パラレルワールド新聞: 「Russian ships arrive in Cuba as Cold War allies strengthen their ties」 <- こんな時代が来るとは...1962年(第一次:キューバ危機)じゃないですよも~

今回は「Russian ships arrive in Cuba as Cold War allies strengthen their ties」についてみていきましょう。

CNN: 12 Jun, 2024

「Russian ships arrive in Cuba as Cold War allies strengthen their ties」

A group of Russian Navy ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, arrived in Cuba on Wednesday morning in a sign of strengthening ties between the two Cold War allies.

Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov – the first of a four-ship convoy – fired a 21-gun salute after entering Havana harbor, which was answered by the Cubans with cannon fire from an 18th-century colonial fort built by the Spanish to guard the port.


The vessels will carry out a five-day official visit to the Caribbean island – a show of Russian force just 90 miles from Florida as tensions rise between the US and Russia over the war in Ukraine.

ま、ロシアがこんなことをやらかすのも、わかる気はします。 米国は国境を接するウクライナで対ロシアの武器の支援をしているわけですからね~


US Navy ‘monitors’ exercises: En route to Cuba, the Russian warships conducted drills in the Atlantic, the Russian Ministry of Defense said Tuesday.


the Russian transit to the region comes at a particularly tense moment between Washington and Moscow, several weeks after President Joe Biden agreed to allow Ukraine to strike inside Russia directly using US-provided weapons.


これを見るだけでも、西側の報道が正確にウクライナ情勢を伝えていない気がします。 瀕死の国が、キューバに遊びに来れるわけがないではありませんか?

Stopover ‘does not represent a threat’: Cuba said last week that such visits were standard practice by naval units from countries friendly to Havana, and insisted the stopover does not represent a threat to the region.



検索キー:  Russian ships arrive in Cuba as Cold War allies strengthen their ties
