
【台本】ベッドルーム・シンドローム(Bedroom Syndrome)




Cosmo (コズモ)

Melanie (メラニー)

Doe Deer (ドー)

A.J. (エージェイ)

1978 Cosmo.



AJ : おい、ドー。お前さっきの一言だけでいきなり演劇におけるタブーを3個ぐらいぶち込んだぞ。(客席に)…ち、違いますからね。まったくの嘘です。私たちが物語に必要だってことは、見てもらえると十分わかると思いますから。ほんとに。え?




AJ : (ドーが喋りたそうなのを無視して)さて。突然ですが、あなたの妄想力はどのくらいですか?本作品のキモは「幻想」と「真実」。妄想して記憶を補い、改造し、発言することは癒しでもあり、危険な綱渡りでもあります。気をつけないと、一生幻想の中で、誰とも共有できない世界の中で生きていくことになります。

この…(ドーがコズモを回す。コズモは正面を向く。毛布をかぶっている。無気力で、人形のように動かない。) コズモという27歳の若者。99の自傷と1の自尊で出来た生命体。訳あって1週間お風呂に入っていないためめちゃくちゃ臭い。(二人同時に臭いジェスチャー)

ドー: 彼の特技は幻覚を見ること。嘆くこと。それらを文章にすること。普段のコズモのテンションがここだとすると、パニクったときの彼はこのくらい。書いた小説は未だ売れず。そしてそして、彼がこんな惨めな姿になったのはまぎれもない、彼女のせいなんだ。
(AJ がメラニーを回す。メラニーはだるそうに、警察署にいるかのように正面を挑発的ににらめつける。)
メラニーは大人気ロックシンガー。1977年のヒット曲、(ふたり、歌う) ♪“I’m holding on to someone special!” を歌ってるのは彼女だ。酒癖が悪く、言葉は汚い。権威とはいつもいざこざを起こす。インタビューでは司会者に唾を吐いたこともあるよ!

AJ : 2人が出会ったのは5年前。彼らは大喧嘩と大仲直りを繰り返す毎日を過ごしていた。ある日、いつものように喧嘩をしてメラニーは出て行く 。浮気疑惑(ドーが横から話す:チープな週刊誌が言うには、だからね。真実は彼女と死体にしかわからない) の男と車にのり、勢いよく飛び出した。

……彼女は生き残った。隣にいた愛人(ドー: カッコはてな、カッコ閉じる)と、前を歩いていた歩行者一人を犠牲にして。

ドー: これは、善悪のない物語。ここにいる全員、誰も悪くないはずなんだ。あるのは迫り来る選択と分岐点。そして、可能性がいざなう壮大な誘惑……「ベッドルーム・シンドローム」だけ。






コズモ: (無視して)これは現実じゃない。…無視、無視だ。

メラニー: 私ね、あなたに出会った時のことを思い出してたの…(コズモが立ち上がり、毛布をかぶったまま避けるように前に進む)…アンディ・ワーホル主催のパーティーで私から話しかけたんだよね。覚えてる?人脈を作ろうと必死な人々の視線が飛び交う狭い部屋のなかで、あなただけはノートにゾッコンだった。目が悪いからってノートにチューしそうで。私はあなたのほうへすすんで、「ねえ、何書いてるの?」って言った。そしたらあなたは…正面を向いて、虚な目でこう言うの。


メラニー:ほら!覚えてるじゃないの! (コズモは頭を振り、妄想を振り落とそうとする) …ねえ、あれってどういう意味だったの?新作のタイトル?次に流行る音楽のジャンルとか?




コズモ: (電話に、息が荒い) お願いしまぁーーす!AJ シモンズさんの回線に繋いでください!てか繋げ!早く!緊急かって?ああそうだよ!こっちは生きるか死ぬかの瀬戸際で常に生きてるんすよぉだ!はやくAJ に繋げないと、壁に頭打ち付けて死んでやるぞーーー!!!
(AJが電話に出ると、急に落ち着く。) やあ。AJ。いや、うちのお袋は元気だ。そうじゃなくてあの、裁判の件。うん。今日練習させてくれないか。


メラニー: ねえ、私との「終わり」をリハーサルするだなんて、ひどい話なんじゃない?

