

The “Make Me Cry” Challenge

Humans are fragile. I’m definitely on the sensitive side. In fact, I’m so delicate that with simply a harsh tone, you can crush me. With merely a few negative words, you can tear me apart. 


I know this is only my third blog post. You still don’t know anything about me - so why am I suddenly posting something so deep and personal? My whole story will unfold bit by bit as I post more in the future. But I’m not going to start with the past and let you catch up while I delay the present me. If I don’t write my thoughts that are as of today, I’ll just be delaying the future me. So I’ll write my thoughts as they are now and let you put together the puzzle pieces as I reflect on the past me from time to time. 



Now, you must be thinking, “but wait — doesn’t Dana want to help people study English and go abroad? Why is she talking about herself and some random challenge?”

Well, this challenge has exactly to do with going abroad. Because living abroad has tested my mental limits in every way. I couldn’t withstand the pressure. It broke me. I’ll tell you exactly why in later posts. But for now, let me talk about this challenge I’m doing so that I can become mentally tough - a skill necessary when you’re living in a different country from the one you grew up in, surrounded by people with different opinions and values. 




You can join me in this challenge if you want to build the mental toughness needed to stand your ground in the face of the torrent of challenges that life throws at you when you move abroad. Or when you have to deal with difficult people. Or when you realize how weak or ignorant or insignificant you are compared to the rest of the world. Together, we’re going to gain the courage and resilience needed to proudly be that "tallest blade of grass" that’s sticking out above all the others. 

海外移住をして多くの壁にぶつかる時に乗り切る為に必要なメンタルタフネスを手に入れたければ、一緒にこのチャレンジをしましょう。もしくは、扱いにくい人と関わらないといけない時でもいいし。自分の繊細さ、無知、小ささに気付く瞬間でもいいし。一緒に誇りを持ってその「出る釘」になる勇気と弾力性を身につけましょう。(※英語で書いている慣用句はロシアからのです。でもロジカルなので通じます。➔英語は大体to stick out like a sore thumb、ですがこれはイメージが良くないので使いたくなかったです(笑))

Here’s the challenge: every day, watch a video (or listen to a song) that will make you cry — and try not to cry. Speeches about people’s life stories are usually a good option.


I’ll share my Day 1 video and reflection in my next post. 

Talk to you later!

↓  こちらも見てみてね ↓ 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danasensei_eikaiwa/ 
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtik-TcTlK5oLqWWY_jfs5A 
