映画「プリティー・ウーマン」にみる女性のエンパワーメント Women's Empowerment: Beyond the Silver Screen





Women's Empowerment: Beyond the Silver Screen


The movie "Pretty Woman" depicts the story of a wealthy businessman, Edward, falling in love with a prostitute, Vivian, after a chance encounter. Vivian, with Edward's financial support, attempts to overcome her disadvantaged educational background by obtaining a high school diploma.

The Disparity in Empowerment Discourses

In Japan, there is a noticeable absence of discussions concerning the empowerment of marginalized women, such as those engaging in prostitution in Okubo Park. The focus on empowering white-collar women in large corporations falls short of achieving comprehensive women's empowerment.

Media Bias and Information Filtering

One possible explanation for this disparity lies in the tendency of Japanese media to avoid topics related to marginalized groups like the homeless. Additionally, the author acknowledges that their information sources, primarily white-collar-oriented media platforms like LinkedIn, might contribute to information filtering.

Expanding the Scope of Empowerment

The concept of empowerment encompasses various dimensions and requires tailored approaches for different groups facing unique challenges. Economic support, as depicted in "Pretty Woman," can be a means of empowerment, but it is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Addressing Structural Barriers

Empowering marginalized women like those in Okubo Park necessitates addressing systemic issues such as gender discrimination and poverty. Merely providing financial assistance is insufficient; broader societal reforms are crucial.

Media's Responsibility and the Role of Information Diversity

Media plays a pivotal role in reflecting societal diversity and amplifying the voices of marginalized groups. By shedding light on issues like homelessness, media can contribute to raising public awareness and promoting social change.

Cultivating Information Literacy

In the information age, diversifying information sources and developing information literacy skills are essential. Actively seeking out different perspectives and critically evaluating information sources are key to informed decision-making and understanding complex social issues.

Taking Action for Change


Women's empowerment is a multifaceted endeavor that demands a holistic approach encompassing diverse needs and addressing systemic barriers. By fostering awareness, advocating for change, and supporting relevant initiatives, we can contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society where all women have the opportunity to thrive.


Additional Resources

  • UN Women: Empowering Women: URL UN Women

  • World Bank: Gender Equality: URL World Bank Gender Equality

  • The Guardian: Women's rights: URL The Guardian Women's rights
