
「叱らないで!その短所、お子さんの才能の芽です」【1−1 この本の結論を先に申し上げます】(校正・改善・英訳by Chat GPT)


【1−1 この本の結論を先に申し上げます】








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神様と皆様に感謝します! 愛💖アプリシエイト!

"Don’t Scold! That Flaw is Your Child’s Budding Talent"

[1-1 The Conclusion of This Book, First and Foremost]

Parenting is filled with countless challenges. If you’ve picked up this book, it’s likely because you have some concerns regarding raising your child. Parenting problems come in many forms: your child might be violent or mean to their friends, forget things often, lack focus, talk incessantly without listening, fail to greet others properly, show no response, lack motivation, or become so engrossed in games that they neglect studying. The list could go on forever.

As you navigate through parenting, you may find yourself frustrated, angry, disheartened, sad, or even exhausted by these unexpected behaviors.

Let me share with you the conclusion of this book right away: every flaw that concerns you is actually a sign that your child’s “budding talent” is starting to emerge. If you attempt to forcibly correct this budding talent, the flaw will only intensify, leading to a heightened sense of self-doubt. This can result in behaviors that harm not only the child but also others around them, manifesting in dependency and negative actions. Punishing, scolding, lecturing, or imposing consequences on your child when they cannot simply be themselves creates what I call a “bad present.”

In contrast, allowing your child to be their true self while sharing experiences together, praising them, acknowledging their efforts, sharing information, interacting with smiles, and providing them with a sense of security and love is what I refer to as a “good present.” When a child’s budding talents are nurtured with good presents, their self-esteem grows, they develop a strong sense of self, and they blossom into individuals who can not only enjoy life but also contribute positively to society.

In this world, there are no inherently "good" or "bad" children. Every child has one or more of the “15 shades of budding talents,” and how they grow depends on whether they are nurtured with good presents or hindered by bad ones.

In this book, I will share insights drawn from my personal experience as someone who dealt with ADHD and truancy, along with what I have learned from guiding parents and children through 29 years of running an art and design school. I have categorized children's so-called flaws into the "15 shades of budding talents" based on the four elements—fire, earth, wind, and water. I will explain how to offer the right good presents to each shade of talent and help you resolve your parenting concerns.

In the next chapter, I will provide more details. Thank you for reading to the end.

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