

I updated this entry about my theme of this year, this morning. I now feel like this year has started.

January 1st, 2022 (Sat.)

It became New Years Day. I go to 2 shrines every year during the early night, so same as usual. Last year, I went to see the first sunrise of the year near my house, but today I was going to go to my parents' house by running, so I slept instead of getting up early.

First, I headed for 服部天満宮 in front of Hattori Tenmangu station of Hankyu Takarazuka line. This is the god of feet and legs. I prayed for my achievement of Sub4 in the Nagoya Women's Marathon. I ran about 9km.

Second, I headed for 臂岡天満宮 in Kita-Itami. This is the deity of my birthplace. I ran an additional 8km.

Finally, I headed for my parents' house, and it was about 5km from Hijioka Tenmangu shrine. In addition, the route was quite steep. But I was able to reach there. I chilled at their house.

After dinner I went back to home by train, and I changed my baggage then went to a hotel. That's right. I used Osaka Welcome Campaign again, and I started “Marriott Bonvoy Membership Training(マリオット会員ホテル修行)” of this year. It is important how to be a good deal for stay as much as possible.

I wrote my first entry of this year on note. The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day.

日本語は気が向いたら書きます(笑) 英語は文法間違ってる前提で、というのは変わらずです。のんびり続けていこうかな。書きたいことを書く感じで。




