
川越で”正々堂々と昼飲み”してきた話。/ Day Drinking from Lunch in KAWAGOE

On Sunday, June 2, 2024, my wife and I went to the Daijizake Sake Festival @ Westa Kawagoe (Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture). This was our first time attending this event. Since this was the first time the event was held in five years, there was quite a line before the doors opened, and the inside of the tasting room was amazing. I would have liked to enjoy the tasting in a more relaxed and quiet atmosphere, but it was too crowded

There was so much excitement that there was no place to stay.... It was a little disappointing that the line for the tasting was so long that we could not even have a small conversation with the sake brewer.

I hadn't been to Kawagoe since last February. Last February, the Coronavirus had not settled down, and I think the number of people was somewhat small, but this time, everywhere I went was crowded. (Click here to see the details of my last visit to Kawagoe.)

開催日時 2024年6月2日(日)  
11:00~15:00(多目的ホール入場最終14:30) 雨天決行
“美酒どころ埼玉”の銘酒が5年ぶりにウェスタ川越に帰ってきました! 県内各地の日本酒、クラフトビール、ワイン等にお酒に合うグルメも取り揃えて、ご来場をお待ちしています!





This event was a great opportunity to enjoy not only sake, but also a wide variety of local beers and wines. This time, we were interested in sake from the breweries marked with (★) in the above list. I know all the other sake breweries (marked with ○) and have had a fair amount of sake from them... I will write about two of them.

小江戸鏡山酒造株式会社/ Koedo-Kagamiyama Corporation

Koedo Kagamiyama Sake Brewery was once out of business in 2000 and reopened in February 2007 with the support of local voices. Using rice and water grown in Kawagoe, they continue to brew sake with the support of local people as the only sake brewery in Kawagoe. They seem to be putting a lot of effort into developing new products under the brand name "Koedo Kagamiyama," and there was a long line of people waiting to try their products.

It was crowded and hard to get there....It was difficult to take pictures of the labels, and I ended up not being able to get a good shot. At first, I tasted a limited Junmai sake made with wine yeast.
They are promoting new sake products through collaborations like this.
Junmai-shu is made with wine yeast. I liked it as it was and took it as a souvenir. Fashionable box。
そして中身もおしゃれ。And the contents are also fashionable.

有限会社 佐藤酒造店/ Sato-Shuzo Ten


Sato Sake Brewery is located in the town of Ogose, which is famous for its ume plum trees. Because of this, their representative brand is "Ogose Plum Grove". Unfortunately, this year's plum crop was the worst on record, down 10% from last year, and the Ogose Town Ume Festival has been canceled.... We are worried about the impact on Ume sake production.

越生梅林 特別純米酒を試飲でいただきました。
Ogose-Bairin special junmai sake was served for tasting.
My wife brought home a bottle of ume (plum) sake.
Umeshu (plum wine) brewed with sake.
President Matsuoka of Matsuoka Brewing was also there. He always participates in this kind of events. He is very energetic and active.
Every time I go to this kind of event, all the booths are very lively. Gonda Sake Brewery and his brothers were also doing their best.
所沢 地ビール。Tokorozawa local beer
Outside of Westa Kawagoe, there is a wide variety of gourmet food that goes well with alcoholic beverages.
つまみに。For snacks.

川越近辺を散歩/ A walk around the Kawagoe area

After enjoying the Daichi Sake Festival all the way, I was tired of the activity and crowds, so I decided to take a walk around the Kawagoe area in search of a little peace and quiet.

We decided to walk through Kawagoe Station to Koedo Kurari
15分程歩き、ききざけ処 昭和蔵に到着。
After a 15-minute walk, we arrived at Kiki Sake Shop Showagura.
Originally, Kagamiyama Sake Brewery was located here.
埼玉の酒造業/ Brewing Industry in Saitama
"During the Edo period, a large amount of so-called "downstream sake" came to Edo from the western provinces (Kamigata), such as Itami, Ikeda, and Nada, which were major sake brewing areas, by barrel ship.
In order to reduce the east-west imbalance that caused money to flow out of Edo to the west, the government lent rice owned by the Tokugawa to sake brewers in Sekihassyu, an area roughly equivalent to today's Kanto region, including Saitama Prefecture, and ordered them to produce "Gomen Kanto Joshu" sake, which was sold at retail in Edo, thus serving as a driving force for raising the level of Saitama's sake brewing industry. "

終わりに/ In closing

Thank you for reading to the end.
Although I enjoyed the lively atmosphere of the event, I felt that the overflow of visitors compared to the space available at the venue was a bit stressful. I thought that more consideration should be given to spacing out the tasting booths a little more, or to determining the route of the lineups. It was a good thing that it was the first time in five years that I was able to attend such an event. I was glad to be able to participate in a new event.
By the way, the large tasting event I attended last year was also very crowded, but the lineup and other aspects were well organized, so I felt I was able to concentrate on the sake and the dialogue with the brewers.

追伸:このあと、妻とイタリアンに行きランチをゆっくり楽しみました。ドリンクは”YONA YONA ALE よなよなエール(キリン)”。日本酒もいいけれど、やっぱりビールも美味しい。正々堂々と日本酒・ビールで昼飲みしてきた話でした。ごちそうさまでした。
P.S. After this, my wife and I went to an Italian restaurant and enjoyed a relaxed lunch. The drink was "Yona Yona Ale" (Kirin). Sake is good, but beer is also delicious. I had a nice lunch with sake and beer.
Thank you very much.
