



AP "Red Cross: COVID-19 Crisis Needs Huge Economy Recovery Plan"(April 25, 2020)…

AP "Red Cross: COVID-19 Crisis Needs Huge Economy Recovery Plan"(April 25, 2020)の解説で…

VOA "Trump Orders Halt on New Green Cards"(April 22, 2020)の解説(語句・構文・解…

VOA "Trump Orders Halt on New Green Cards"(April 22, 2020)の解説です。語句、構文、解釈上…

VOA "With Masks, Sanitizer & Gloves, South Koreans Go to the Polls"(April 15, 20…

VOA "With Masks, Sanitizer & Gloves, South Koreans Go to the Polls"(April 15, 2020)の一…

VOA "Trump Downplayed Coronavirus Threat Throughout February"(April 14, 2020)よ…

VOA "Trump Downplayed Coronavirus Threat Throughout February"(April 14, 2020)の一部の解…

VOA "Bocelli Gives ‘Music for Hope’ Solo Performance from the Duomo of Milan"(…

VOA "Bocelli Gives ‘Music for Hope’ Solo Performance from the Duomo of Milan"(April 12…

VOA "Trump Projects Much Lower US Coronavirus Death Toll"(April 10, 2020)より一…

VOA "Trump Projects Much Lower US Coronavirus Death Toll"(April 10, 2020)の一部の解説で…

VOA "In Global Life-Death Struggle, Democracy Changes Course"(April 9, 2020)より一部を解説(語句・構文・解釈)

VOA "In Global Life-Death Struggle, Democracy Changes Course"(April 9, 2020)の一部の解説です。語句、構文、解釈上のポイントおよび和訳をまとめました。在宅時間の長いこの期間に、時事英語を学びたい社会人や大学生の方々は是非参考にしてください。学校や塾がなく受験勉強が不安な受験生にも勉強になると思います。 In Global Life-Death Struggle, Democracy Changes C

VOA "Trump Threatens to Cut US Funding to WHO"(April 8, 2020)より一部を解説(語…

VOA "Trump Threatens to Cut US Funding to WHO"(April 8, 2020)の冒頭部分の解説です。語句…

VOA "How to Hold an Election in a Pandemic, South Korean Style"(April 7, 2020)の…

VOA "How to Hold an Election in a Pandemic, South Korean Style"(April 7, 2020)の解説です…

VOA "Australia to Start COVID-19 Vaccine Animal Tests"(April 5, 2020)の解説(語…

VOA "Australia to Start COVID-19 Vaccine Animal Tests"(April 5, 2020)の語句・構文の解説…

VOA "From Garages to Porches, Music Keeps Flowing During COVID-19"(April 4, 2020…

VOA "From Garages to Porches, Music Keeps Flowing During COVID-19"(April 4, 2020)より記…

"Hong Kong Orders Bars to Close as it Ramps Up Social Distancing" By Reuters(Ap…

Reuters誌(2020.4.2)より"Hong Kong Orders Bars to Close as it Ramps Up Social Distancing"…