
Girl from Afghanistan アフガニスタンから来た少女






Girl from where?






Listening to my daughter's daily life stories, there are moments when I'm deeply moved, feeling a pang of emotions I experienced during my own adolescence.

London, currently, is likely one of the top international cities globally, and when you see the students at schools (in one of London's districts), you often come across many girls wearing Islamic veils. Even in the city of London, you see quite a number, to the extent that you might start to wonder if minorities already hold the majority in London. Of course, I still believe that outside of London, British white people remain the majority, but in the heart of London, it's difficult to determine who the majority is in this country. After all, the current UK Prime Minister, Mr. Rishi Sunak, is of Indian descent. Compared to ten years ago, East Asian people such as Japanese and Chinese seem relatively less visible, while the power of Islamic and Indian communities is felt daily. Of course, this is my subjective perception and not necessarily based on statistical data.

This is particularly true in public schools, serving as a microcosm of society. In one public girls' school in London, I feel that about 40% of the students wear veils.

Diversity is something to be welcomed, and it seems that in this country, we've already reached a point where there's no going back (not that there's a need to). Diversity is thriving.

However, there are instances where the rapid changes have led to chaotic situations, and it's fair to say that light and shadow are intermingled.

Especially in local state (public) schools, this is particularly evident. In situations where there is no screening, of course, if it turns out positively, it can create the ultimate learning environment where various personalities blend together. However, it seems that it can be difficult for disparate elements to interact within the melting pot.

When my daughter first attended the public girls' school in the UK, the class was truly a melting pot of races, and the classes seemed chaotic. As an adult, I hoped she would learn various things within the diversity, but in reality, people tended to group together based on race, ethnicity, or nationality, and it was challenging to break the ice. In some cases, tension arose between these different groups, and my daughter ended up requesting a class change.

Well, that's just how reality is, I suppose.

Her new class seemed reasonably comfortable, and she started a fresh beginning in a slightly better environment. However, afterward, a classmate from Afghanistan who was in the same English as an Additional Language (EAL) class in her original class came to check on her.

Speaking of Afghanistan, it's a country where girls' education is severely restricted under Taliban rule. It's hard to imagine how this girl ended up receiving education in the UK under such difficult circumstances. Yet, here she is, a girl striving in a foreign land, showing concern for her privileged friend from Japan. It's been a while since I've felt that tightness in my chest, that heartwarming feeling.