コズモ: お願いだから黙ってくれ。

メラニー: 栄光か地獄か。私はどちらかでしか生きられない性分なの、知ってるよね。ねぇ、あなたは私をどっちの世界に連れて行くの?

コズモ: だから黙れって!出てけ!出てけ!出てけ!

ドーとAJ 入場。コズモの声をきいて

ドー: はーいわかりました!バイバイ!(退場しかける。AJ が引き止める)


AJ:おい。大丈夫かコズモ。(部屋を見渡す)・・・なんだよこの部屋、この有り様は。(紙屑をすべて拾い、足でコズモをつつく) ほれほれ、早く起きろよ根暗野郎。お前の方から呼びだしておいて、みっともない姿をさらすんじゃない。


AJ: ・・・エージェー特製ジンジャーココア作ってやるから、な。起きろ。






AJ :まだ誰も喋ってねえよ…。(ニヤつくドーを見てため息をつく)グリフィンさん。あなたと被告は、5年間の「複雑な」恋人関係にあった。これは間違いありませんね?


AJ : あなたは被告の浮気を知っていた。


AJ : シー。本番では必ず聞かれる質問だ。立ち向かわないと。コズモ、言えるか?



AJ : それでは、あなたは男と共に車に乗り込む被告を、その目で見ていたのですね?


AJ : なぜ彼女を追いかけたのですか?


AJ : 何が「終わる」と?


AJ : …えっと…最後に一つ質問します。(ゆっくり話し始める)被告が事故を起こした時、信号は青でしたか?それとも赤でしたか?実際に見たものを答えてください。

メラニー: あなたが見たもの、体験したこと。そこに何の信憑性があるっていうの?なんの根拠をもって本当に存在したと言えるの?

コズモ: え?


AJ : あなたがあの夜見た光は、緑色でしたか?赤色でしたか?

ドー: 事故の直後、お前電話してきたよな、取り乱したような感じで。「あいつ…赤信号を…って」


AJ : 緑か、赤か。

メラニー: 緑!



AJ : よく頑張った。ちょっと休憩しようか。…なあ、お前が本当に見たのは緑だったのか…?それともお前…



コズモ: 何に?

ドー: 「大いなる可能性」。

コズモ: なんだよそれ。おれはあの日見たままを伝えただけだ。

ドー: 今上京すれば歌手として成功できる「かもしれない」!今始めれば、期末試験成績アップの「チャンス!」今買えば、お肌の調子が劇的に良くなる「かもしれない」。そして今、(コズモのほうを向く) 砂糖の粒より小さな事実をひとつ、ちょちょっと改変するだけで、もうドン底の気分を味合わなくてすむかもしれない。彼女を留めておけるかもしれない。


ドー:目の前にあるのは分岐点。高速道路の出口が迫り来る。それが「今」って瞬間と重なった時、バン!人は焦ってパニクって、めちゃくちゃな決断をしちゃうんだ。俺だってそういう経験あるけどさ…21の時…(客席の方を向く) ああ、語る時間がなさそうなのが悲しい!クソ主人公め、羨ましい!頑張れよ!…とにかくだ、コズモ。お前さぁ。もうボイコットしちまえよ。



AJ : コズモ…やっぱりお前、一度彼女に会っておかないか?








メラニー:(居心地が悪そうに)週刊誌なんか嘘っぱちの記事出してばっかり。私があの男の愛人だったとか、意図的に殺したとか。コズモは信じるわけないよね?あんなクズみたいな言葉を 。…ねえ、なんとか言ってよ。












AJ がコズモの肩を持つ。二人が退場する。








メラニー:でもあなたは舞台裏の私を見つけたでしょ。皆が無視して通り過ぎる中、隅っこで理由もなく泣いていた 私の横で立ち止まって、少し離れた壁にもたれかかった。何も質問することなくただ隣に立って、行き交う人々を見ていただけ。しばらく経って、あなたが一言つぶやくの。「家まで送る」って。









机の奥にメラニーが座っている。横にAJ が立っている。



AJ : グリフィンさん。あなたと被告は、5年間の「複雑な」恋人関係にあった。これは間違いありませんね?


