


Japanese follows English. (日本語は英語のあとで)

December 28, 2021 (Tue.)

I could get up early in the morning. So, I went jogging for having breakfast. This shop is the most favorite coffee shop of this year. I often grind and brew my own coffee, so I stock up some coffee beans. Before I found this shop, I often buy coffee beans, it is called "Butter-Blended coffee", from another shop. But I changed my coffee beans to this shop one.

Today, I had many plans so that I was busy. I was back to home after check out, and changed my clothes for dating.

Before dating, I had 2 appointments and needed to check in at another hotel. I still used Osaka Welcome Campaign, so the third hotel is Aloft Dojima Osaka. I would stay tonight and tomorrow night. I could get additional 6000pt when I checked in.

In the afternoon, I met my friend and enjoy for drinking and chatting. I see him off, then I went to my personal trainer studio for last lesson of this year. After the lesson, I was back to Osaka station for dating.

My partner often walks when he will go somewhere. We had some time until our dinner time, so we walked there. That was also good exercise before good dinner.

We also walked back to the hotel, and spent the night together. I'm wondering if it will be the last time in this year we date.








