政治について About Politics


In Japan, the birth rate of the junior baby boomers is remarkably poor.


This is the result of a government that has favored the richest 1% at the expense of the 99% of the general population.


The government has been pumping money into the stock market to manipulate stock prices and make them higher. This has allowed some of the richest people (elderly politicians, second-generation lawmakers, and those who grew up in families that benefited from them, got into good universities, and became lawmakers) who were able to buy good stocks early on to have more money, at the expense of the hard-working salarymen and younger generations who could not. Some of the rich people were able to buy their own shares. Some of the rich are playing politics to protect their own assets and will stop anything that could destroy their advantage, such as basic income.


As a result, the future of Japan could be a good example of how the 99% of the population gradually disappears with each generation, falling from one of the richest countries in the world to one of the poorest.


Japanese cars will no longer disappear from the world. This is because shared, self-driving, flying cars will appear in a few years. This will save a lot of money in road maintenance (highways and bridges), traffic control (traffic lights, police officers, etc.), and wasted land for parking. This will reduce the cost of road maintenance (highways and bridges), traffic control (traffic lights, policemen, etc.), wasted land for parking, etc., so much so that even a basic income will pay for itself.


The wealthy have abandoned Japan and found a new country full of foolish sacrifices where they can do the same thing all over again. Let's see what they do now. They are steadily preparing for it.


We should immediately stop voting for well-educated and well-off politicians who grew up in wealthy environments. They are on the side of the 1% who prey on the 99%.


Vote for politicians who list policies that put money in the hands of the 99%, such as basic income. Then check their activities and if they fail to achieve them, never vote for that liar again.


Don't be fooled by their nonsense that such a policy will lead to chaos, inflation, or some other bad direction for the country. Japan has the best computers in the world. It has been for many years. The fact that they have not been able to simulate the situation is either a fact that does not suit them, or they are incompetent enough to not come up with the idea of doing a simulation.


I like games, and I often play online multiplayer games. In all of them, when the gap between the players increases, the game collapses and no one plays it anymore. The results have already been proven and are obvious.