AJ : あなたは被告の浮気を知っていた。



AJ : 最後に一つ質問します。(ゆっくり話し始める)被告が事故を起こした時、信号は青でしたか?それとも赤でしたか?実際に見たものを答えてください。



AJ : あなたがあの夜見た光は、緑色でしたか?赤色でしたか?



AJ : 緑か、赤か。

メラニー: 緑!お願い。



AJ : 赤?


AJ : 赤でしたか?




AJ : お答えください。赤でしたか?









メラニー:ちょっと!あいつは嘘をついてます!意義あり!あいつは統合失調症なの!  虚言癖があるんです!


メラニーが暴れるが、ドーとAJ に取り押さえられる。













COSMO : 27
Struggling novelist. Suffering from schizophrenia.

Singer of a famous rock band, Cosmo’s girlfriend.

DOE : 27
Cosmo's friend. Mysterious class clown.

A.J. : 28 
Cosmo's childhood friend. Reliable, diligent lawyer.

This play is set in the winter of 1978, Los Angeles.


COSMO’s messy bedroom. The floor is filled with cut-off piece of paper, which he threw out while writing a novel. In the back of the stage, there’s COSMO and MELANIE, all motionless like dolls, with an expression showing nothing. DOE and A.J. enter with the music. They start talking to the audience like stand-up comedians.

DOE.   Hello! My name is DOE, and this is my friend A.J., who is such a square lawyer that makes you wanna cry. (Beat.) Hey, Hear me out. Since this show is only 15 minutes long, this guy and I only appear as the role of “protagonist’s good friends”. We were created to fill the superficial void of the story so… (Beat.) Anyhow the director of this production had a trouble with casting the actors since there were more applicants than we’d imagined…!

A.J.    What the hell, Doe. Did you realize that you just inserted like 3 taboos against the rule of theater? (Coughs, turns to the audience and laughs nervously) He, is, wrong! Okay? Please do NOT believe him. He lies like he breathes. That’s his nature. I’m pretty sure that you will understand how important we are in this story, by the time you finish the play. Trust me. (Doe taps A.J.’s shoulder) What? (A.J. and DOE start talking off-mic.)

DOE.   Wait, let me start all over. “Reboot”!! (A.J. and DOE exit. Then re-appear with the same music. DOE waves to the audience.)

A.J.    (Ignores DOE trying to interrupt him) Alright. I know it's quite sudden but I have a question for you. “How well can you fantasize the reality?” (Beat.) The heart of this story consists of the two words; “delusion” and “truth”. The act of compensating, re-modeling, and speaking your memory with your fantasy… it’s fun and comforting indeed. However, it can be very dangerous at the same time. Be careful, or you will be stuck in the fantasy that you created, which you will never share with anyone else. You’ll be alone in this big, big world. (Beat.) Well, (looking at COSMO and MELANIE) these two youngsters are experiencing such a risky walk on a tightrope. This is Cosmo, 27 years old. This creature is made of 99 percent of self-hate and one percent of self-care. He hasn’t showered for a week for some reason, so… as you can imagine, HE STINKS.

DOE.    He is very good at seeing things, getting moody, and writing about it. Here (points at his shoe) is the normal level of Cosmo’s mood, and he hits here (raises his hand so high) when he panics. All the works he published haven’t been sold well yet. And it is unquestionable that he has been miserable because of her! (A.J. turns MELANIE around. MELANIE looks reluctant and glares provocatively at the audience as if she were arrested.) Melanie is a rock star. she's the one who is singing the 1977 hit song, (A.J. and DOE sing together) ♪"I'm holding on to someone special!" She is a bad drinker and always uses dirty words when she doesn’t need to. She is always getting into troubles with authority. She’s even once spat on the show host during an interview!

