インターネット調査室: 「Chinese-backed buyer of UK microchip plant made components found in Russian missiles」

今回は「Chinese-backed buyer of UK microchip plant made components found in Russian missiles」についてコメントさせていただきます。

The  Telegraph: 14 Aug,2022

「Chinese-backed buyer of UK microchip plant made components found in Russian missiles」:  ま、自然な成り行きでしょう。 中国政府は、そんなの関係ね~ と言うでしょうが。

A Kh-101 cruise missile recovered from a Ukrainian battlefield contained parts made by Nexperia, a tech business attempting to buy the Newport Wafer Fab factory in South Wales.

Kh-101ロシア巡航ミサイルにウェールズ製の半導体が見つかった。 ウクライナに一番反ロシア支援をしている皮肉。

at the Royal United Services Institute (Rusi), sparked immediate calls for the sale to be blocked on national security grounds.


 “Today, with Nexperia’s plan to buy Newport Wafer Fab, it also shows why we need to defend our key strategic assets from those who could use them against us.”


Joe Byrne, a research fellow, said that missile engineers have been combing the world in search of “specific microelectronics for specific systems” vital for Russian weapon systems. The most advanced British, US and Japanese components are of special interest because of their high precision, he said.


Explaining how Russian spy agencies have set up secret networks of front companies to evade Western sanctions, Dr Salisbury said: “The products they are seeking often have both civil and military uses.


How Putin’s spies are stealing Western microchips to fuel the Kremlin war effort?

Across the West, dozens of low-profile businesses are buying microchips. Companies with innocuous names, apparently working for agricultural machine suppliers or in the factory chain of the car industry, are hoovering up the basic transistors and circuits that run the stuff of modern life.

輸入した、農業器具からの半導体の取り出し?  本当にやっているとは思いませんでした。

Analysis indicates that third-country transshipment hubs and clandestine networks operated by Russia’s special services are now working to build new routes to secure access to Western microelectronics,” said the Royal United Services Institute think tank (Rusi) in a new report

これじゃ、きりがないかも? ま、半導体の輸入も予見できていたはずなので、その対応はできていたということですか?

Around 450 chips of Western origin were discovered in a total of 27 spent missiles


Whitehall is confident that current sanctions are working well, something reflected in the fact that the only British components found in Russian weapons so far have been very basic items.


British officials are mapping out how Russia gets its hands on UK-origin components used in military equipment, with the aim of using future sanctions to shut down those procurement routes.


検索キー: Chinese-backed buyer of UK microchip plant made components found in Russian missiles
