
Language learning

My articles related to language learning.


Weekly question #9 What impact has AI had on your life?

Weekly question #9 What impact has AI had on your life?

This article will be about the weekly question from 英語手帳 2024.

Weekly question: What impact has AI had on your life?

I never thought that I would use AI to assist me in studying English. I currently


About extinct animals and endangered species in Japan

I made sentences using extinct today. And I could only come up with phrases like "extinct animals". So, I searched for information about extinct animals in Japan. I always realize that I don't know m

Studying English is to face myself/英語と向き合うこと

Studying English is to face myself/英語と向き合うこと


I started to restudy English and enjoy listening to English conversation programs. English was always with me from my childhood. I am certain that I love to study or use English

Weekly question #8 Do you think AI is dangerous?

Weekly question #8 Do you think AI is dangerous?

This article will be about the weekly question from 英語手帳 2024.

Weekly question: Do you think AI is dangerous?

I am uncertain whether AI is dangerous or not since I don't have enough knowledge of the

Reasons why I continue studying English/いい加減、日常会話レベルから脱け出したい

Reasons why I continue studying English/いい加減、日常会話レベルから脱け出したい

*After the English follows Japanese.
I tried to write the article in same subject but different words came out of my mind. So the sentences are not directly translated. Even the title is different.

Weekly question #7 How do you use AI in your daily life?

Weekly question #7 How do you use AI in your daily life?

This article will be about the weekly question from 英語手帳 2024.

Weekly question: How do you use AI in your daily life?

I use AI as a tutor to study English in my daily life. When I make a sentence wi

Eigo-techo and note open my mind

Eigo-techo and note open my mind

I really feel I'm lucky to find out about Eigo-techo and decided to use it for studying. Especially, the schedule book fits well with this note.

We can write short posts and articles on note. Making

Weekly question #6 Elon Musk says AI could lead to "civilization destruction", do you agree?

Weekly question #6 Elon Musk says AI could lead to "civilization destruction", do you agree?

This article will be about the weekly question from 英語手帳 2024.

Weekly question: Elon Musk says AI could lead to "civilization destruction", do you agree?

I found the article from the website below
