
稲羽兎迅速報 【Nintendo Switch Sportsが『ゼルダ ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド 2』と同じくらい重要な理由|時論・公論】 寅年陽春英字新聞

Nintendo Switch Sportsが『ゼルダ ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド 2』と同じくらい重要な理由|時論・公論


執筆者Christopher Dring弊社ゲームズB2B事業最高責任者
Tuesday 19th April 2022
 この記事は、GI Market Reportのニュースレターの一部として掲載されたものです。無料購読をご希望の方は、 click hereをクリックし、「Retail and Publishing newsletter」を選択してください。










 任天堂はそれ以来、何度かその客層に訴えかけようとしてきた。時には続編(3DSの「ニンテンドッグス+キャッツ」やWii Uの「Wii Sports Club」)の形で、時にはまったく新しいコンセプトで、Switchの初期に同社が行ったより意欲的な試みの1つが、家族や子供向けの知育玩具シリーズであるNintendo Laboです。






 「どうぶつの森」は、任天堂の歴史上、最も早く売れたゲームとなりました。WiiリモコンもAmazonのチャートでAmazonのチャートで上位に食い込んでいます。そして、実質的に今世代のWii Fitである「リングフィットアドベンチャー」は、即座に完売しました。現在、1400万台の販売に近づいています。そして、それは任天堂のゲームだけではありませんでした。Just Danceは再び数百万本のセールスを記録しています。



 Wii時代のような頭打ち感はない。Wii FitはRing Fitより売れたし、Just Danceは初期のゲームのような高みには到達していません。しかし、ダンスゲーム、パーティゲーム、フィットネスゲームの売上は顕著に伸びている。


 ロックダウンが止まったので、これらの数字が下がるのは当然です。それでも、観客はまだいるのです。昨年の「Just Dance」ゲームは、ロックダウンの前作に比べれば大幅に減少しているものの、ヨーロッパ全域で100万本以上を悠々とシフトしています。僅か、Just Dance 2022はすでにJust Dance 2018の総本数を40%上回っていますSDデータ)。


「rain Academy」でさえ、再びチャート入りしていますの最新ゲーム--Brain vs Brain--は常にトップ20にランクインしており、ヨーロッパ全体では、Metroid Dread、Monster Hunter Rise、Grand Theft Auto Trilogyといったゲームを上回る売れ行きを見せているのです。また、俳優のニール・パトリック・ハリスを起用した有名人のテレビ広告もあり、パトリック・スチュワートとジュリー・ウォルターズがDSオリジナルゲームを宣伝していた頃が懐かしく感じられます。




 witchのライフサイクルの中で、我々は興味深い地点にいます。6年目に入り、任天堂にとって「ゲームボーイ」以来の長寿ゲーム機になることは間違いなさそうです。1990年代の名機は、「ポケモン」のおかげで、新しいユーザーを取り込むと同時に、古いユーザーも魅了し続け、長いライフサイクルを楽しむことができました。1つのタイトルでこのようなことができるのは稀であり、期待できるものではありません。一般的な戦略としては、まだ獲得できていない新規ユーザー向けのタイトルと、既存のファンを維持するためのタイトルを開発することになります。つまり、『Splatoon 3』や『Breath of the Wild 2』のような大きな続編と並行して、Nintendo Switch Sportsとゲームビルダーガレージをバランスよくスケジュールに入れておくのです。


Nintendo Switch Sportsは今月発売

 Nintendo Switch Sportsには可能性があります。『Just Dance』や『Ring Fit』の実績がそれを際立たせており、そのラインナップにカジュアルなスポーツゲームを加えることは理にかなっています。しかし、本当のチャンスは、旧来のWiiの顧客をさらに獲得することです。初代『Wii Sports』は大ブームを巻き起こした。その続編である『Wii Sports Resort』も、全世界で3,300万本を超える大ヒットを記録しています。






 Nintendo Switch Sportsが前作のような売上を達成できる可能性はほとんどないでしょう。しかし、良い体験を提供することができれば、ゼルダやマリオの新作よりも重要なシステム販売になる可能性があります。




Why Nintendo Switch Sports is as important as Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 | Opinion

There's a growing casual audience on Switch


 This article was originally published as part of the GI Market Report newsletter. To sign-up for free, click here and select 'Retail and Publishing newsletter' to receive it.