A.J.   Cosmo and Melanie met 5 years ago. They spent their times together having big quarrels and big make-ups. One day, they had a fight as usual and Melanie left the house. With the guy she had been cheating with…

DOE.  (speaks from the side) That’s what a cheap weekly paper says tho. Only she and the corpse know the truth.

A.J.   (Continues) …she gets into a car and takes off at a brisk pace. (Beat.) And then, she survived. After she sacrificed her lover…

DOE.    Again, I’m not sure about that.

A.J.   (Continues) …who was next to her, and one pedestrian who was walking in front of her car. But oh, she survived.

DOE. (Beat.) The idea of “good” and “evil” doesn’t exist in this story. No one here shouldn’t be blamed for what’s about to happen. Here emerges the choice, the looming crossroads, and the grand temptation of possibility…AKA, "Bedroom Syndrome.”(Fades to black.)


COSMO is lying on the bed. MELANIE (COSMO’s vision) is straddling him, looking down on him mischievously.

MELANIE.    Morning, Sweetheart. Had a good sleep?

COSMO.    (Beat.) You are not real.

MELANIE.   (Laughing) So what?

COSMO.    This isn't real. Ignore her, ignore it.

MELANIE. I… remember when I met you for the first time. (COSMO stands up and moves, trying to avoid her.) At the party at Andy Warhol’s, and I approached you. Do you remember? Those sneaky eyes around a packed room, hungry and desperate for building personal networks. But among them, only you kept a passionate eye on your notebook. With your poor eyesight, so close that you almost kiss it. I came over and said, “What are you writing?” And you… turned to me with empty eyes, then you said…

COSMO.     (Beat. Controlled)… “Death metal.”

MELANIE.   See! You remember! (COSMO shakes his head and tries to runs away from her.) ...Hey, Darling, what did that mean? The title of a new album? Or the next popular music genre?

COSMO.    (Talking to himself) That is not the way she talks. She shouldn't sound so soft… in reality…

MELANIE. She is me. I am her. She, who you fell in love with is me. (COSMO begins to panic, hastily picks up the phone and turns the dial.)

COSMO.   (On the phone, breathing hard, then screaming at top of his lungs) Pleaaaaaaaase! Connect this line to A.J. Simmons! Dial the fucking number now! Come on! (Beat.) What? Yes, it fucking is! It is urgent! I’m living on the edge of life and death all the time. (Beat.) GET A.J. ON THE LINE, OR I'M GOING TO BANG MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALL AND DIE! (Beat. Suddenly he calms down because A.J. answers the phone.) Hey A.J… no, my mom's fine. No, yeah, it’s, uh, it's about the trial. Yes. I was just wondering maybe we could practice today. (Putting back the phone)

MELANIE.   Hey, isn’t it awful to have a rehearsal for our ending?

COSMO.   Shut up.

MELANIE.   Hell, or Glory, I’m the person who can’t live anywhere in between…Pretty sure you know that. Which one will you take me to?

COSMO.   (Getting upset, hiding in a blanket ) I said shut the fuck up! Get out! Get out! Get out!(DOE and A.J. enter. DOE gets startled hearing COSMO’s scream.)

DOE: Okey dokey. Bye! (Turns and tries to leave, A.J. holds him back. The vision of MELANIE is still sitting elfishly on the desk. But of course, A.J. and DOE cannot see or hear MELANIE at all.)

A.J.   (Walking towards the center, where COSMO sits and hides in his blanket.) Hey. Are you okay, Cosmo? (Looking around the room) What the hell, what's going on here? (picks up all the scraps of paper, and kicks COSMO over the blanket with his foot) Here, get up, you gloomy bastard. Don’t you say you called just to show me this incredible mess. (COSMO shrinks in even more like a turtle. Beat.)  I'm gonna make you A.J.’s special ginger cocoa. So wake up. (COSMO slowly emerges from the blanket, and the lights fade to black.)


