




 有機分子のコンピュータ・グラフィックスを扱った本として、佐藤健太郎『有機化学美術館へようこそ』 技術評論社(2007年)があります。当マガジン高校化学有機分子結晶美術展を始めるうえで、本書『有機化学美術館へようこそ』から重要な影響を受けました。

書籍案内:有機化学美術館へようこそ――分子の世界の造形とドラマ #gihyojp http://bit.ly/LUHNuQ



 本書では、登場する分子の構造をほとんど全て立体的なコンピュータグラフィックスで表示しています。これらはアクセルリス社製の化合物ビューワ「Weblab Viewer 3.2」と、Elsevier MDL社の「ISIS/Draw」(いずれもMacOS9用)というフリーソフトを組み合わせて作成しました。
 Weblab Viewewは非常に優れたソフトなのですが、構造の最適化までは行ってくれません。従って表示されている分子のコンフォメーションは、必ずしも現実の分子と一致するものではないことをお断りしておきます。( p.10)




 これにより、既報の結晶構造解析データを、かなり利用しやすくなりました。実際、note記事を作成するにあたり、私はAccess Structuresのページ(https://www.ccdc.cam.ac.uk/structures/)を利用させていただいています。

 ただ、既報の結晶構造解析データを利用するにあたり、いくつか困難な点もあります。ある分子について、結晶データの報告がない場合もありますし(例えば、エチルメチルエーテル)、探すのが難しく、本当は存在していても、見付けられなかったり、見つけるのにかなり時間がかかったりします。結晶中で水素原子が表示されなかったり(cf. 文部科学省 元素戦略プロジェクト シリーズ「極限に挑む」 第1回「水素を見る」)、分子の配列の仕方が整っていない場合(ディスオーダー)こともあります。例えば、Beskeらは、彼らの論文(2021)で、以下のように記述しています。

Even today, there are simple chemical compounds for which the crystal structures are not known. The reasons for this deficiency in knowledge include synthetic difficulties, complex phase behaviour, instability in a vacuum and under an inert atmosphere, lack of single crystals, unusual or ambiguous space groups, and disorder.
cf.  Beske, Maurice; Cronje, Stephanie; Schmidt, Martin U.; Tapmeyer,  Lukas. Disordered sodium alkoxides from powder data: Crystal structures of sodium ethoxide, propoxide, butoxide and pentoxide, and some of their solvates. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 2021, Vol. 77, No. 1, 68–82, doi:10.1107/S205252062001584X.


 参考文献の書き方は、SIST 科学技術情報流通技術基準 に準拠しました。

Ⅰ. アルカン

1. メタン CH₄

1-1. メタンハイドレート (CH₄)(H₂O)₄

Cao, Xiaoxiao; Huang, Yingying; Jiang, Xue; Su, Yan; Zhao, Jijun. Phase diagram of water–methane by first-principles thermodynamics: Discovery of MH-IV and MH-V hydrates. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017, Vol. 19, No. 24, pp. 15996–16002, doi:10.1039/C7CP01147D.

1-2. ニッケル(II)=2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-オクタエチルポルフィリン・C₆₀フラーレン・メタン・クラスレート・ベンゼン和物 NiC₃₆H₄₄N₄·C₆₀·CH₄·C₆H₆

Bloodworth, Sally; Sitinova, Gabriela; Alom, Shamim; Vidal, Sara; Bacanu, George R.; Elliott, Stuart J.; Light, Mark E.; Herniman, Julie M.; Langley, G. John; Levitt, Malcolm H.; Whitby, Richard J. First synthesis and characterization of CH₄@C₆₀. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2019, Vol. 58, No. 15, pp. 5038–5043, doi:10.1002/anie.201900983.

2. ハロメタン CHₙX₄₋ₙ

2-1. クロロメタン CH₃Cl

Burbank, Robinson D. The crystal structure of methyl chloride at -125°. 
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2-2. ジクロロメタン CH₂Cl₂

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2-3. クロロホルム CHCl₃

Yufit, D. S. ; Howarda, J. A. K. Low-melting molecular complexes of chloroform. CrystEngComm. 2010, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 737–741, doi:10.1039/B914851E.

2-4. テトラクロロメタン CCl₄

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2-5. ヨードホルム CHI₃

Bertolotti, Federica; Gervasio, Giuliana. Crystal structure of iodoform at 106 K and of the adduct CHI₃⋅3(C₉H₇N). Iodoform as a building block of co-crystals. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2013, Vol. 1036, pp. 305–310, doi:10.1016/j.molstruc.2012.11.016.

2-6. ヨードホルム・八硫黄 CHI₃·S₈

Wolstenholme, David J.; Robertson, Katherine N.; Gonzalez, Eduardo Mesa; Cameron, T. Stanley. A topological investigation of the nonlinear optical compound:  Iodoform octasulfur. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2006, Vol. 110, No. 46, pp. 12636–12643, doi:10.1021/jp064181o.

3. エタン C₂H₆

Nes, Gerard J. H. van; Vos, Aafje. Single-crystal structures and electron density distributions of ethane, ethylene and acetylene. I. Single-crystal X-ray structure determinations of two modifications of ethane. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1978, Vol. 34, No. 6, 1947–1956, doi:10.1107/S0567740878007037.

3-1. 1,2-ジブロモエタン・7,16-(2,3-アントラセノ)-7,16-ジヒドロヘプタセン 3C₂H₄Br₂·C₄₄H₂₆

Bhola, Radha; Payamyar, Payam; Murray, Daniel J.; Kumar, Bharat; Teator, Aaron J.; Schmidt, Martin U.; Hammer, Sonja M.; Saha, Animesh; Sakamoto, Junji; Schlüter, A. Dieter; King, Benjamin T. A two-dimensional polymer from the anthracene dimer and triptycene motifs. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2013, Vol. 135, No. 38, pp. 14134–14141, doi:10.1021/ja404351p.

4. プロパン C₃H₈

Boese, Roland; Weiss, Hans-Christoph; Bläser, Dieter. The melting point alternation in the short-chain n-alkanes: Single-crystal X-ray analyses of propane at 30 K and of n-butane to n-nonane at 90 K. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 1999, Vol. 38, No. 7, pp. 988–992, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1521-3773(19990401)38:7%3C988::AID-ANIE988%3E3.0.CO;2-0.

5. ブタン C₄H₁₀

Boese, Roland; Weiss, Hans-Christoph; Bläser, Dieter. The melting point alternation in the short-chain n-alkanes: Single-crystal X-ray analyses of propane at 30 K and of n-butane to n-nonane at 90 K. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 1999, Vol. 38, No. 7, pp. 988–992, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1521-3773(19990401)38:7%3C988::AID-ANIE988%3E3.0.CO;2-0.

6. ヘキサン C₆H₁₄

Boese, Roland; Weiss, Hans-Christoph; Bläser, Dieter. The melting point alternation in the short-chain n-alkanes: Single-crystal X-ray analyses of propane at 30 K and of n-butane to n-nonane at 90 K. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 1999, Vol. 38, No. 7, pp. 988–992, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1521-3773(19990401)38:7%3C988::AID-ANIE988%3E3.0.CO;2-0.

7. オクタン C₈H₁₈

Boese, Roland; Weiss, Hans-Christoph; Bläser, Dieter. The melting point alternation in the short-chain n-alkanes: Single-crystal X-ray analyses of propane at 30 K and of n-butane to n-nonane at 90 K. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 1999, Vol. 38, No. 7, pp. 988–992, doi:10.1002/(SICI)1521-3773(19990401)38:7%3C988::AID-ANIE988%3E3.0.CO;2-0.

Ⅱ. シクロアルカン

1. シクロブタン C₄H₈

Stein, Alice; Lehmann, Christian W.; Luger, Peter. Crystal structure of cyclobutane at 117 K. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 1992, Vol. 114, No. 20, pp. 7684–7687, doi:10.1021/ja00046a012.

2. シクロペンタン C₅H₁₀

Torrisi, Antonio; Leech, Charlotte K.; Shankland, Kenneth; David, William I. F.; Ibberson, Richard M.; Benet-Buchholz, Jordi; Boese, Roland; Leslie, Maurice; Catlow, C. Richard A.; Price, Sarah L. Solid phases of cyclopentane: Combined experimental and simulation study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2008, Vol. 112, No. 12, pp. 3746–3758, doi:10.1021/jp710017y.

