
VSM Event : Ambassador Tevita Suka Mangisi, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Tonga to Japan 🇹🇴🇯🇵🌏

(English Translation follows Japanese)


この日 Voices of Selfmade は、マンギシ大使と12名のICU学生達とのランチディスカッションを開催し、マンギシ大使の国連や世界各国で弁護士、外交官として活躍されたご経験のお話を伺いながら、SDGs、気候変動、異文化コミュニケーションなど幅広いテーマで活発なディスカッションが行われ、私を含めICU学生達にとりとても有意義な時間となりました。




(English Translation below):

In April 2023, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Tonga to Japan, Ambassador Tevita Suka Mangisi visited the International Christian University in Tokyo, Japan!

On this day, Voices of Self-made hosted a discussion with currently ICU students, where the Ambassador shared his extensive experiences, wisdom, and insights working as a diplomat and lawyer around the world including the United Nations 🇺🇳, as well as discussions on topics such as the SDGs, climate change, diplomacy, bilateral relations between Tonga and Japan, and cross-cultural communication.

We are grateful to Ambassador Mangisi, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Tonga, and the International Christian University!

For further event details, please see the Instagram recap video below! Please follow us to stay updated about our events and news! :
