










私が家に帰るまで、何千台ものカメラが私の一挙手一投足を追っている。あなたの安全のためにね 。





12歳の私は、自分の将来を本当に心配している。クラウス・シュワブに言いたい: なんてことをするんだ!よくも私の子供時代と私の未来、そして私たちの子供たちの未来を、あなたの狂ったデジタル監視牢獄に私たちを奴隷にすることで奪ったものだ、と。





I could stand here and say more or less what other people are going to say about the effect of these 15 minutes neighborhoods, soon to become digital ID facial recognition zones.
Let’s say my friend lives in Zone3 and I am in Zone1. If, for example, I wen to my friends’s house in Zone3. My parents normally come and pick me up in their car- It only takes 10 minutes. So does that mean that they would have to go around the ring road and back into town again? If my mom or dad had to drive around the ring road, it would take 30 minutes, causing much more pollution and leaving a much bigger carbon footprint. They will say, you can walk home! Would that be safe, for me, to walk home? Me, as a 12 year old, walking home in the dark alone. Is that really going to be safe? Then, they will say, “oh don’t worry about that.” We’ve already thought of that. You will be safe. We will have a thousand cameras on the streets following you and tracking you all the way home. Oh, just remember, it’s for your safety. Are you serious? Do you really think tat I want to be watched every second of the day? Are you serious? Thousands of cameras tracking my every move until I get home. At that point, I have to ask, is my safely that important to me, that I want to be followed by cameras all the way home? Or do I prefer to have freedom than privacy. And for your information, I still would not feel safe. No amount of camera is going to stop someone who wants to attack me. I want to be safe, but not to the extent I am prepared to give up my freedom and my privacy to have it. As a 12 year old, I am really concerned about my future. And to Klaus Schwab, I say this: How dare you! How dare you steal my childhood and my future, and the future of our children by enslaving us in your crazy digital surveillance prison. We all know where this is leading. These are the first steps of dystopian reality, from 15 minute neighborhoods. From a small seed, a huge tree can grow. Climate change is being used to control us, and nudge us in the direction the greedy people want us to go. The truth is, that greedy people want total control over everything we do, every thing we think, and everything we say. Our government has been hijacked by greedy and selfish imposters posing as politicians. They believe they are better than us and masters over us. And until this problem is effectively dealt with, the tyranny will continue. Thank you. (CHD TV)