3. シクロヘキサン C₆H₁₂

Kahn, Richard; Fourme, Roger; André, Daniel; Renaud, Michel. Crystal structure of cyclohexane I and II. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1973, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 131–138, doi:10.1107/S0567740873002074.

4. ヘキサクロロシクロヘキサン C₆H₆Cl₆

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Ⅲ. アルケン・シクロアルケン

1. エチレン C₂H₄

Nes, Gerard J. H. van; Vos, Aafje. Single-crystal structures and electron density distributions of ethane, ethylene and acetylene. III. Single-crystal X-ray structure determination of ethylene at 85 K. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1979, Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 2593-2601, doi:10.1107/S0567740879009961.

2. プロペン C₃H₆

2-1. プロペン・カテナ-((μ8-2,5-ジオキシド-1,4-ベンゼンジカルボキシラート)-ジ-鉄(Ⅱ) CH·FeC₈O₆

Bloch, Eric D.; Queen, Wendy L.; Krishna, Rajamani; Zadrozny, Joseph M.; Brown, Craig M.; Long, Jeffrey R. Hydrocarbon separations in a metal-organic framework with open Iron(II) coordination sites. Science. 2012, Vol. 335, No. 6076, pp. 1606-1610, doi:10.1126/science.1217544.

3. ブテン C₄H₈

3-1. 1-ブテン・カテナ-[(μ-2,5-ジオキシドベンゼン-1,4-ジカルボキシラト)-ジ-コバルト(II) CH₂=CHCH₂CH₃·CoC₈O₆

Barnett, Brandon R.; Parker, Surya T.; Paley, Maria V.; Gonzalez, Miguel I.; Biggins, Naomi; Oktawiec, Julia; Long, Jeffrey R. Thermodynamic separation of 1-butene from 2-butene in metal–organic frameworks with open metal sites. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2019, Vol. 141, No. 45, pp. 18325–18333, doi:10.1021/jacs.9b09942.

3-2. cis-2-ブテン・カテナ-[(μ-2,5-ジオキシドベンゼン-1,4-ジカルボキシラト)-ジ-コバルト(II) CH₃CH=CHCH₃·CoC₈O₆

Barnett, Brandon R.; Parker, Surya T.; Paley, Maria V.; Gonzalez, Miguel I.; Biggins, Naomi; Oktawiec, Julia; Long, Jeffrey R. Thermodynamic separation of 1-butene from 2-butene in metal–organic frameworks with open metal sites. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2019, Vol. 141, No. 45, pp. 18325–18333, doi:10.1021/jacs.9b09942.

3-3. trans-2-ブテン・カテナ-[(μ-2,5-ジオキシドベンゼン-1,4-ジカルボキシラト)-ジ-コバルト(II) CH₃CH=CHCH₃·CoC₈O₆

Barnett, Brandon R.; Parker, Surya T.; Paley, Maria V.; Gonzalez, Miguel I.; Biggins, Naomi; Oktawiec, Julia; Long, Jeffrey R. Thermodynamic separation of 1-butene from 2-butene in metal–organic frameworks with open metal sites. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2019, Vol. 141, No. 45, pp. 18325–18333, doi:10.1021/jacs.9b09942.

4. シクロヘキセン C₆H₁₀

Ibberson, Richard M.; Telling, Mark T. F.; Parsons, Simon. Crystal structures and glassy phase transition behavior of cyclohexene. Crystal Growth and Design. 2008, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 512–518, doi:10.1021/cg0705512.

Ⅳ. アルキン

1. アセチレン C₂H₂

Sugawara, Tadashi; Kanda, Eizô. The crystal structure of acetylene. I. Science reports of the Research Institutes, Tohoku University. Ser. A, Physics, chemistry and metallurgy. 1952, Vol. 4, pp. 607–614, Permalink: http://hdl.handle.net/10097/26543.

1-1. 銀アセチリド・硝酸銀半水和物 Ag₂C₂·5.5AgNO₃·0.5H₂O

Guo, Guo-Cong; Zhou, Gong-Du; Mak, Thomas C. W. Structural variation in novel double salts of silver acetylide with silver nitrate:  Fully encapsulated acetylide dianion in different polyhedral silver cages. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 1999, Vol. 121, No. 13, pp. 3136–3141, doi:10.1021/ja984117n.

1-2. カルシウムカーバイド CaC₂

Konar, Sumit; Nylén, Johanna; Svensson, Gunnar; Bernin, Diana; Edén, Mattias; Ruschewitz, Uwe; Häussermann, Ulrich. The many phases of CaC₂. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2016, Vol. 239, pp. 204–213, doi:10.1016/j.jssc.2016.04.030.

2. プロピン C₃H₄

2-1. プロピン・APPT-Cd-MOF 2C₃H₄·0.25(C₁₉₂H₁₄₄Cd₄N₄₈)·Cl₂O₈

Jin, Guo-Xia; Wang, Teng; Yue, Tai-Xing; Wang, Xiao-Kang; Dai, Fangna; Wu,  Xiang-Wen; Liu, Qi-Kui; Ma, Jian-Ping. Cd-MOF: Specific adsorption selectivity for linear alkyne (propyne, 2-butyne and phenylacetylene) molecules. Chemical Communications. 2021, Vol. 57, No. 98, pp. 13325–13328, doi:10.1039/D1CC05316G.

3. ブチン C₄H₆

3-1. 2-ブチン・塩化水素 CH₃C≡CCH₃·HCl

Mootz, Dietrich; Deeg, Axel. 2-Butyne and hydrogen chloride cocrystallized: Solid-state geometry of Cl–H···π hydrogen bonding to the carbon–carbon triple bond. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 1992, Vol. 114, No. 14, pp. 5887–5888, doi:10.1021/ja00040a077.

Ⅴ. 脂肪族アルコール

1. メタノール CH₃OH

Kirchner, Michael T.; Das, Dinabandhu; Boese, Roland. Cocrystallization with acetylene: Molecular complex with methanol. Crystal Growth and Design. 2008, Vol.8, No. 3, pp. 763–765, doi:10.1021/cg0701877.

1-2. メタノール・クロロホルム CH₃OH·CHCl₃

Yufit, D. S. ; Howarda, J. A. K. Low-melting molecular complexes of chloroform. CrystEngComm. 2010, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 737–741, doi:10.1039/B914851E.

2. エタノール C₂H₅OH

McMullan, R. K.; Kvick, Å.; Popelier, P. Structures of cubic and orthorhombic phases of acetylene by single-crystal neutron diffraction. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1992, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 726–731, doi:10.1107/S0108768192004774.

2-1. ナトリウムエトキシド二エタノール和物 C₂H₅ONa·2C₂H₅OH

Beske, Maurice; Cronje, Stephanie; Schmidt, Martin U.; Tapmeyer,  Lukas. Disordered sodium alkoxides from powder data: Crystal structures of sodium ethoxide, propoxide, butoxide and pentoxide, and some of their solvates. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 2021, Vol. 77, No. 1, pp. 68–82, doi:10.1107/S205252062001584X.

3. プロパノール C₃H₇OH

3-1. ナトリウム=1-プロポキシド二1-プロパノール和物 CH₃(CH₂)₂ONa·2CH₃(CH₂)₂OH

Beske, Maurice; Cronje, Stephanie; Schmidt, Martin U.; Tapmeyer,  Lukas. Disordered sodium alkoxides from powder data: Crystal structures of sodium ethoxide, propoxide, butoxide and pentoxide, and some of their solvates. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 2021, Vol. 77, No. 1, pp. 68–82, doi:10.1107/S205252062001584X.

3-2. 1-プロパノール・モノ-2-O-(メシチルスルホニル)-α-シクロデキストリン九水和物 2CH₃(CH₂)₂OH·C₄₅H₆₀O₃₂S·9H₂O

Bolte, M. CCDC 234763: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. CSD Communication. 2004, doi:10.5517/cc7w90d.

3-3. 1-プロパノール・ビタミンB₁₂十二水和物 3CH₃(CH₂)₂OH·C₆₃H₈₈CoN₁₄O₁₄P·12H₂O

Dittrich, Birger; Koritsanszky, Tibor; Volkov, Anatoliy; Mebs, Stefan; Luger, Peter. Novel approaches to the experimental charge density of Vitamin B₁₂. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2007, Vol. 46, No. 16, pp. 2935–2938, doi:10.1002/anie.200603901.

