「Write Everything Down」
I’m old school. I like writing down everything. Everything with a pen and paper like good old days. I’ve been taking notes about lots of things all my life. But I was usually writing things down on small papers so they went all over the place or got lost. Recently I started using notebooks so I write down everything about anything on them. No more small memo pads or pieces of papers. I found that writing had a huge positive effect on me.
When I can’t make up my mind on something, writing down my thoughts can usually guide me to a right direction. Also if someone recommended me movies, books or songs, I can write down the titles just for myself to check back later, otherwise I won’t be able to remember them.
When I learned new words or liked conversations with friends or any interesting articles on internet, I write them down because I like to remember those things. We live in such a crazy busy world, if we don’t write them down lots of important things will be forgotten.
If you think you’re lost in your thoughts, if you realise you’re in deep thoughts, writing down your feelings can ease your mind. You’d feel much better as if you got more room in your brain. Getting them out of your system can clear your head. Probably that’s why I keep writing, otherwise I feel like I won’t be able to breathe because I’ll be overwhelmed by my own thoughts.
I’m not sure if everyone is like me. I’m strange and different. I’m a deep thinker, that’s why I’m a writer. Recently I could actually help a couple of friends who had trouble making up their minds. I told them to write all down and they did. Lists in their heads were too big for them to see, but once they wrote all down in front of them, they could see things clearly and they understood their priority.
Day and night we make a list of everything without realizing. I have too many lists in my head and they make me feel like I’m going to explode. All the things I have to do, I need to do, I want to do, all the places I have to go to, things I need to get etc... Lists keep on and on. So writing them down is the only way for me to save myself from thinking too much. I can keep writing forever but sometimes I give myself a permission to rest from writing too. Otherwise I’ll keep writing until I die. I could say I’m an addict. But in a useful way, I believe.
I write down nonsenses. All the rubbish that no one would even care about. Those things are so important to me to look back and think ahead, but most importantly to live this moment.
So if you haven’t written anything down, please start from now. You’d feel much better. Writing can change your life with a whole new perspective.