Don't say it too loud, in case we scare them off again, but some of that Wii and DS audience might have come back.

It's incredible to think Nintendo sold over 250 million games machines during that Wii/DS generation. The decision to avoid going head-to-head with Xbox and PlayStation and instead target entirely new audiences was a brave and ultimately triumphant one.

Nintendo won over millions of customers through brain training puzzle games and virtual bowling. But then, almost as quickly, it lost them again.

We can make an educated guess about where some of those players went. The DS experience was replicated quite well on smartphones. But the Wii experience? Perhaps it was smartphones that did for that, too. Maybe players traded swinging and waggling for swiping and tapping. Or maybe they didn't trade it for anything. It's not unfathomable to think that, for some people, the Wii was the one and only time they dabbled in console gaming.

Nintendo has tried to appeal to that audience a few times since. Sometimes in the form of sequels (Nintendogs + Cats on 3DS or Wii Sports Club on Wii U), and occasionally with completely new concepts; one of the more ambitious things the company did during the early years of Switch was Nintendo Labo, an educational toys-to-life series aimed at families and children.

It's harsh to call any of these failures, but they hardly convinced that Wii and DS audience to return.

Then the pandemic happened, and that changed. The lockdowns meant that lots of people had time on their hands, including non-gamers and used-to-be gamers. These people wanted different things from their games. They wanted something accessible to occupy their time, something to play with the family and even something to keep them fit.

Animal Crossing became the fastest-selling game in Nintendo's history. Wii Remotes were spotted in the Amazon charts. And Ring Fit Adventure, essentially this generation's Wii Fit, sold out instantly. It's now approaching 14 million sales. And it wasn't just Nintendo's games. Just Dance is now a multi-million seller once again.

It's not quite the heady days of the Wii era. Wii Fit sold more than Ring Fit, and Just Dance hasn't hit the heights of its early games. But there has been a noticeable increase in sales for dancing, party and fitness games.

Since the lockdowns have stopped, it's not surprising to see those numbers drop. Yet the audience is still there. Last year's Just Dance game, although significantly down compared to its lockdown predecessors, is still comfortably shifting over a million copies across Europe. In just six months, Just Dance 2022 has already sold 40% more copies than Just Dance 2018 did in its lifetime (GSD data).

Even Brain Academy is in the charts again. That latest game -- Brain vs Brain -- has been ever-present in the Top 20, and across Europe it's outsold games like Metroid Dread, Monster Hunter Rise, and the Grand Theft Auto Trilogy. It's also been backed by a celebrity TV ad featuring actor Neil Patrick Harris, making me nostalgic for when Patrick Stewart and Julie Walters promoted the DS original.

This isn't 2007, but it's clear that there's a considerable and active audience of casual gamers on Nintendo's hybrid machine.

We're at an interesting point in the lifecycle of the Switch. It is into its sixth year and looks certain to become Nintendo's longest serving console since the Game Boy. That 1990s classic enjoyed a lengthy lifecycle thanks to Pokémon, which simultaneously brought in new players and kept older audiences engaged. It's rare for a single title to do that, and certainly not something you should expect. The usual strategy is to develop some titles for newer audiences you've yet to win over, and others to keep your existing fanbase engaged. In other words, make sure your schedule has a balance between Nintendo Switch Sports and Game Builder Garage, to sit alongside big sequels like Splatoon 3 or Breath of the Wild 2.

Nintendo Switch Sports has potential. The performance of Just Dance and Ring Fit highlights that, and it makes sense to add a casual sports game to that line-up. Yet the real opportunity is to win over even more of those old Wii customers. The original Wii Sports was a phenomenon. And its sequel Wii Sports Resort was also a massive success, selling over 33 million copies worldwide.


The lockdowns, which caused that resurgence in more casual players, may be over, but that doesn't mean the opportunity is over. If you believe the press, it's going to be a summer of parties and BBQs. Of families and friends reconnecting after years staying away. It's potentially the perfect environment for a motion-controlled sports game.

It'll also have another moment ahead of the Christmas party season, with Nintendo planning to add free DLC before the end of the year.

There's little chance Nintendo Switch Sports will manage the sort of sales of its predecessors. But if it can deliver a good experience, it has the potential to be a more significant system seller than any new Zelda or Mario game.






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