3-4. 2-プロパノール CH₃CH(OH)CH₃

Ridout, Joe; Probert, Michael R. Low-temperature and high-pressure polymorphs of isopropyl alcohol. CrystEngComm. 2014, Vol. 16, No. 32, pp. 7397–7400, doi:10.1039/C4CE01012D.

4. ブタノール C₄H₉OH

4-1. 1-ブタノール CH₃(CH₂)₃OH

Derollez, Patrick; Hédoux, Alain; Guinet, Yannick; Danède, Florence; Paccou, Laurent. Structure determination of the crystalline phase of n-butanol by powder X-ray diffraction and study of intermolecular associations by Raman spectroscopy. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 2013, Vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 195–202, doi:10.1107/S2052519213004843.

4-2. 2-ブタノール CH₃CH(OH)CH₂CH₃

Podsiadło, Marcin; Patyk, Ewa; Katrusiak, Andrzej. Chiral aggregation hierarchy in high-pressure resolved 2-butanol and 2,3-butanediol. CrystEngComm. 2012, Vol. 14, No. 20, pp. 6419–6423, doi:10.1039/C2CE25372K.

4-3. 2-メチル-2-プロパノール (CH₃)₃COH

McGregor, Pamela A.; Allan, David R.; Parsons, Simon; Clark, Stewart J. Hexamer formation in tertiary butyl alcohol (2-methyl-2-propanol, C₄H₁₀O). Acta Crystallographica Section B. 2006, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp. 599–605, doi:10.1107/S0108768106015424.

4-4. 2-メチル-1-プロパノール (CH₃)₂CHCH₂OH

Görbitz, Carl Henrik. L-Leucyl-L-leucine 2-methyl-1-propanol solvate. Acta Crystallographica Section C. 1999, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 670–672, doi:10.1107/S0108270198016369.

5. エチレングリコール HOCH₂CH₂OH

Boese, R.; Weiss, H.-C. 1,2-Ethanediol (ethylene glycol) at 130K. Acta Crystallographica Section C. 1998, Vol. 54, No. 6, p. IUC9800024, doi:10.1107/S0108270198099624.

6. グリセリン HOCH₂CH(OH)CH₂OH

Kusukawa, Takahiro; Niwa, Genki; Sasaki, Takato; Oosawa, Ryosuke; Himeno, Wataru; Kato, Masahiro. Observation of a hydrogen-bonded 3D structure of crystalline glycerol. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 2013, Vol. 86, No. 3, pp. 351–353, doi:10.1246/bcsj.20120300.

Ⅵ. エーテル

1. ジメチルエーテル (CH₃)₂O

Vojinović, Krunoslav; Losehand, Udo; Mitzel, Norbert W. Dichlorosilane–dimethyl ether aggregation: a new motif in halosilane adduct formation. Dalton Transactions. 2004, No. 16, pp. 2578–2581, doi:10.1039/B405684A.

2. ジエチルエーテル (C₂H₅)₂O

André, Daniel; Fourme, Roger; Zechmeister, Klaus. Crystal and molecular structure of diethyl ether at 128°K. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1972, Vol. 28, No. 8, pp. 2389–2395, doi:10.1107/S0567740872006181.

Ⅶ. 脂肪族アルデヒド・ケトン

1. ホルムアルデヒド HCHO

Weng, S.-X.; Torrie, B. H.; Powell, B. M. The crystal structure of formaldehyde. Molecular Physics. 1989, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 25–31, doi:10.1080/00268978900101941.

1-1. ホルムアルデヒド・アセチレン HCHO·C₂H₂

Kirchner, Michael T.; Bläser, Dieter; Boese, Roland. Co-crystals with acetylene: small is not simple! Chemistry—A European Journal. 2010, Vol.16, No. 7, pp. 2131–2146, doi:10.1002/chem.200901314.

2. アセトアルデヒド CH₃CHO

Lv, Huan; Zhu, Lei; Tang, Yi-Qiang; Lu, Jian-Mei. Structure–activity relationship of N-heterocyclic carbene–Pd(II)–imidazole complexes in Suzuki–Miyaura coupling between 4-methoxyphenyl chloride and phenylboronic acid. Applied Organometallic Chemistry. 2013, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 27–31, doi:10.1002/aoc.3053.

3. プロピオンアルデヒド CH₃CH₂CHO

Maynard-Casely, Helen E.; Yevstigneyev, Nikita S.; Duyker, Samuel G.; Ennis, Courtney. The crystal structure, thermal expansion and far-IR spectrum of propanal (CH₃CH₂CHO) determined using powder X-ray diffraction, neutron scattering, periodic DFT and synchrotron techniques. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2022, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 122–128, doi:10.1039/D1CP04477J.

4. アセトン (CH₃)₂CO

Allan, David R.; Clark, Stewart J.; Ibberson, Richard M.; Parsons, Simon; Pulham, Colin R.; Sawyer, Lindsay. The influence of pressure and temperature on the crystal structure of acetone. Chemical Communications. 1999, No. 8, pp. 751–752, doi:10.1039/A900558G.

Ⅷ. 脂肪族カルボン酸・エステル・塩・酸無水物

1. ギ酸 HCOOH

Albinati, A.; Rouse, K. D.; Thomas, M. W. Neutron powder diffraction analysis of hydrogen-bonded solids. II. Structural study of formic acid at 4.5 K. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1978, Vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 2188–2190, doi10.1107/S0567740878007700.

1-1. ギ酸・フッ化水素 HCOOH·HF

Wiechert, Dirk; Mootz, Dietrich; Dahlems, Thomas. The formic acid 1D array with H bonds all reversed:  Structure of a cocrystal with hydrogen fluoride. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 1997, Vol. 119, No. 51, pp. 12665–12666, doi:10.1021/ja972337f.

2. 酢酸 CH₃COOH

Dawson, Alice; Allan, David R.; Parsons, Parsons; Ruf, Michael. Use of a CCD diffractometer in crystal structure determinations at high pressure. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 2004, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 410–416, doi:10.1107/S0021889804007149.

2-1. 酢酸エチル CH₃COOC₂H₅

Boese, A. Daniel; Kirchner, Michael; Echeverria, Gustavo A.; Boese, Roland. Ethyl acetate: X-ray, solvent and computed structures. ChemPhysChem. 2013, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 799–804, doi10.1002/cphc.201200724.

2-2. 酢酸ナトリウム三水和物 CH₃COONa·3H₂O

Cameron, T. Stanley; Mannan, Kh. M.; Rahman, Md. Obaidur. The crystal structure of sodium acetate trihydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1976, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 87–90, doi:10.1107/S0567740876002367.

2-3.  酢酸カルシウム一水和物 Ca(CH₃COO)₂·H₂O

Klop, E. A.; Schouten, A.; Sluis, P. van der; Spek, A. L. Structure of calcium acetate monohydrate, Ca(CH₃COO)₂·H₂O. Acta Crystallographica Section C. 1984, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 51–53, doi:10.1107/S0108270184002985.

2-4. 無水酢酸 (CH₃COO)₂O

Seidel, Rüdiger W.; Goddard, Richard; Nöthling, Nils; Lehmann, Christian W. Acetic anhydride at 100 K: the first crystal structure determination. Acta Crystallographica Section C. 2016, Vol. 72, No. 10, pp. 753–757, doi:10.1107/S2053229616015047.

3. プロピオン酸 CH₃CH₂COOH

Strieter, Frederick J.; Templeton, David H.; Scheuerman, Ronald F.; Sass, Ronald L. The crystal structure of propionic acid. Acta Crystallographica. 1962, Vol. 15, No. 12, pp. 1233–1239, doi:10.1107/S0365110X62003278.

4. 酪酸 CH₃(CH₂)₂COOH

4-1. 酪酸・シテナミド CH₃(CH₂)₂COOH·C₁₆H₁₃NO

Johnston, Andrea; Florence, Alastair J.; Fabbiani, Francesca J. A.; Shankland, Kenneth; Bedford, Colin T. Cytenamide-butyric acid (1/1). Acta Crystallographica Section E. 2008, Vol. 64, No. 10, pp. o1295–o1296, doi:10.1107/S1600536808018059.

5. シュウ酸 (COOH)₂

Derissen, J. L.; Smith, P. H. Refinement of the crystal structures of anhydrous α- and β-oxalic acids. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1974, Vol. 30, No. 9, pp. 2240–2242, doi:10.1107/S0567740874006820.

5-1. シュウ酸二水和物 (COOH)₂·2H₂O

Ahmed, F. R.; Cruickshank, D. W. J. A refinement of the crystal structure analyses of oxalic acid dihydrate. Acta Crystallographica. 1953, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 385–392, doi:10.1107/S0365110X53001083.

