Let’s get one thing out of the way — the quality of your course matters way more than where you host it.

But it’s also true that picking the right learning management system (LMS) for your course business can save you HOURS of frustration and stress (not to mention money).

I’m not saying there is one online course platform to rule them all. But I do make specific recommendations at the end of this post based on your business size and what features you need.

This is not a 50,000 word post that talks about every feature of every platform and then leaves you hanging when you need to digest that info.

Instead, I’ll explain what’s most important in an LMS. I’ll walk you through how Kajabi, Thinkific, and Teachable meet those needs. And then I’ll explain which one is best for which type of course creator.

We’ll get to all the details in a minute.

But first, I’ll tell you how I formed my opinions on these platforms so you can decide if you trust my take.

My team and I have been a part of hundreds of online course launches. I started as a course creator back in 2013 and ran my own courses for five years before starting Growth Tools. Now, I lead an incredible team that’s 100% focused on giving course creators the coaching and (growth) tools they need to grow their businesses.

We’ve worked on a lot of courses.