COSMO is on a bed wrapped in a blanket, holding a mug with both hands. MELANIE sits beside him, that’s what makes COSMO very uncomfortable. Lights fade in as DOE makes a noise with a wooden hammer for the trial, mocking a judge.


A.J.   No one has started talking yet… (sighs as he sees DOE grinning.) Mr. Griffin. You and the defendant were in a "complicated" relationship for five years. Is that correct?

MELANIE.   If you call this toxic, cursed relationship "complicated".

COSMO.   (Almost blowing out his cocoa. Beat. Trying to ignore MELANIE) Oh, yeah…Yes…we were.

A.J.   And you knew about the defendant's affair.

DOE.   Hey! Isn’t it quite harsh all of a sudden?

A.J.   Shhh. They will definitely ask him the same question in the court. He needs to confront it.  (Turns to COSMO.) Cosmo, do you think you can do that?

COSMO.   (Finishes his cocoa and turns to MELANIE.) Yes… “You"...(shakes his head) No… "she" never stayed home because she always had to go on tour. That night, I hadn't seen her in six months and when I saw her, I smelled a strange man from her body. But still, I was supposed to be okay with this…I thought I knew about her, understood her…(Beat.) She left anyway that night, and I followed her out.

MELANIE.   (Whispering in COSMO's ear) Honey, what are you gonna do if you could be with me forever, with only one word to change the truth?
A.J.   Did you saw with your own eyes the defendant getting into her car with the man?

COSMO.   Yes...I did.

A.J.  Why did you follow her?

COSMO.   (Beat.) ‘Cause if I let go of that, it would be the end...

A.J.   The "end" of what?

COSMO.   A life that is needed by someone at least.

A.J.  (Beat.) One last question. (Begins to speak slowly.) When the car hit the pedestrian, was the traffic light green? Or was it red? Please answer what you actually saw.

MELANIE. (Whispers as the suspense music begins to play.) Everything you saw, everything you experienced. Is it really authentic? How the hell do you prove that what you say is real?

COSMO.   (Nervously) What? (The lights slowly turn to green.)

A.J.   Was the light you saw that night green, or red?

DOE.  You called me right after the accident, right? You sounded really upset when you said, "She...ran the red light..."

MELANIE. (Interrupting DOE) That was green. Green, green, green.

A.J.   Green or red?


COSMO.   (Defeatedly) It was green. (MELANIE looks satisfied to hear this, and exits.)

A.J.   I think you did a good job. Why don’t we take a break. …Hey, but your answer…Was the light actually green..? Or did you…(Suddenly, DOE approaches to COSMO without saying anything. He sheds a small flashlight into COSMO’s eye and stares into it for a moment.)

DOE. (Beat.) Okaaay. Knew it. (Moves away like he has figured something out.) See, I knew it. Cosmo, Jesus. It looks like you are tempted.

COSMO.  Tempted by what?

DOE.   “The Grand Possibilities."

COSMO.   What the hell is that? I'm just telling you what I actually saw that day.

DOE.   (Starts his presentation to the audience exaggeratedly) If you come to the city now, you "might" make it as a singer! If you start now, you “might” have a chance to improve your final exam grades! If you buy this now, you "might" get a perfect skin that you dreamed of. (Turning to COSMO.) And now, just by making one small change in your truth, smaller than a grain of sugar, you “might” have a chance to not feel like you're at rock bottom anymore. “Maybe” you can still keep her in your life. (DOE sits down next to COSMO. DOE extends his hand and they both look at the tip of his hand.) A junction approaches in front of you. The highway exit looms. When they collide with a moment called "now"… BAM! We often make irrational decisions when we panic and get impatient. I've had the similar experience too... when I was 21...(turns to the audience) Oh, it's a shame that I don't seem to have time to talk about it! Damn it Cosmo, you fucking protagonist, I envy you!Just hang in there, okay!? ...Anyway, Cosmo. You know what? Maybe it is time you boycotted it already.

COSMO.   Boycott what?

