hello, there.
How was your week?

I have had complex feelings for the last few days and considered the origin myself.

The theme park of “Harry Potter” opened nearby.
I’m sure that the facility is a suitable place to work with communicating in English.
In fact, I saw some foreigners probably sent from the head office of Warner Bros to train new staff near the facility several times.

Since I had the experience of working for an opening staff for the wedding hall, I know how hard but satisfied, and then I wish I could work with them.

However, I’ve never seen the films or read original stories of the Harry Potter series.
In addition, I’m not under the condition to go to work because of family matters.

I had no luck this time for these reasons, but I still feel gloomy.

I have a plan!
I’ll review “Star Wars,” for someday its theme park will open.

That’s all for today and have a wonderful weekend.
See you around.



