
デザトレ!(Dezatore!): Design Games - Let's Have A Little Fun!

Good day ☀️
We've entered October of 2023 now, time really has flown by.
I hope you're well and taking good care of you and those around you that you care about :) 🌸

Today I'll be sharing about a デザトレ!(Dezatore!) session that I conducted with the members of the design team a while back. As a breather from our daily tasks, I decided to have the team play some interesting design games that I found online 🌟 

※デザトレ!(Dezatore!) is a one-hour session set out weekly within our design team to explore, experiment, share skills, knowledge and ideas among ourselves. A little more detailed explanation can be read here :)

The Boolean Game

check out The Boolean Game

In this game, we get to have a little fun while we practice using the 'pathfinder', the term most designers and Adobe Illustrator users may be familiar with lol.

After being shown a preview of the end goal image on the right, we are to use various shapes provided on the left to create the end goal image, by using the 'union', 'subtract', 'intersect', and/or 'difference' tool displayed on the bottom.

the suggestion to create a cloud with the 3 shapes on the left
putting them together and then to select one of the tools to create the final shape
when successful, we're awarded with a nice compliment ;)⭐︎

from easy to advanced levels, as well as various stages based on each tool, there's plenty to take a fun challenge on ⭐️

various stages of the game

The UI design is good, simple and easy to navigate, and overall experience is fun with its simplicity and learning value. Props to the creators of the game for the wonderful work 👏👏🌈 

It’s Centred That

Next, we played a game called 'It's Centred That'. 

Right off the bat, it has a fun and playful vibe, very lively with its subtle yet adorable animation. Also, there is a Christmas version to play too! 🎅🎄

check out It's Centred That

In the game, we are given images and are asked to identify with a Yes or No as to whether the dot is centred in the stated shape in the image.
It's simple and easy to follow, and the animation makes it rather entertaining.

The answer would reveal upon our selection. When successful, we get to proceed to the next question ☺️

When answering incorrectly however…

…we'd get a very adorable poopy response 💩💦😅

Kudos to the creators of this game as well. The light-heartedness and adorable animation makes testing our designer eyes that much more entertaining 💖

Fun Figma & Animation Tips

As a bonus, I shared with the team a string of fun tutorials by a designer, Zander Whitehurst where he shares Figma UI design tutorials in a very quick and punchy way ⚡️✨

Zander Whitehurst's bubbly vibes got us excited so I had us try out one of the tutorials - Animating Checkout Buttons in Figma,  to see how 'easy' & 'supaaaafast!⚡️' it really is made out to be! 🤔 😀✨

Thanks to uxmaniac for introducing this wonderful tutorial!
Good vibes by Zander Whitehurst is really great to have, making learning so much more fun!

Here is our attempt at the animated checkout button on Figma! 
We tried supaaaafast, but it indeed took a while getting the hang of it on first try 😂 so it wasn't as fast as we'd like, but we'll get there! 🏎⚡️⚡️⚡️

our prototype attempts on Figma
a preview of our created prototypes!
…and another!
…and one last piece🌟

All in all, I hope we all had a good breather playing some design games & enjoy good vibes of another passionate creative :)🌸✨

I believe some fun and space to imagine, create and play is essential in nurturing creativity and ideas for creatives like ourselves. I hope we remember this and try to create a healthy environment and practice to continue with our daily creative pursuits 💡💖⭐️✨

Here are the list of Fun Figma & Animation Tips I've compiled, in case you'd like to give it a try, supaaaafast! 🏎⚡️✨

🛍 Animating checkout buttons in Figma! ⁣
💧 Animating liquid switches in Figma, supafast! ⁣
📧 Creating interactive components forms in Figma, supafast! ⁣
🤑 Designing auto layout price cards in Figma!
🔑 Designing Auto Layout login modal in Figma, supafast! ⁣
🍔 Animating hamburger menus in Figma ⁣
👆 Animating button hover state in Figma! ⁣
🖼️ Animating image carousels in Figma, supafast!

Credits for these wonderful fun tutorials to:
👦🏼⚡Zander Whitehurst | UX/UI Designer

Enjoy having a little creative fun 🌟
Till next time! :)🌸


Header credits:
Template Design by asato
