
最近作ったお菓子 - The Review

ケーキからビスケットまで、たくさんのレシピの中から、今日紹介するお気に入りのお菓子を選びました。                                                                    From cakes to biscuits, out of the many recipes, I have selected my favourite snacks to introduce today. 


- Review -

The pistachio flavour did come out well, but it might have been better to add more whipped cream. (Well, that does is a matter of preference, though.)                                                                                                            ピスタチオの風味はよく出ましたが、ホイップクリームを足したほうが良かったかもしれません。 (まあ、それは好みの問題ですが。)

Since pistachio nuts as they are can be difficult to use, I recommend crushing them with a rolling pin or putting them through a blender.          ピスタチオナッツはそのままでは使いにくいので、めん棒でつぶすか、ブレンダーに入れることをお勧めします。


- Review -

The contrast of the two colours does look nice, but surprisingly they have pretty much the same taste.                                                                   2つの色のコントラストは見栄えがしますが、驚くべきことに、それらはほとんど同じ味を持っています。

I noticed that it is better to hold the baking tin and spin it to make the swirled pattern rather than mixing it with a spoon. That is what I did when I made this cake.                                                                                    スプーンで混ぜるよりも、焼き型を持って回して渦巻き模様を作る方がいいことに気づきました。 それが私がこのケーキを作ったときにしたことです。


- Review -

To bring out the refreshing lemon flavour and scent, I used the juice of a whole lemon, even though I a bit worried it might become too sour.
As a result, the muffins had just the right presence of lemon, so it was a good idea in the end.   


- Review -

Banana cakes are one snacks that I regularly make, and they are very easy to bake well.
I would highly recommend it to anyone thinking of trying to make a baked snack for the first time.   


- Review -

This is one more recipe that can be made with what is already at home.
And since they are small, they can be packed into lunch boxes and are suitable for carrying on the go.   

Today's post was about recently made baked snacks.                                 今日の投稿は最近作った焼き菓子についてでした。


" Introducing recipes for baked snacks, almost everyday. "     

" ほぼ毎日、焼き菓子のレシピを紹介しています。"

" 続けましょう ! "