DOE.   LOVE! SWEET LOVE!! (Beat.) Well, technically speaking, I’m telling ya that you should boycott all the craps about love and justice of faking, or telling the truth. Remember that you always have a choice to boycott those stupid things and be free from them. Don't be a puppet of guilt. Choose the one that makes you less sad and contribute to your moment called "now".

A.J. (Beat.) Cosmo…I think you should see her in person at some point. (The lights fade away.)


The setting is changed into a hospital room. MELANIE (the real one) sits up on the bed in the middle of the stage. She wears a hospital gown and her hand is bandaged. DOE in a white coat puts another bandage around her head. A.J. and COSMO enter after the lights fade in. MELANIE immediately recognizes COSMO.

MELANIE.   (Forcing herself to be cheerful) Cosmo? What a surprise. You came to see me!(COSMO doesn’t answer. He just blankly stares at MELANIE.) …I’m glad to see that you seem to be doing well. (COSMO still doesn’t say anything. MELANIE gets uncomfortable.) Oh, the tabloids. The articles they published, they were all damn fake. “She had an affair with that guy”, “she did it intentionally” … You do not believe them, right? The words coming from those pieces of shit. (Beat.) Hey, say something.

COSMO.   (Beat.) Who are you?

MELANIE.   What?

COSMO.  It's been like this for the last few days. You were supposed to be more …intense. Your language, your voice, they were more dirty and scratchy…You were…you were…more awful to me. It had been supposed to be that way. (Beat.) Why are you talking to me like you're talking to a stranger? I'm going crazy…(starts to pant.)

MELANIE.   (Sighs irritably) Alright I got ya, I got ya. Settle down for God’s sake. The only thing I want you to do is you tell them the truth. I just want you to be on my side. Why are you hesitating?

COSMO.   Because I can’t tell them the truth and save you at the same time.

MELANIE.   Then why don’t you just distort your memories? And anything could be the truth! You’re fucking good at this! Always.

COSMO.   Then you can tell me your side of the truth too. You can tell me that you liked that guy more, or that you hated me from the beginning. You just wanted to use me.

MELANIE.   (Quietly) That is not true! Like seriously, you’re the kindest person I’ve ever met!  (Returns to her normal voice.) Well, whatever, anyway. Please! I’m begging you. Help me!

COSMO.   Okay.

MELANIE.   I really mean it! I swear! You pretend to be alone in the world, but you have friends. I have friends all over, but you were the only one who had always been besides me. I am alone, … Jesus, I’m fucking jealous of you!

COSMO.   Okay. Good to hear that. (A.J. takes COSMO to the door.)

MELANIE.   (As they leave the room) Hey, promise that you’ll help me, okay? Don’t leave me alone! (Lights fade away.)


Back in COSMO’s room, but the atmosphere is dreamy and unrealistic. As the dim lights fade in, we see MELANIE (COSMO’s vision) standing in the center of the stage. When COSMO slowly enters, she put her arms open as if she welcomes him.

MELANIE.   I'm right here, love bucket. (COSMO approaches MELANIE as if he is controlled.) The first time you met me, you didn’t fancy me then, did you?

COSMO.   I remember. Yeah, I hated you. I thought you were a jerk. I thought, “How could I ever trust a person who could go up on stage and scream about love every night, opening up everything.”

MELANIE.   But you found me in the backstage. People passed by, ignoring me as I was crying in the corner with no particular reasons. You stopped in front of me, leaned against a wall while keeping a little distance from me. You didn’t ask any questions, you were just standing there and watching people come and go. A while later, you murmured, “I’ll take you home.” (Silence. For a brief moment, they sink into the same memory.)

COSMO.   (Beat.) I am lonely… after all. It’s not everyday you find a person anywhere in the world who is as terrible as you are. (Beat.) Tell me. What am I supposed to do?

MELANIE.   (Emotionless like a robot) Just tell them it was green.

COSMO.   You were such a horrible person. You are cruel. Self centered, never here when I needed you the most. But...I loved your dirty truths. The more i got hurt, the more the missing pieces of you invited me in like a door, you know? Beckoning me to come in. (Beat.) I’m a maniac.