5-2. シュウ酸ナトリウム (COONa)₂

Reed, D. A.; Olmstead, M. M. Sodium oxalate structure refinement. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1981, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 938–939, doi:10.1107/S0567740881004676.

5-3. シュウ酸カルシウム三水和物 CaC₂O₄·3H₂O

Blom, N. S.; Kanters, J. A.; Heijnen, W. M. M. Calcium oxalate trihydrate, CaC₂O₄·3H₂O. Crystal Structure Communications. 1981, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1283–1288.

5-4. シュウ酸水素アンモニウム半水和物 NH₄HC₂O₄·0.5H₂O

Küppers, H. The crystal structure of ammonium hydrogen oxalate hemihydrate. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1973, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 318–327, doi:10.1107/S0567740873002402.

5-5. シュウ酸・シュウ酸水素アンモニウム二水和物 (COOH)₂·NH₄H(COO)₂·2H₂O

Currie, M.; Speakman, J. C.; Curry, N. A. The crystal structures of the acid salts of some dibasic acids. Part I. A neutron-diffraction study of ammonium (and potassium) tetroxalate. Journal of the Chemical Society A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical. 1967, pp. 1862–1869, doi:10.1039/J19670001862.

5-6. ビス(シュウ酸水素)ヘキサメチレンジアンモニウム一水和物 (CH₂CH₂CH₂NH₃)₂H(COO)₂·H₂O

Vijayalakshmi, J.; Srinivasan, R. The structure of hexamethylenediammonium bis(monohydrogen oxalate) monohydrate, C₆H₁₈N₂²⁺.2C₂HO₄⁻.H₂O. Acta Crystallographica Section C. 1983, Vol. 39, No. 7, pp. 908–909, doi:10.1107/S0108270183006812.

6. グルタル酸 HOOC(CH₂)₃COOH

6-1. グルタル酸・グリシン HOOC(CH₂)₃COOH·H₃N⁺CH₂COO⁻

Losev, Evgeniy A.; Zakharov, Boris A.; Drebushchak, Tatiana N.; Boldyreva, Elena V. Glycinium semi-malonate and a glutaric acid-glycine cocrystal: New structures with short O-H...O hydrogen bonds. Acta Crystallographica Section C. 2011, Vol. 67, No. 8, pp. o297–o300, doi:10.1107/s0108270111024620.

7. アジピン酸 HOOC(CH₂)₄COOH

Gopalan, R. Srinivasa; Kumaradhas, P.; Kulkarni, G. U. Structural phase transition in adipic acid. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 1999, Vol. 148, No. 1, pp. 129–134, doi:10.1006/jssc.1999.8397.

7-1. アジピン酸・尿素 HOOC(CH₂)COOH·CO(NH₂)₂

Chang, Hai-Sheng; Lin, Jian-Li. Urea–adipic acid (2/1). Acta Crystallographica
Section E. 2011, Vol. 67, No. 6, p. o1317, doi:10.1107/S1600536811015273.

8. マレイン酸 cis-C₂H₂(COOH)₂

James, M. N. G.; Williams, G. J. B. A refinement of the crystal structure of maleic acid. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1974, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 1249–1257, doi:10.1107/S0567740874004626.

8-1. L-リシンマレイン酸水素塩 HOOCCH=CHCOO⁻H₃N⁺CH(CH₂CH₂CH₂CH₂NH₃⁺)COO⁻

Pratap, J. V.; Ravishankar, R.;  Vijayan, M. X-ray studies on crystalline complexes involving amino acids and peptides. XXXV. Invariance and variability in amino acid aggregation in the complexes of maleic acid with L-histidine and L-­lysine. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 2000, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp. 690–696, doi:10.1107/S0108768100002202.

8-2. 無水マレイン酸 (CHCO)₂O

Lutz, Martin. Maleic anhydride, redetermination at 130 K. Acta Crystallographica Section E. 2001, Vol. 57, No. 11, pp. o1136–o1138, doi:10.1107/S1600536801017962.

9. フマル酸 trans-C₂H₂(COOH)₂

Brown, C. J. The crystal structure of fumaric acid. Acta Crystallographica. 1966, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 1–5, doi:10.1107/S0365110X66002226.

9-1. フマル酸・エテンザミド trans-C₂H₂(COOH)₂·C₉H₁₁NO₂

Aitipamula, Srinivasulu; Wong, Annie B. H.; Chowa, Pui Shan; Tan, Reginald B. H. Pharmaceutical cocrystals of ethenzamide: Structural, solubility and dissolution studies. CrystEngComm. 2012, Vol. 14, No. 24, pp. 8515–8524, doi:10.1039/C2CE26325D.

10. ポリ(メタクリル酸メチル )(CH₂=C(CH₃)COOCH₃)ₙ

Kusanagi, Hiroshi; Chatani, Yozo; Tadokoro, Hiroyuki. The crystal structure of isotactic poly(methyl methacrylate): Packing-mode of double stranded helices. Polymer. 1994, Vol. 35, No. 10, pp. 2028–2039, doi:10.1016/0032-3861(94)90224-0.

11. ステアリン酸 C₁₇H₃₅COOH

Kaneko, Fumitoshi; Kobayashi, Masamichi; Kitagawa, Yasuyuki; Matsuura, Yoshiki. Structure of stearic acid E form. Acta Crystallographica Section C. 1990, Vol. 46, No. 8, pp. 1490–1492, doi:10.1107/S0108270189012679.

12. トリステアリン酸グリセリル C₃H₅(C₁₈H₃₅O₂)₃

Langevelde, A. van; Peschar, R.; Schenk, H. Structure of β-trimyristin and β-tristearin from high-resolution X-ray powder diffraction data. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 2001, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 372–377, doi:10.1107/S0108768100019121.

Ⅸ. 硫酸エステル・硝酸エステル

1. ドデシル硫酸ナトリウム C₁₂H₂₅OSO₃Na

Smith, L. A.; Hammond, R. B.; Roberts, K. J.; Machin, D.; McLeod, G. Determination of the crystal structure of anhydrous sodium dodecyl sulphate using a combination of synchrotron radiation powder diffraction and molecular modelling techniques. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2000, Vol. 554, No. 2–3, pp. 173–182, doi:10.1016/S0022-2860(00)00666-9.

1-1. ドデシル硫酸ナトリウム一水和物 C₁₂H₂₅OSO₃Na·H₂O

Coiro, V. M.; Manigrasso, M.; Mazza, F.; Pochetti, G. Structure of a triclinic phase of sodium dodecyl sulfate monohydrate. A comparison with other sodium dodecyl sulfate crystal phases. Acta Crystallographica Section C. 1987, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 850–854, doi:10.1107/S010827018709382X.

2. ニトログリセリン C₃H₅(NO₃)₃

Espenbetov, A. A.; Antipin, M. Yu.; Struchkov, Yu. T.; Philippov, V. A.; Tsirel'son, V. G.; Ozerov, R. P.;  Svetlov, B. S. Structure of 1,2,3-propanetriol trinitrate (β Modification), C₃H₅N₃O₉. Acta Crystallographica Section C. 1984, Vol. 40, No. 12, pp. 2096–2098, doi:10.1107/S0108270184010775.

Ⅹ. 脂肪族アミン

1. ヘキサメチレンジアミン H₂N(CH₂)₆NH₂

Binnie, W. P.; Robertson, J. Monteath. The crystal structure of hexamethylenediamine. Acta Crystallographica. 1950, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 424–429, doi:10.1107/S0365110X50001245.

Ⅺ. 脂肪族ニトリル

1. アセトニトリル CH₃CN

1-1. アセトニトリル・アセチレン CH₃CN·C₂H₂

Kirchner, Michael T.; Bläser, Dieter; Boese, Roland. Co-crystals with acetylene: small is not simple! Chemistry—A European Journal. 2010, Vol.16, No. 7, pp. 2131–2146, doi:10.1002/chem.200901314.

Ⅻ. 脂肪族アミド

1. ε-カプロラクタム C₆H₁₁NO

Winkler, F. K.; Dunitz, J. D. Medium-ring compounds. XIX. Caprolactam: structure refinement. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1975, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 268–269, doi:10.1107/S0567740875002440.

