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Make me cry challenge Day 3/「泣かせろ」チャレンジ3日目



I think many international students in the US experience culture shock when they hear the words “pot” or “ecstasy” (MDMA) (and many others) — more times than they can count on the fingers of one hand.

I’ve also heard of an international student unknowingly receiving brownies from his kind classmate and ending up high (for the first time) during his entire English class. 

未成年による麻薬乱用 Drug Use Among Adolescents



We have a huge drug problem in the United States. Unfortunately, it’s not unusual to hear news about teenagers who died from drug abuse. In fact, according to a survey by the U.S. National Center for Education Statistics, 30 percent of sixth through twelfth grade students indicated that they had easy access to alcohol and marijuana at school (U.S. Department of Education).

The Use of Guest Speakers in Schools


This is a major reason why many primary and secondary schools invite guest speakers to come talk to the kids about the harmful effects of drugs. At many American schools, the entire school gathers together in the gymnasium every other month or so to have an “assembly.” At assemblies, students listen to the principal and teachers speak, watch the band and cheerleader performances, or listen to guest speakers like those mentioned above. 

Here’s a contrasting argument on the use of guest speakers. 
(Refer to the section: “What about getting ex-drug users to speak about their experience?”)



I honestly don’t remember much from the assemblies, but I recall that many were about drug abuse, much like the one in the video. If compelling enough, stories like these can make a difference. Because they’re real. 

And yet, I also feel like these stories don’t reach those most in need - as they may attend lower income schools that have more pressing problems to deal with and cannot afford to spend time or energy on extra programs involving guest speakers. Some students may not even come to school, because their parent/guardian is always busy working or are also suffering from drug abuse, and they feel neglected and hopeless, turning to drugs as their only option. 

Consequences of Drug Use Among Adolescents


平均A (〜90-93%以上)の成績の生徒の63%に比べ、平均D-F (~60%以下)の87%のアメリカの高校生が一度はアルコールを口にした、と挙げられています。同様に、平均Aの成績の21%と比較し平均D-Fの生徒の66%が一度は大麻を使ったことがあるそうです。つまり、麻薬乱用と学業成就は関連しているということです。

Undoubtedly, a major consequence of drug use (or abuse) is its impediment to students’ academic performance. 63 percent of high school students with an A average grade in contrast to 87 percent of students with D and F averages, reported having at least one drink of alcohol one time in their lives. Similarly, 21 percent of A-average students mentioned having used marijuana before, as opposed to 66 percent of D- and F-average students (Center for Disease Control, 2010), indicating a correlation between drug use and academic success. 

これから得られるもの Further Implications

未成年による麻薬使用は生徒の成績だけでなく、全体の健康・幸福にも影響を与えるものです。先行研究によると、ドラッグ・アルコール関連問題予防教育はカリキュラムに関連付けた方が効果が高いです(Van Hout et al. 2012)。これを元に、私はゲストスピーカーをただアセンブリーで一度聞くような使い方をするのではなく、授業内のディスカッションと伴う形で使うべきだと思います。

Adolescent drug use is also a factor that impacts students’ overall well-being. 

Since prior research has shown that drug- and alcohol-prevention education in schools would be more effective when integrated with the entire school curriculum (Van Hout et al. 2012), I suggest that guest speakers be used in conjunction with classroom discussions rather than as passive input that students only hear once at assemblies.


While drug abuse may not be as serious a problem in Japan as it is in the States, studies have shown that the use of alcohol and tobacco among adolescents is not uncommon. I believe that both Japanese and American schools should integrate more “real world” workshops into their educational curriculum to increase students’ opportunities to reflect on matters other than pure academics.

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danasensei_eikaiwa/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtik-TcTlK5oLqWWY_jfs5A

参考文献 Works Referenced 

Engaging guest speakers to deliver drug education sessions (2015). Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia. http://darta.net.au/wordpress-content/uploads/2016/02/TEACHERS_Guest_Presenters.pdf 

Feibus, M. et al. (1993). Student Reports of Availability, Peer Approval, and Use of Alcohol, Marijuana, and Other Drugs at School. National Center for Education Statistics. https://nces.ed.gov/pubs97/97279.pdf 

Higuchi, H (2021)). Examination of alcohol-related problem prevention education tools in schools. Miyagi University of Education Journal, vol. 56. CiNii. http://id.nii.ac.jp/1138/00001397/ 

National Youth Risk Behavior Survey: Alcohol and Other Drug Use and Academic Achievement (2009). Center for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/health_and_academics/pdf/alcohol_other_drug.pdf 

Van Hout, M. et al. (2012). Teachers' Perspectives on Their Role in School-Based Alcohol and Cannabis Prevention. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, vol. 50, no. 6, 2012, pp. 328–341., https://doi.org/10.1080/14635240.2012.735388