MELANIE.   I know. (Beats.) And I’m “terrible.”

COSMO.   (Smiles) I know. (Beats.) Hey, can you let me go now?

MELANIE.   (Whispers in his ear) Just tell them it was green. (Lights go out.)


The day of the trial. MELANIE sits behind the desk. DOE sits beside her. COSMO sits on the chair in the middle, and A.J. stands beside him. Lights fade in as DOE makes a noise with the same wooden hammer.

DOE.   Order in the court!

A.J.   Mr. Griffin. You and the defendant were in a "complicated" relationship for five years. Is that correct?

COSMO.   It was a toxic, cursed relationship.

A.J.   And you knew about the defendant's affair.

COSMO.   (Beat.) Yes. (MELANIE gets upset and tries to stand up, DOE stops her.)

A.J.   One last question. (Begins to speak firmly) Was the light green when the defendant had the accident? Or was it red? Please answer what you actually saw. (COSMO turns to MELANIE. The lights slowly turn green.)

COSMO.   (Starts talking to himself. The other characters can't hear him.) We reunites for the first time in 6 months. An awkward conversation begins. The little things you do with your cheek, it twitches when you smile. Then I get uneasy by the small thing you say. I ask you a question. I get irritated by my own thoughts. You break a vase and throw it at me. My mind becomes a complete mess. You leave and I’m alone in the room, thinking to myself, “Why didn't I realize how alone I have always been and I ever will?” I leave the house. The streets at 2 am are tremendously darker and wider. I follow her and run one block. I find the car. The color of the reflection on the road... the color of that light…that night…

A.J.   Was the light you saw that night green? Was it red?

COSMO.   (Looks at MELANIE.) I loved what everyone hated about you. I terribly hated what everyone loved about you. I didn’t really care if you cheated on me. I didn't care if your life was reckless or full of drugs. I didn't care even if you asked me for money. I thought I could have forgiven everything if you could spat those facts at me with the spit. But… well…now… (The light slowly turns red.)

A.J. Green or red?

MELANIE.   Green! Please.

DOE.   Order!! (The lights turn green again. Everyone starts screaming at the same time.)

A.J.   Red?

MELANIE.   Green!

A.J.   Was it red?

MELANIE.   Green. He’s gonna say “green".

DOE.   (Audibly, but whispering ) Don’t forget to “boycott” love.

COSMO.   (Looks at DOE with a little smile.) The temptation of grand possibilities? Fuck it. (DOE grins.)

A.J.   Please answer my question. Was it red, or…

MELANIE.   Green. I beg of you. It was green! Don’t leave me alone…

COSMO.   (Muttering) Red.

DOE.   Silence! (Everyone becomes quiet.)

COSMO.   (Clearly) It was red. (Talks to the lighting booth) Um...It's red. Red. (The lights gradually turn red.) Yeah, thanks. (Beat.) The light I saw on the road that night was red. The color of the traffic light was unmistakably red. She... the defendant... disregarded the signal and drove into it with full speed… (MELANIE goes crazy and starts screaming to him. No one can stop her.)

MELANIE.  Liar! He is a liar! Objection! He’s a fucking schizophrenic! He’s a pathological liar!

COSMO.   That was red.

MELANIE.   It was green! It was fucking green! You MOTHERFUCKER!!! (The lights fade out,  but we still hear MELANIE’s scream in the dark.)


Back in COSMO’s room. COSMO enters the room as we hear the door unlocked. He carries a plastic bag with few liquor bottles. Turning on the light, COSMO looks around to see if the phantom of MELANIE is still there. But he can’t find her anymore. He sits on the floor by his bed, takes the liquor out of the bag, and turns on the TV. He drinks the liquor and stares at the television for a while.

COSMO.   (Mimicking MELANIE) "It was green”? (Beat. Convincing himself) No, that was red. It was crystal clear. (Beats.) It was “red”...you motherfucker. (Cuts to black right before he takes another drink.)

End of Play