XⅢ. ヒドロキシ酸


Yang, Jingxiang; Hu, Chunhua T.; Reiter, Ethan; Kahr, Bart. Ambient L-lactic acid crystal polymorphism. CrystEngComm. 2021, Vol. 23, No. 14, pp. 2644–2647, doi:10.1039/D1CE00285F.


Okaya, Y.; Stemple, N. R.; Kay, M. I. Refinement of the structure of D-tartaric acid by X-ray and neutron diffraction. Acta Crystallography. 1966, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 237–243, doi:10.1107/S0365110X66002664.

2-1. (+)-酒石酸ナトリウムアンモニウム四水和物 NaNH₄OOCCH(OH)CH(OH)COO·4H₂O

Kuroda, Reiko; Mason, Stephen F. Crystal structures of dextrorotatory and racemic sodium ammonium tartrate. Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions. 1981, No. 6, pp. 1268–1273, doi:10.1039/DT9810001268.

XⅣ. 脂肪族アミノ酸

1. グリシン H₃N⁺CH₂COO⁻

Iitaka, Yoichi. The crystal structure of γ-glycine. Acta Crystallographica. 1961, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 1–10, doi:10.1107/S0365110X61000012.

2. アラニン H₃N⁺CH(CH₃)COO⁻

Simpson, Harry J. Jr.; Marsh, Richard E. The crystal structure of L-alanine. Acta Crystallographica. 1966, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 550–555, doi:10.1107/S0365110X66001221.

3. セリン H₃N⁺CH(CH₂OH)COO⁻

2-1. セリン・過酸化水素 H₃N⁺CH(CH₂OH)COO⁻·H₂O₂

Churakov, Andrei V.; Prikhodchenko, Petr V.; Howard, Judith A. K.; Lev, Ovadia. Glycine and l-serine crystalline perhydrates. Chemical Communications. 2009, No. 28, pp. 4224–4226, doi:10.1039/B906801E.

XⅤ. 糖

1. α-D-グルコース C₆H₁₂O₆

Brown, George M.; Levy, Henri A. α-D-Glucose: Precise determination of crystal and molecular structure by neutron-diffraction analysis. Science. 1965, Vol. 147, No. 3661, pp. 1038–1039, doi:10.1126/science.147.3661.1038.b.

2. β-D-グルコース C₆H₁₂O₆

Ferrier, W. G. The crystal and molecular structure of β-D-glucose. Acta Crystallographica. 1963, Vol. 16, No. 10, pp. 1023–1031, doi:10.1107/S0365110X63002693.

3. フルクトース C₆H₁₂O₆

3-1. カテナ-[ビス(μ2-D-フルクトース)-ジアクア-カルシウム二塩化物一水和物] CaCl₂·2C₆H₂O₆·3H₂O

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4. α-マルトース α-C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁

Takusagawa, Fusao; Jacobson, Robert A. The crystal and molecular structure of α-maltose. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1978, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 213–218, doi:10.1107/S0567740878002630.

5. スクロース C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁

Bolte, M.; Amon, M. CCDC 156796: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. CSD Communication. 2001, doi:10.5517/cc584yh.

6. セルロース (C₆H₁₀O₅)ₙ

Nishiyama, Yoshiharu; Langan, Paul; Chanzy, Henri. Crystal structure and hydrogen-bonding system in cellulose Iβ from synchrotron X-ray and neutron fiber diffraction. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2002, Vol. 124, No. 31, pp. 9074–9082, doi:10.1021/ja0257319.

XⅥ. 芳香族炭化水素

1. ベンゼン C₆H₆

Piermarini, G. J.; Mighell, A. D.; Weir, C. E.; Block, S. Crystal Structure of Benzene II at 25 Kilobars. Science. 1969, Vol. 165, No. 3899, pp. 1250–1255, doi:10.1126/science.165.3899.1250.

1-1. ベンゼン・エタン C₆H₆·C₂H₆

Maynard-Casely, Helen E.; Hodyss, Robert; Cable, Morgan L.; Vu, Tuan Hoang; Rahm, Martin. A co-crystal between benzene and ethane: A potential evaporite material for Saturn's moon Titan. IUCrJ. 2016, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 192–199, doi:10.1107/S2052252516002815.

1-2. ベンゼン・臭素 C₆H₆·Br₂

Vasilyev, Alexandr V.; Lindeman, Sergey V.; Kochi, Jay K. Molecular structures of the metastable charge-transfer complexes of benzene (and toluene) with bromine as the pre-reactive intermediates in electrophilic aromatic bromination. New Journal of Chemistry, 2002, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 582–592, doi:10.1039/B110169M.

2. トルエン C₆H₅CH₃

Ibberson, R. M.; David, W. I. F.; Prager, M. Accurate determination of hydrogen atom positions in α-toluene by neutron powder diffraction. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications. 1992, No. 19, pp. 1438–1439, doi:10.1039/C39920001438.

2-1. トルエン・臭素 C₆H₅CH₃·Br₂

Vasilyev, Alexandr V.; Lindeman, Sergey V.; Kochi, Jay K. Noncovalent binding of the halogens to aromatic donors. Discrete structures of labile Br₂ complexes with benzene and toluene. Chemical Communications. 2001, No. 10, pp. 909–910, doi:10.1039/B102148F.

3. キシレン C₆H₄(CH₃)₂

3-1. o-キシレン o-C₆H₄(CH₃)

Ibberson, Richard M.; Morrison, Carole; Prager, Michael. Neutron powder and ab initio structure of ortho-xylene: the influence of crystal packing on phenyl ring geometry at 2 K. Chemical Communications. 2000, No. 7, pp. 539–540, doi:10.1039/A908599H.

3-2. m-キシレン m-C₆H₄(CH₃)

Ibberson, R. M.; David, W. I. F.; Parsons, S.; Prager, M.; Shankland, K. The crystal structures of m-xylene and p-xylene, C₈D₁₀, at 4.5 K. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2000, Vol. 524, No. 1–3, pp. 121–128, doi:10.1016/S0022-2860(99)00448-2.

3-3. m-キシレン・アセチレン m-C₆H₄(CH₃)·C₂H₂

Kirchner, Michael T.; Bläser, Dieter; Boese, Roland. Co-crystals with acetylene: Small is not simple! Chemistry—A European Journal. 2010, Vol.16, No. 7, pp. 2131–2146, doi:10.1002/chem.200901314.

3-4. p-キシレン p-C₆H₄(CH₃)

Koningsveld, H. van; Berg, A. J. van den; Jansen, J. C.; Goede, R. de. On a possible substitution of p-xylene by toluene in p-xylene crystals. The crystal structure of p-xylene, C₈H₁₀, at 180 K. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1986, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 491–497, doi:10.1107/S0108768186097847.

4. スチレン C₆H₅CH=CH₂

Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Uekusa, Hidehiro; Ohashi, Yuji. Styrene at 83 K. Acta Crystallographica Section E. 2001, Vol. 57, No. 12, pp. o1189–o1190, doi:10.1107/S1600536801019237.

5. ナフタレン C₁₀H₈

Alt, H. C.; Kalus, J. X-ray powder diffraction investigation of naphthalene up to 0.5 GPa. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1982, Vol. 38, No. 10, pp. 2595–2600, doi:10.1107/S056774088200942X.

5-1. ピクリン酸・ナフタレン C₆H₂OH(NO₂)₃·C₁₀H₈

Banerjee, A.; Brown, C. J. Picric acid-naphthalene 1/1 π complex, C₆H₃N₃O₇.C₁₀H₈. A disordered structure. Acta Crystallographica Section C. 1985, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 82–84, doi:10.1107/S0108270185002840.

6. アントラセン C₁₄H₁₀

Mason, R. The crystallography of anthracene at 95°K and 290°K. Acta Crystallographica. 1964, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 547–555, DOI:10.1107/S0365110X64001281.

XⅦ. ハロゲン化芳香族炭化水素

1. クロロベンゼン C₆H₅Cl

Nath, Naba K.; Naumov, Panče. In situ crystallization and crystal structure determination of chlorobenzene. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. 2015, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 63–66, doi:10.20450/mjcce.2015.682.

1-1. p-ジクロロベンゼン C₆H₄Cl₂

Wheeler, George L.; Colson, Steven D. γ-Phase p-dichlorobenzene at 100 K. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1975, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 911–913, doi:10.1107/S0567740875004098.

