


The Arab-Israeli conflict over Jerusalem
  Why do 4 billion people struggle over one square kilometer in Jerusalem?
  Why do half of the human dream of ancient Jerusalem and the conflict that has been going on over it for 3000 years?

  At first, we must sort the novels of all religions Jewish and Muslim as a reflection of the historical importance of the city of Jerusalem and how all the monotheistic religions agree in some details and differ in others.
The Jewish religious narrative: The Jews believe that God promised Abraham and promised that this land would be Palestine, and his descendants mentioned that in the Torah in the Book of Genesis.

Genesis 12:1
  Now the Lord had said to Abram, "Get out of your country, and from your kindred, and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you.

Genesis 12:2
  And I will make a great nation [out] of you, *16:120 and I will bless you, and make your name great; and you will be a blessing.

Genesis 15:18
  In the same day, the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, "I have given this land to your seed, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates.

The novel Islamic
  Muslims agree in some of the Jewish narrative and different in others in Islamic thought God revealed to Prophet Abraham to slay his son Ishmael, not Isaac, and that the Holy Land is a legacy for the children of Abraham and their descendants, not only to the descendants of Isaac, and they agree that the prophet of God David entered the city 3000 years ago, but when he entered, it was not a land without people, there were Jebusites who are relatives of Canaan, the ancestors of the Arabs.

Islamic control until the British occupation
  Throughout history, this land has been subjected to many conflicts through the ages, after David defeated the Jebusites, and then the Babylonians and Romans came, then various civilizations followed, such as the Byzantines empire, Muslims and Tatars.
  The Muslims were the last forces that took control of Jerusalem in 638 AD until 1917 AD, with the exception of some short periods during the Crusades.
  And the last country that was in complete control of Palestine was the Ottoman Empire after it defeated the Mamluk state in 1517 AD, and it remained in control of it until the end of World War I, and with the end of World War I, the British were the first who entered the city in 1917 AD and the beginning of the British occupation (1).
  During the British Occupation over Palestine, the British government appointed General Clayton to head the military administration in Palestine, which worked with the help of a Zionist committee sent to Palestine with the approval of the British government to put in place the necessary measures to implement the Balfour Declaration (2) on November 2/1917, which said "His majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
  Actually, the first founders of the Jewish state did not have a priority to control the city of Jerusalem, especially East Jerusalem, because the majority of them was secular and did not believe in the Torah, not even in biblical prophecies, and because they were well aware that it was very difficult and even impossible to achieve because it was a dream much bigger than Israel At that time, this is what Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, one of the most important founders of the Israeli state, said in a press interview in 1937 "England (and we) need control over the holy places that is the Old City. [but] ruling over Rehavia [a neighborhood in the city’s western part] adds nothing [ to Britain], whereas, for the Jews, the millions of the Jews who do not know the difference between the Sharon and the [Jezre’el] Valley [or the difference between Rehavia and the Old City] … the name Jerusalem means everything. (3)"
  From David Ben-Gurion's point of view, Tel Aviv was more important than Jerusalem as a city open to the Mediterranean and the Negev desert forming Israel's future.

The ambition of the Hashemite Kingdom
  The Hashemite Kingdom aspired to control East Jerusalem and establish a large Hashemite Arab state that includes east and west of the Jordan River. In the 1948 AD war, Jordan was able to control East Jerusalem and the West Bank, while Israel was able to control West Jerusalem. Controlling West Jerusalem, the city became divided between the Jordanians and the Jews, and with the adoption of the armistice, the situation remained as it was.
  In 1950, there were two important events.
  The first one was that this division between the two powers became official. David Ben-Gurion declared in 1949 that Jerusalem would be the eternal capital of the Israelis, and he transferred all ministries and basic organizations to Jerusalem, except for the Ministry of Defence, without regard to any of the international resolutions at that time.
  The King of Jordan, Abdullah bin Al-Hussein, annexed the city of East Jerusalem and the West Bank to the Kingdom of Jordan. This action was understood, because from the beginning, as a Hashemite family, their ambition was to control Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon, and even beyond that, they communicated with the Israelis by not declaring the establishment of their state, but rather to live in The Hashemite state as citizens who have all civil and religious rights.
  And to see David Ben-Gurion’s opinion ten years after his first statement, saying "Jerusalem was declared the capital of Israel because I was sure that we had an ally, which is Jordan. If Jordan kept east Jerusalem, we would have its west." (4)

