
化粧品の触り心地を遠隔・非接触で体験 Business English #37

今回は 化粧品の触り心地を遠隔・非接触で体験 の英訳でビジネス英語をまなびます!

■Experience the feel of cosmetics remotely and without contact

Shiseido and NTT begin joint research to develop technology that allows users to experience the feel of cosmetics remotely and without contact

~Leveraging the strengths of both companies to meet the diverse needs of each individual and create new opportunities for experiences~

Shiseido and NTT have begun joint research to develop innovative technology that combines Shiseido's knowledge of sensory science research with NTT's non-contact information presentation technology to allow users to experience the feel of cosmetics through sight and hearing, even remotely and without contact.

Until now, in online sales, there have been limited ways to convey the feel of cosmetics without touching the actual product or tester, and information was provided mainly through videos and verbal expressions. Through this joint research, we will further enhance the value of the experience, and in the future, we will create new experience opportunities that will allow users to experience the feel of cosmetics remotely and without contact, transcending the constraints of time, place, language, etc., and meet the diverse needs of each individual around the world at any time.

■ Background

With the rapid spread of online sales, i.e., the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet, many consumers have begun to purchase cosmetics through EC (electronic commerce). While the diversification of digital purchasing and experience activities is now commonplace, in purchasing environments such as online sales, there are issues with not being able to directly touch and try cosmetics as in stores, such as checking the delicate and diverse texture of cosmetics.

Shiseido aims to realize a sustainable society where people can feel happy by providing opportunities to enjoy the power of beauty anytime and anywhere, by catering to the beauty needs of each individual. To achieve this, Shiseido is also working on many projects to combine its strengths in sensory science research, which unravels subjective things such as human senses and psychology through objective and scientific approaches, with DX (digital transformation).

Meanwhile, NTT is conducting research and development aimed at a society in which the contents of human senses and perceptions can be transmitted and shared in a real and rich way, and making this possible. In recent years, it has proposed a technology that conveys the softness of materials to customers without contact.

The joint research project was initiated because the visions of both companies and the knowledge necessary for new technology development matched.

■The roles of both companies and the core technologies to be utilized

In sensory science research, Shiseido will provide knowledge of the perception mechanisms related to the feel of skin and cosmetics, as well as knowledge of formulations that create a comfortable feel, while NTT will provide knowledge of non-contact information presentation technology that conveys texture and the illusion of texture.







インターネット上での商品やサービスの売買、すなわちオンライン販売の急速な普及に伴い、多くの生活者がEC(Electronic commerce)を通じて化粧品を購入するようになりました。デジタル上での購買・体験活動の多様化が一般化している現在に対して、オンライン販売などの購買環境では、繊細で多様な化粧品の触り心地の確認など、店頭と同様に化粧品に直接触れて試すことができない課題があります。






資生堂とNTT、化粧品の触り心地を遠隔・非接触で体験できる技術開発に向けた共同研究を開始 - 日本経済新聞 (nikkei.com)



remotely 遠隔で
without contact 非接触で
joint research 共同研究
tester 試供品
verbal expressions 言葉の表現
constraints 制約
diverse needs 多様なニーズ
sustainable society 持続可能な社会
sensory science research 感覚科学研究
human senses 人間の感覚
psychology 心理学
perception mechanisms 知覚メカニズム
formulations 配合
texture 質感
illusion 幻覚

今回の英文からTOEIC Part5 を想定した英語フレーズをまなびます!


The team conducted the meeting remotely.
The new device can be operated without contact.
They are engaged in joint research on renewable energy.
The tester provided valuable feedback on the product.
The presentation included verbal expressions to explain the concept.
The project faced several constraints due to budget limitations.
The company aims to meet the diverse needs of its customers.
Their goal is to create a sustainable society through innovative solutions.
The university is known for its sensory science research.
Understanding human senses is crucial for product development.
The study of psychology helps in understanding consumer behavior.
Researchers are exploring perception mechanisms to improve virtual reality.
The formulations of the new skincare line are designed to enhance hydration.
The texture of the fabric was soft and luxurious.
The magician created the illusion of a floating object.

今回はCopilot ChatGPT-4に 日本の化粧品メーカー売上ランキングTOP10 について聞きました!


1. 資生堂 (Shiseido) - 1兆352億円
2. コーセー (KOSÉ) - 2,793億円
3. 花王 (Kao) - 2,393億円
4. ポーラ・オルビスホールディングス (POLA ORBIS Holdings) - 1,763億円
5. DHC - 972億円
6. ファンケル (FANCL) - 588億円
7. マンダム (Mandom) - 573億円
8. ノエビアホールディングス (Noevir Holdings) - 611億円
9. 日本コルマー (Nihon Kolmar) - 556億円
10. 日本メナード化粧品 (Menard) - 368億円




今回は 化粧品の触り心地を遠隔・非接触で体験 の英訳でビジネス英語の表現をまなびました!