2. ブロモベンゼン C₆H₅Br

2-1. フラーレン・ブロモベンゼン C₆₀·C₆H₅Br

Korobov, Mikhail V.; Mirakian, Andrey L.; Avramenko, Natalia V.; Valeev, Eduard F.; Neretin, Ivan S.; Slovokhotov, Yuri L.; Smith, Allan L.; Olofsson, Gerd; Ruoff, Rodney S. C₆₀·bromobenzene solvate:  Crystallographic and thermochemical studies and their relationship to C₆₀ solubility in bromobenzene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 1998, Vol. 102, No. 19, pp. 3712–3717, doi:10.1021/jp9804401.

ⅩⅧ. ニトロ芳香族炭化水素

1. ニトロベンゼン C₆H₅NO₂

Boese, Roland; Bläser, Dieter; Nussbaumer, Michael; Krygowski, Tadeusz Marek. Low temperature crystal and molecular structure of nitrobenzene. Structural Chemistry. 1992, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 363–368, doi:10.1007/BF00678559.

1-1. m-ジニトロベンゼン C₆H₄(NO₂)₂

Trotter, James; Williston, C. S. Bond lengths and thermal vibrations in m-dinitrobenzene. Acta Crystallographica. 1966, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 285–288, doi:10.1107/S0365110X66002767.

1-2.  アゾベンゼン・1,3,5-トリニトロベンゼン C₆H₅N=NC₆H₅·2C₆H₃(NO₂)₃

Barnes, J. C.; Weakley, T. J. R. CCDC 262933: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. CSD Communication. 2005, doi:10.5517/cc8tlqc.

1-3. 2,4,5-トリニトロトルエン CHC₆H₂(NO₂)₃

Carper, W. Robert; Davis, Larry P.; Extine, Michael W. Molecular structure of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 1982, Vol. 86, No. 4, pp. 459–462, doi:10.1021/j100393a009.

1-4. 2,4,6-トリニトロトルエン・アントラセン CH₃C₆H₂(NO₂)₃·C₁₄H₁₀

Landenberger, Kira B.; Matzger, Adam J. Cocrystal engineering of a prototype energetic material: Supramolecular chemistry of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. Crystal Growth & Design. 2010, Vol. 10, No. 12, pp. 5341–5347, doi:10.1021/cg101300n.

ⅩⅨ. 芳香族スルホン酸

1. ベンゼンスルホン酸 C₆H₅SO₃H

Manana, Pholani; Hosten, Eric C.; Betz, Richard. Crystal structure of benzenesulphonic acid. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures. 2021, Vol. 236, No. 1, pp. 97–99, doi:10.1515/ncrs-2020-0391.

1-1. ベンゼンスルホン酸オキソニウム H₃OC₆H₅SO₃

Smit, Jared P. CCDC 2067592: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. CSD Communication. 2021, doi:10.5517/ccdc.csd.cc27dhjp.

1-2. ベンゼンスルホン酸(E)-1-メチル-4-スチリルピリジニウム 1.70C₁₄H₁₄N⁺·0.15C₂₈H₂₈N₂²⁺·2C₆H₅SO₃⁻

Fun, Hoong-Kun; Surasit, Chanasuk; Chanawanno, Kullapa; Chantrapromm, Suchada. 1,1′-Di­methyl-4,4′-[(2,4-di­phenyl­cyclo­butane-1,3-di­yl)dipyridinium–(E)-1-methyl-4-styrylpyridinium–benzene­sulfonate (0.15/1.70/2). Acta Crystallographica Section E. 2009. Vol. 65, No. 10, pp. o2346–o2347, doi:10.1107/S1600536809034588.

1-3. ベンゼンスルホン酸トリフェニルメチルアンモニウム (C₆H₅)₃CNH₃·2C₆H₅SO₃

Tohnai, Norimitsu; Mizobe, Yuji; Doi, Michiko; Sukata, Shin-ichiro; Hinoue, Tomoaki; Yuge, Tetsuharu; Hisaki, Ichiro; Matsukawa, Yozo; Miyata, Mikiji. Well-designed supramolecular clusters comprising triphenylmethylamine and various sulfonic acids. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2007, Vol. 46, No. 13, pp. 2220–2223, doi:10.1002/anie.200603841.

1-4. p-ドデシルベンゼンスルホン酸グアニジウム H₂N=C(NH₂)₂C₁₈H₃₀SO₃

Martin, Stephen M.; Yonezawa, Jun; Horner, Matthew J.; Macosko, Christopher W.; Ward, Michael D. Structure and rheology of hydrogen bond reinforced liquid crystals. Chemistry of Materials. 2004, Vol. 16, No. 16, pp. 3045–3055, doi:10.1021/cm049594l.

XX. フェノール類

1. フェノール C₆H₅OH

Allan, David R.; Clark, Stewart J.; Dawson, Alice; McGregor, Pamela A.; Parsons, Simon. Pressure-induced polymorphism in phenol. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 2002, Vol. 58, No. 6, pp. 1018–1024, doi:10.1107/S0108768102018797.

1-1. 2,4,6-トリブロモフェノール・4-ジメチルアミノピリジニウム=2,4,6-トリブロモフェノキシド C₆H₃Br₃OH·(CH₃)₂NC₅H₄NHC₆H₃Br₃O

Fang, Wei; Ye, Xiaoyun; Zhang, Yuqi; Zhang, Yuting; Jin, Shouwen; Xu, Weiqiang; Wang, Daqi. Nine supramolecular adducts of 4-dimethylaminopyridine and organic acids constructed by classical H-bonds and some noncovalent interactions. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2020, Vol. 1202, pp. 127321–127345, doi:10.1016/j.molstruc.2019.127321.

1-2. ジアンミンビス(2,4,6-トリブロモフェノキシド)銅(II) [Cu(NH₃)₂(C₆H₃Br₃O)₂]

Tatar, Leyla; Gökagac, Gülsün; Ülkü, Dinçer. (2,4,6-tribromophenolato-O)copper(II). Acta Crystallographica Section C. 2000, Vol. 56, No. 6, pp. 668–669, doi:10.1107/S0108270100003966.

2. ナトリウムフェノキシド C₆H₅ONa

Dinnebier, R. E.; Pink, Maren; Sieler, J.; Stephens, P. W. Novel alkali-metal coordination in phenoxides:  Powder diffraction results on C₆H₅OM (M = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs). Inorganic Chemistry. 1997, Vol. 36, No. 16, pp. 3398–3401, doi:10.1021/ic961385i.

Kunert, Michael; Dinjus, Eckhard; Nauck, Maria; Sieler, Joachim. Structure and reactivity of sodium phenoxide - Following the course of the Kolbe-Schmitt reaction. Chemische Berichte. 1997, Vol. 130, No. 10, pp. 1461–1465, doi:10.1002/cber.19971301017.

2-1. ナトリウムフェノキシド一水和物 C₆H₅ONa·H₂O

Sieler, J.; Pink, M.; Zahn, G. Zur Struktur von zwei Hydraten des Natriumphenolats: C₆H₅ONa·H₂O und C₆H₅ONa·3H₂O. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie. 1994, Vol. 620, No. 4, pp. 743–748, doi:10.1002/zaac.19946200427.

2-2. ナトリウムフェノキシド三水和物 C₆H₅ONa·3H₂O

Sieler, J.; Pink, M.; Zahn, G. Zur Struktur von zwei Hydraten des Natriumphenolats: C₆H₅ONa·H₂O und C₆H₅ONa·3H₂O. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie. 1994, Vol. 620, No. 4, pp. 743–748, doi:10.1002/zaac.19946200427.

2-3. ナトリウムフェノキシド四メタノール和物 [Na(CH₃OH)₄][OC₆H₅]

Kunert, M.; Zahn, G.; Sieler, J. Methanol als Ligand in Natriumphenolat: Darstellung und Struktur von [Na(CH₃OH)₄][OC₆H₅]. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie. 1995, Vol. 621, No. 9, pp. 1597–1599, doi:10.1002/zaac.19956210926.

2-4. ナトリウムフェノキシド・アセトニトリル NaOC₆H₅·CH₃CN

Czado, Wolfgang; Müller, Ulrich. Crystal structure of sodium phenolate-acetonitrile (1/1), NaOC₆H₅·CH₃CN. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures. 1999, Vol. 214, No. 1, pp. 63–64, doi:10.1515/ncrs-1999-0135.

3. クレゾール C₆H₄(OH)CH₃

3-1. o-クレゾール o-C₆H₄(OH)CH₃

Oswald, Iain D. H.; Crichton, Wilson A. Structural similarities of 2-chlorophenol and 2-methylphenol. CrystEngComm. 2009, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 463–469, doi:10.1039/B813878H.

