
May 27, 2024: My Blood Pressure (ボクの血圧)

I do not know if it is true or not, but it is good news for me. My blood pressure has been going down. It is about 20 mmHg lower than it was about nine months ago. I do not know the exact reason for this, but I have a few things that seem to help lower my blood pressure.
First, I began to take blood pressure medication nine months ago, and I still take it every morning. I do not know how much it helps to lower my blood pressure, but it certainly helps. Second, the way I walk seems to help to lower my blood pressure. As I have written many times. I have tried a lot of things to walk as well as I can. I had used a walker with wheels for the elderly for a while. These have seemed to help me to walk more smoothly and I have not had to use my extra strength. I have been able to walk with a pole much more smoothly than before. So, I can now walk the same distance much faster than before. I know that others still see me being unable to walk as well as they can. But I am sure that I will be able to walk as well as them one day. Since I felt the change, my blood pressure has come to fall remarkably. It seems that the better I can walk, the more my blood pressure falls. So, the change in the way I walk seems to be of more help than the medication.
But I must not let my guard down. I never know when my blood pressure begins to go up again. I have to continue to take the medication every day and go to see the doctor every month. I also need to walk as much as I can. Above all, I have to stretch a lot more than I used to. Otherwise, everything will be right back at the starting point.


