
Itchy #27

     Am I the only one whose leg itches when I run for about one minute?  Am I the only one whose butt itches when I slide down a slide with rollers?
     My legs started to itch when I was running  in P.E. class in high school.  At first I thought I had some kind of disease because nobody around me had the same symptom as I had.  The Internet told me that I seemed to have lack of exercise.  But that didn't make sense because I played baseball very hard every day then.
     According to an article on the Internet, people who don't exercise much have bad blood circulation.  A hard exercise like running marathon makes the blood flow faster, and that makes the human body itch badly.  Now I have a lot of sedentary work.  I hope there would be an easy way to solve this problem.


Am I the only one?「私だけ?」 itch「かゆくなる」 
butt「おしり」  slide「滑り台」
disease「病気」  symptom「症状」
lack of exercise「運動不足」  
make sense「わかる、納得する、つじつまが合う」
according to ~「〜によると」  article「記事」
blood circulation「血液循環、血流」  sedentary「座って行う」