3-2. m-クレゾール・尿素  m-C₆H₄(OH)CH₃·(NH₂)₂CO

Wang, Na; Hao, Hongxun; Lu, Haijiao; Xu, Ruilin. Molecular recognition and self-assembly mechanism of cocrystallization processes. CrystEngComm. 2017, Vol. 19, No. 27, pp. 3746–3752, doi:10.1039/C7CE00713B.

3-3. p-クレゾール p-C₆H₄(OH)CH₃

Batisai, Eustina; Smith, Vincent J.;Bourne, Susan A.; Báthori, Nikoletta B. Solid state structures of p-cresol revisited. CrystEngComm. 2015, Vol. 17, No. 28, pp. 5134–5138, doi:10.1039/C4CE02334J.

4. 二価フェノール C₆H₄(OH)₂

4-1. カテコール o-C₆H₄(OH)₂

Brown, C. J. The crystal structure of catechol. Acta Crystallographica. 1966, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 170–174, doi:10.1107/S0365110X66002482.

4-2. レゾルシール m-C₆H₄(OH)₂

Zhu, Qiang; Shtukenberg, Alexander G.; Carter, Damien J.; Yu, Tang-Qing; Yang, Jingxiang; Chen, Ming; Raiteri, Paolo; Oganov, Artem R.; Pokroy, Boaz; Polishchuk, Iryna; Bygrave, Peter J.; Day, Graeme M.; Rohl, Andrew L.; Tuckerman, Mark E.; Kahr, Bart. Resorcinol crystallization from the melt: A new ambient phase and new “Riddles”. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2016, Vol. 138, No. 14, pp. 4881–4889, doi:10.1021/jacs.6b01120.

4-3. ヒドロキノン p-C₆H₄(OH)₂

Maartmann-Moe, K. The crystal structure of γ-hydroquinone. Acta Crystallographica. 1966, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 979–982, doi:10.1107/S0365110X66004286.

4-4. ヒドロキノン・二酸化炭素 C₆H₄(OH)₂·CO₂

Torré, Jean-Philippe; Coupan, Romuald; Chabod, Mathieu; Pere, Eve; Labat, Stéphane; Khoukh, Abdel; Brown, Ross; Sotiropoulos, Jean-Marc; Gornitzka, Heinz. CO₂–hydroquinone clathrate: Synthesis, purification, characterization and crystal structure. Crystal Growth & Design. 2016, Vol. 16, No. 9, pp. 5330–5338, doi:10.1021/acs.cgd.6b00834.

XⅪ. 芳香族アルコール・アルデヒド・過酸化物

1. ベンジルアルコール C₆H₅CH₂OH

1-1. ベンジルアルコール・β-シクロデキストリン五水和物 C₆H₅CH₂OH·(C₆H₁₀O₅)₇·5H₂O

Harata, Kazuaki; Uekama, Kaneto; Otagiri, Masaki; Hirayama, Fumitoshi; Ohtani, Yoshiro. The structure of the cyclodextrin complex. XVIII. Crystal structure of β-cyclodextrin–benzyl alcohol (1:1) complex pentahydrate. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 1985, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 1234–1238, doi:10.1246/bcsj.58.1234.

2. ベンズアルデヒド C₆H₅CHO

Tran, Ngon T.; Min, Taewoo; Franz, Annaliese K. Silanediol hydrogen bonding activation of carbonyl compounds. Chemistry – A European Journal. 2011, Vol. 17, No. 36, pp. 9897–9900, doi:10.1002/chem.201101492.

3. クメンヒドロペルオキシド C₆H₅C(CH₃)₂OOH

3-1. シス-1,3-ジ-tert-ブチル-2,4-ビス(tert-ブチルアミノ)-1,3,2,4-ジアザジホスフェチジン=2,4-ジオキシド・2-フェニル-2-プロパノール・2-フェニル-2-プロピルヒドロペルオキシド cis-[((CH₃)₃CHN)O=P(μ-NC(CH₃)₃)₂P=O(NHC(CH₃)₃)]·C₆H₅C(CH₃)₂OH·C₆H₅C(CH₃)₂OOH

Haagenson, Dana C.; Lief, Graham R.; Stahl, Lothar; Staples, Richard J. N-versus O-silylation in cis-[(ᵗBuHN)O=P(μ-NᵗBu)₂P=O(NHᵗBu)] and [Me₂Si(μ-NᵗBu)₂P=O(NHPh)]. Solid-state structures of their silylation products, of co-crystalline cis-[(ᵗBuHN)O=P(μ-NᵗBu)₂P=O(NHᵗBu)], and of {[Me₂Si(μ-NtBu)₂=O(N(SiMe₃)Ph)]VCl₃}. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 2008, Vol. 693, No. 16, pp. 2748–2754, doi:10.1016/j.jorganchem.2008.05.023.

3-2. リチウム=(2-フェニルプロパン-2-ペルオキシラト)-(1,4,7,10-テトラメチル-1,4,7,10-テトラアザシクロドデカン)・2-フェニルプロパン-2-ペルオキシド和物 [Li(C₁₂H₂₈N₄)C₆H₅C(CH₃)₂OO]·C₆H₅C(CH₃)₂OOH

Osseili, Hassan; Truong, Khai-Nghi; Spaniol, Thomas P.; Mukherjee, Debabrata; Englert, Ulli; Okuda, Jun. Mononuclear alkali metal organoperoxides stabilized by an NNNN-macrocycle and short hydrogen bonds from ROOH molecules. Chemistry – A European Journal. 2017, Vol. 23, No. 68, pp. 17213–17216, doi:10.1002/chem.201704758.

3-3. リチウムクメンペルオキシド C₆H₅C(CH₃)₂OOLi

Osseili, Hassan; Truong, Khai-Nghi; Spaniol, Thomas P.; Mukherjee, Debabrata; Englert, Ulli; Okuda, Jun. CCDC 1574537: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination. CSD Communication. 2017, doi:10.5517/ccdc.csd.cc1pvfjh.

XⅫ. 芳香族カルボン酸・無水物・塩・エステル

1. 安息香酸 C₆H₅COOH

Bruno, G.; Randaccio, L. A refinement of the benzoic acid structure at room temperature. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1980, Vol. 36, No. 8, pp. 1711–1712, doi:10.1107/S0567740880007030.

1-1. 安息香酸アンモニウム C₆H₅COONH₄

Odendal, James A.; Bruce, Jocelyn C.; Koch, Klaus R.; Haynes, Delia A. Packing motifs in organic ammonium carboxylate salts: Extension of the ring-stacking and ring-laddering concepts. CrystEngComm. 2010, Vol. 12, No. 8, pp. 2398–2408, doi:10.1039/C000922A.

2. フタル酸 o-C₆H₄(COOH)₂

Ermer, Otto. Ungewöhnliches Strukturmerkmal kristalliner Phthalsäure. Helvetica Chimica Acta. 1981, Vol. 64, No. 6, pp. 1902–1909, doi:10.1002/hlca.19810640623.

2-1. フタル酸セスキ水和物 C₆H₄(COOH)₂·1.5H₂O

Xie, Jimin; Wen, Wu; Xuan, Yawen. Crystal structure of a hydrate complex of phthalic acid [phth = o-phthalate]. Analytical Sciences: X-ray Structure Analysis Online. 2008, Vol. 24 pp. x95–x96, doi:10.2116/analscix.24.x95.

2-2. 無水フタル酸 C₆H₄(CO)₂O

Bates, Robert B.; Cutler, Robert S. Phthalic anhydride. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1977, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 893–895, doi:10.1107/S0567740877004907.

2-3. ヘキサアンミンコバルト(III)塩化物ビス(フタル酸水素)塩三水和物 [Co(NH₃)₆]Cl(C₈H₅O₄)₂·3H₂O

Sharma, Raj Pal; Bala, Ritu; Sharma, Rajni; Kariuki, B. M.; Rychlewska, Urszula;  Warżajtis, Beata. Role of second-sphere coordination in anion binding: Synthesis, characterization and X-ray structure of hexaamminecobalt(III) chloride hydrogen phthalate trihydrate and sodium hexaamminecobalt(III) benzoate monohydrate. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2005, Vol. 748, No. 1–3, pp. 143–151, doi:10.1016/j.molstruc.2005.03.028.

