
《上級者向け》今日の英語ニュース☆2024.08.20☆時事英語・ニュース英語を極める☆PBS News Hour

■今日の動画:PBS News Hour August 19, 2024

[ 1年前の今日のニュース ]

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[08:22] STEPHANIE HART: I think it's important for us to not be fooled by polls, because I'm so glad she's up. But let's not play any games. There's a whole lot riding on this. And we need to make sure every day we're talking to somebody about what's at stake in this race and get out and vote.

[10:49] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: So there are some 30 uncommitted delegates here, Geoff, and the uncommitted movement held a press conference this morning where they said that they are happy that Harris, they believe, is more empathetic to their cause, but they are waiting for a clear policy change. Specifically, they want to see an arms embargo and an immediate cease-fire. Now, Kamala Harris has said that she is working towards a cease-fire with President Joe Biden, and the administration believes that they're close. But we also spoke to an uncommitted delegate in Michigan, and he said that they are still waiting to hear from the DNC on whether or not they will be able to have a Palestinian-American speak on the main stage this week. That is still an outstanding ask, and they warned that they believe that if Kamala Harris doesn't speak directly to them and if her policies don't change, that she could lose the 100,000 voters in Michigan who voted uncommitted during the primary.

[32:54] REP. MADELEINE DEAN: Well, and I do stand by Joe Biden. What a record of accomplishment, 50-plus years. And I am delighted to see the kind of response that he gets tonight. It will blow the roof off this place, I'm certain.

[35:11] GEOFF BENNETT: All of the enthusiasm, energy, unity on the Democratic side, is there a risk that that masks the fact that this is still a competitive race? And, as one Democrat today told me, this is Donald Trump's race to lose.

[35:23] REP. MADELEINE DEAN: I absolutely think you're right. We mustn't get overly enthusiastic, and so rose-eyed glasses [* < rose-colored glasses ] that we think that this is going to be a cakewalk. It is not. And my district, suburban Philadelphia, is going to be the place to watch. Pennsylvania will be the Keystone State again. We have to dig in. We have to do the work to protect our democracy, to grow our democracy. And what a better place to do it than in the birthplace of our democracy? So I'm also clear-eyed about that. This is not just such enthusiasm that you win a presidential race this way. We have to dig in and do the work and tend to our democracy.

[37:06] REP. MADELEINE DEAN: Well, I have been doing a number of canvass launches and helping people get their literature together, picking up their signs and getting their turfs to go knock on doors.

[45:17] PHIL DONAHUE, Talk Show Host: Aren't you ever -- did you ever have a moment of doubt about capitalism and whether greed's a good idea to run on?
MILTON FRIEDMAN, Economist: Well, first of all, tell me, is there some society you know that doesn't run on greed? You think Russia doesn't run on greed? You think China doesn't run on greed? What is greed? Of course, none of us are greedy. It's only the other fellow who's greedy.

[54:29] But as I write in the book, I have been a lifelong Republican. I cast my first vote for president in 1980 for Ronald Wilson Reagan, who had -- he coined the -- I think it was he who coined what he called his 11th commandment, thou shalt not criticize a fellow Republican.



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