  Anyway, the situation remained the same from 1949 until 1967, when this year was a turning point in this city, with the end of the war in June 1967, the combined defeat of the Arabs Jordan, Egypt, and Syria, Israel's occupation of the Golan and Sinai, and the occupation of all the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and for the first time since 3000, the entire city of Jerusalem is under Jewish control, and one of the results of controlling the city was the beginning of the rise of the extreme right-wing religious trend in Israel, which wants to rule its struggle with the Arabs in Jerusalem mainly for the biblical vision. However, at the height of the euphoria of the unexpected victory, the Israeli Defence Minister (Moshe Dayan) refused to let the Jews enter the Temple Mount even with the use of force, not out of respect for the mosque, but for fear of turning the war into a religious war with the Arabs, and contact was made with the Kingdom of Jordan to take over the supervision of the holy sites in the city. (5)
  With all these events, the international community’s opinion of the Palestinian issue and the conflict over the city of Jerusalem was without the desired effect, despite the approval of some agreements and resolutions, but without imposing to compel any party to accept peace agreements, since the period of President Truman, the first American president to recognize the State of Israel in 1948 until President Obama Jerusalem was not recognized as the capital of Israel, despite promises, the failure of the peace process between the Palestinians and Israelis under the auspices of US President Clinton, or even the preservation of the second peace process between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, whose government was overthrown by corruption cases that he said were a conspiracy by The right-wing party led by Netanyahu.
  With the increase in the influence of the extremist right-wing lobby in America and Israel, and the rise of the Christian religious right-wing with the advent of Donald Trump as President of the United States, as well as in the Arab world, the conflict gave another more complex dimension, so Jerusalem was recognized as the capital of Israel in 2017, and the US embassy was moved to Jerusalem. religion in Israel was one of the reasons for controlling Jerusalem, and after the rising of this religious trend, religion became the most important component of the conflict over Jerusalem. We should mention that all the monotheistic religions have end-time predictions, they all meet and share the city of Jerusalem.
  In the Jewish religion, the year will not end with a happy ending until the gathering of Jews from the diaspora of the world to the Promised Land and the appearance of Christ in Jerusalem and the rebuilding of (Solomon's Temple), which for Muslims is the Dome of the Rock, as for some Christian sects, the world will not end as well until Christ returns for the second time and will return through the city of Jerusalem and the happy millennium has begun. This prophecy will not be fulfilled until a set of prophecies are fulfilled, including the return of the Jews to the Promised Land, Muslims believe that the resurrection will start when the Muslims fight the Jews and defeat them in Jerusalem.
  Thus, with the rise of extremist religious currents, it warns a lot of conflicts and a lot of bloodsheds...

  Ideas quotes from the journalist Mr. Syed Jubail.

Information sources



Jerusalem's Hope Lies Only in Partition: Israeli Policy on
the Jerusalem Question, 1948-67 . Motti Golani

Jerusalem's Hope Lies Only in Partition: Israeli Policy on the Jerusalem Question, 1948-67 . Motti Golani

Jordan and Israel: A Troubled Relationship in a Volatile https://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/amman/10991.pdf
Divided Jerusalem: The Struggle for the Holy City by
Professor Bernard Wasserstein

Trump's Jerusalem Embassy Move: A Busted Flush?https://www.fpri.org/article/2018/04/trumps-jerusalem-embassy-move-a-busted-flush/

Golda Meir Has Secret Meeting with King Abdullah in Amman https://israeled.org/golda-meir-secret-meeting-king-abdullah-amman/
ISRAEL'S SITUATION TODAY LOOKS MUCH AS BEN-GURION ENVISIONED IT https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/martinkramer/files/israels_situation_today_looks_much_ben_gurion_envisioned.pdf
The biblical story the Christian right uses to defend Trump https://www.vox.com/identities/2018/3/5/16796892/trump-cyrus-christian-right-bible-cbn-evangelical-propaganda

This is why evangelicals love Trump's Israel policy https://www.vox.com/2017/12/12/16761540/jerusalem-israel-embassy-palestinians-trump-evangelicals

Biblical bad guys the ancient Philistines came from Europe, DNA shows https://www.businessinsider.com/biblical-bad-guys-the-ancient-philistines-came-from-europe-dna-shows-2019-7?r=US&IR=T
A Century After Sykes-Picot https://www.thecairoreview.com/essays/a-century-after-sykes-picot/
The most contested real estate on Earth https://www.washingtonpost.com/gdpr-consent/?next_url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.washingtonpost.com%2fwp-srv%2fspecial%2fworld%2fthird-temple%2fThirdTemple_graphicweb.pdf%3fv3&v3
Jerusalem: The Old City https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jerusalem-the-old-city

The sacred sites that spark unholy violence in Jerusalem
A National or Religious Conflict https://library.fes.de/pdf-files/iez/11305.pdf

Arabic resources
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هل باع العرب فلسطين من أجل مصالحهم مع إسرائيل؟ https://youtu.be/FNejudWvzZs
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مخطط إسرائيل لاستعادة أرض الميعاد على حساب ٣ دول عربية https://youtu.be/kj7zRytmV3o