3. イソフタル酸 m-C₆H₄(COOH)₂

Derissen, J. L. The crystal structure of isophthalic acid. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1974, Vol. 30, No. 12, pp. 2764–2765, doi:10.1107/S056774087400803X.

4. テレフタル酸 p-C₆H₄(COOH)₂

Bailey, M.; Brown, C. J. The crystal structure of terephthalic acid. Acta Crystallographica. 1967, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 387–391, doi:10.1107/S0365110X67000751.

5. サリチル酸 C₆H₄(OH)COOH

Cochran, W. The crystal and molecular structure of salicylic acid. Acta Crystallographica. 1953, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 260–268, doi:10.1107/S0365110X53000752.

6. サリチル酸ナトリウム C₆H₄(OH)COONa

Spielberg, Eike T.; Campbell, Paul S.; Szeto, Kai C.; Mallick, Bert; Schaumann, Julian; Mudring, Anja-Verena. Sodium salicylate: An in-depth thermal and photophysical study. Chemistry – A European Journal. 2018, Vol. 24, No. 58, pp. 15638–15648, doi:10.1002/chem.201803045.

7. サリチル酸メチル C₆H₄(OH)COOCH₃

7-1. ビス(2,4,6-トリス(4-ピリジル)-1,3,5-トリアジン)ヘキサヨード亜鉛・サリチル酸メチル (ZnI₂)₃(C₁₈H₁₂N₆)₂.4.25C₈H₈O₃

Kawahata, Masatoshi; Komagawa, Shinsuke; Ohara, Kazuaki; Fujita, Makoto; Yamaguchi, Kentaro. High-resolution X-ray structure of methyl salicylate, a time-honored oily medicinal drug, solved by crystalline sponge method. Tetrahedron Letters. 2016, Vol. 57, No. 41, pp. 4633–4636, doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2016.09.017.

5-3. アセチルサリチル酸 C₆H₄(OCOCH₃)COOH

Matsumoto, Takashi; Yamano, Akihito; Sato, Takashi; Ferrara, Joseph D.; White, Fraser J.; Meyer, Mathias. "What is this?" A structure analysis tool for rapid and automated solution of small molecule structures. Journal of Chemical Crystallography. 2021. Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 438–450, doi:10.1007/s10870-020-00867-w.

XXⅢ. 芳香族アミン・ジアゾニウム塩

1. アニリン C₆H₅NH₂

Fukuyo, Makoto; Hirotsu, Ken; Higuchi, Taiichi. The structure of aniline at 252 K. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1982, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 640–643, doi:10.1107/S056774088200363X.

1-1. アニリン塩酸塩 C₆H₅NH₃Cl

Anderson, Kirsty M.; Goeta, Andres E.; Hancock, Kirsty S. B.; Steed, Jonathan W. Unusual variations in the incidence of Z′ > 1 in oxo-anion structures. Chemical Communications. 2006, No. 20, pp. 2138–2140, doi:10.1039/B602492K.

1-2. アニリン・o-クレゾール C₆H₅NH₂·o-C₆H₄(OH)CH₃

Choudhury, Angshuman R.; Yufit, Dmitry S.; Howard, Judith A. K. In situ co-crystallization of cresols with aniline and fluoroanilines: Subtle interplay of strong and weak hydrogen bonds. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials. 2014, Vol. 229, No. 9, pp. 625–634, doi:10.1515/zkri-2014-1729.

2. 塩化ベンゼンジアゾニウム C₆H₅N₂Cl

Rømming, Chr. The structure of benzene diazonium chloride. Acta Chemica Scandinavica. 1963, Vol. 17, pp. 1444–1454, doi:10.3891/acta.chem.scand.17-1444.

XXⅣ. 芳香族アミド・芳香族アミノ酸

1. アセトアニリド C₆H₅NHCOCH₃

Hathwar, Venkatesha R.; Thakur, Tejender S.; Row, Tayur N. Guru; Desiraju, Gautam R. Transferability of multipole charge density parameters for supramolecular synthons: A new tool for quantitative crystal engineering. Crystal Growth & Design. 2011, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 616–623, doi:10.1021/cg101540y.

2. フェニルアラニン H₃N⁺CH(CH₂C₆H₅)COO⁻

2-1. フェニルアラニン一水和物 H₃N⁺CH(CH₂C₆H₅)COO⁻·H₂O

Ihlefeldt, Franziska Stefanie; Pettersen, Fredrik Bjarte; Bonin, Aidan von; Zawadzka, Malgorzata; Görbitz, Carl Henrik. The polymorphs of L-phenylalanine. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2014, Vol. 53, No. 49, pp. 13600–136004, doi:10.1002/anie.201406886.

XXⅤ. アゾ染料・指示薬・検出試薬など

1. p-フェニルアゾフェノール p-C₆H₅N=NC₆H₄OH

1-1. ペルメチルβ-シクロデキストリン・p-フェニルアゾフェノール六水和物 C₆₃H₁₁₂O₃₅·C₁₂H₁₀N₂O·6H₂O

Shi, Jun; Guo, Dong-Sheng; Ding, Fei; Liu, Yu. Unique regioselective binding of permethylated β-cyclodextrin with azobenzene derivatives. European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2009, Vol. 2009, No. 6 pp. 923–931, doi:10.1002/ejoc.200800829.

1-2. β-シクロデキストリン・p-フェニルアゾフェノール八水和物 (C₆H₁₀O₅)₇·C₆H₅N=NC₆H₄OH·8H₂O

Liu, Yu; Zhao, Yan-Li; Chen, Yong; Guo, Dong-Sheng. Assembly behavior of inclusion complexes of β-cyclodextrin with 4-hydroxyazobenzene and 4-aminoazobenzene. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 2005, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 584–591, doi:10.1039/B415946B.

2. 1-フェニルアゾ-2-ナフトール C₆H₅N=NC₁₀H₆OH

Liu, Chong-yang; Lynch, Vincent; Bard, Allen J. Effect of an electric field on the growth and optoelectronic properties of quasi-one-dimensional organic single crystals of 1-(phenylazo)-2-naphthol. Chemistry of Materials. 1997, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 943–949, doi: https://doi.org/10.1021/cm9605025.

3. メチルオレンジ(4'-ジメチルアミノアゾベンゼン-4-スルホン酸ナトリウム) (CH₃)NC₆H₄N=NC₆H₄SO₃Na·4H₂O

3-1. メチルオレンジ四水和物 (CH₃)NC₆H₄N=NC₆H₄SO₃Na·4H₂O

Kennedy, Alan R.; Kirkhouse, Jennifer B. A.; McCarney, Karen M.; Puissegur, Olivier; Smith, W. Ewen; Staunton, Edward; Teat, Simon J.; Cherryman, Julian C.; Rachel, James. Supramolecular motifs in s-block metal-bound sulfonated monoazo dyes, part 1: Structural class controlled by cation type and modulated by sulfonate aryl ring position. Chemistry – A European Journal. 2004, Vol. 10, No. 18, pp. 4606–4615, doi:10.1002/chem.200400375.

3-2. 4-(2-(4-(ジメチルアミノ)フェニル)ヒドラジノ)ベンゼンスルホン酸(メチルオレンジのナトリウムイオン脱離・水素イオン付加体) (CH₃)NC₆H₄N=NHC₆H₄SO₃

Burke, Nichola J.; Burrows, Andrew D.; Mahon, Mary F.; Teat, Simon J. Incorporation of sulfonate dyes into hydrogen-bonded networks. CrystEngComm. 2004, Vol. 6, No. 71, pp. 429–436, doi:10.1039/B406614F.

4. メチルレッド C₁₅H₁₅N₃O₂

Benedict, Jason B.; Cohen, Dawn E.; Lovell, Scott; Rohl, Andrew L.; Kahr, Bart. What is syncrystallization? States of the pH indicator methyl red in crystals of phthalic acid. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2006, Vol. 128, No. 16, pp. 5548–5559, doi:10.1021/ja0601181.

5. フェノールフタレイン C₂₀H₁₄O₄

Fitzgerald, L. J.; Gerkin, R. E. Phenolphthalein and 3',3''-Dinitrophenolphthalein. Acta Crystallographica Section C. 1998, Vol. 54, No. 4, pp. 535–539, doi10.1107/S0108270197015771.

6. ニンヒドリン C₉H₆O₄

Medrud, R. C. The crystal structure of ninhydrin. Acta Crystallographica Section B. 1969, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 213–220, doi:10.1107/S0567740869002032.


