
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.03.06]

PBS News Weekend March 5, 2023



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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[01:56]★今日のおすすめ★ 公海の生物多様性を守る条約 国連で合意

[03:09] Jane Fonda: [* 人間が海を汚すことの愚かさをジェーン・フォンダが述べている部分] We depend on the ocean. Even dogs don't poop in their kennel because they know that the kennel provides security and a home for them. We're pooping in our kennel. We're supposed to be so smart. We're destroying things we don't even understand.

[03:58] Rena Lee: The ship has reached the shore. [* 「船が岸に着いた」。「ようやく岸にこぎつけた」。合意に達したことを議長がこう表現した]

[05:36] It is also an incredibly detailed agreement that sets out [* to set out = to explain something, or give exact details, usually in writing (wiktionary) 明確に詳しく記述する。規定する。] a legal framework for establishing High Seas Marine Protected Areas and other area-based management tools.

[06:25] It really is an unprecedented provision -- basically ensures that benefits that are derived from the global commons [* 世界規模で人類が共有する資産。「グローバル・コモンズ」] are shared globally.

[07:40] [* まだ合意しただけで、今後 必要なことを説明した部分] Now, this still has to be ratified [* to ratify 批准する] by many of the partici -- signatory nations [*条約調印国] , is that right?
>> It does. Actually, what occurred last night is that the president of the conference [* 会議の議長 ] finalized the text that will then be going for technical review and translation into all six U.N. official languages, at which time countries will come back and officially adopt it in the near future.

[08:41] 今日のその他のニュース

[08:41] President Biden went to Selma, Alabama, to mark the 58th anniversary of Bloody Sunday . That's when hundreds of protestors were violently attacked by police during a voting rights march. [* 「血の日曜日」

[10:09] And, a trailblazing advocate for disability rights has died. Judy Heumann's lifelong activism fought discrimination and prejudice against people with disabilities. Her work led to major legislation including the Americans with Disabilities Act.
[* Judy Heumann  
[* 米国障害者法(ADA)

[11:27]★今日のおすすめ★ 診療報酬請求コード変更で最適な乳房再建術が受けられなくなる可能性

[11:48] The surgery is known as DIEP flap reconstruction [* ここで話題になっている乳房再建術の名称] .  It uses a person's own blood vessels, fat, and skin to reconstruct the breast [* (乳がんの手術後に)乳房を再建する] . Older, less complex reconstruction methods use abdominal muscles, but they often lead to complications like hernias and muscle weakness.

[12:04] Since 2006, doctors have billed insurance companies for DIEP flap reconstruction using a unique four-digit code. But now, that code is sunsetting over the next two years. [* to sunset 有効期間が設定されていたものが、その期限が来ることで変更や廃止になる。]

[13:13] My name is Jenni Osier and I am 46 years old. I had a prophylactic mastectomy [* 予防的乳房切除] due to a genetic mutation and family history.

[14:35] If we don't win our fight to get this reversed, it's going to end up that the diep flap and other flap surgeries are just not available to underserved women. [* underserved = (medicine) Disadvantaged with regard to health services because of inability to pay, inability to access care, or other disparities for reasons of race, religion, language group or social status.(wiktionary) 医療を受ける際、経済的理由や医療へのアクセスの問題で不利な立場であったり、あるいは、人種、宗教、言語、社会的地位などの格差で不利な立場にあること。]

[21:06] 3月は女性歴史月間:Ellen Ochoa ヒスパニック系女性初の宇宙飛行士

[21:22] Ellen Ochoa was the first hispanic woman in space.
[* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellen_Ochoa]

[22:05] Today she's an advocate for STEM [* = science, technology, engineering, and mathematics] education, and has written a bilingual children's book “We Are All Scientists”.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

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