



1. タイトル
2. サブタイトル(キャッチフレーズ)
3. 著者紹介

4. 概要(コンセプト)

5. ターゲット読者
「3歳〜12歳の子どもを持つ親、子育てに悩んでいる保護者、教育関係者、心理カウンセラー」 特に、子どもの「短所」に対する理解や対応に悩んでいる方々を対象とします。また、教育関係者や心理カウンセラーにとっても、子ども一人ひとりの才能を引き出す視点を提供します。

6. マーケットの背景と競合

7. 本書の差別化ポイント

8. 構成案(目次)

  • はじめに結論を申し上げます

  • はじめましてお玉ちゃんお宝才能アドバイザーです

  • こんなにある!子育ての悩みの種類

  • 火地風水4元素15色の短所で現れる才能の芽とは

  • 才能の芽に与えるグッドプレゼントとバッドプレゼント

  • 才能の芽が才能に変わることに気がついた具体的な経験

  • 「今まで叱ってごめんね」とうちの子に謝りたい

  • フェアリーゴッドマザー愛’sメソッド 火地風水4元素15色の才能の詳細

  • 突出した短所ほど突出した才能に育つ可能性

  • 実践編:日常の中でのメソッドの活用

  • メソッドを実践してくれたモニターさんたちの声

  • あなたも誰かのフェアリーゴッドマザー愛になれる

  • おわりに

9. 想定ページ数とスケジュール

10. 宣伝・販売戦略

11. 予想される読者からの反応

企画書は以上です。 動画のチャンネル登録、ブログやSNSのフォローといいねをどうぞよろしくお願いします。
最後の言葉 自分の人生は自分のもの。人にも社会にも支配されず、人のせいにも社会のせいにもしない、自分との一本勝負です。過去を悔やまず、未来を恐れず。この先が明日までかもしれないし、60年以上続くかもしれない。そんな人生のために今日1日に集中して楽しく生きます。
神様と皆様に感謝します! 愛💖アプリシエイト!


Book Proposal

  1. Title:
    "Don’t Scold! Your Child’s Flaws Are the Seeds of Their Talents"

  2. Subtitle (Catchphrase):
    "By giving good presents, transform flaws into talents—revealing the specific steps!"

  3. Author Introduction:
    Otama-chan, The Treasure Talent Advisor
    The creator of "Fairy Godmother Ai’s Method: The Talents of 4 Elements and 15 Colors (Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water)" and the head of an art school that has taught 350 students over 29 years. Overcoming personal challenges such as ADHD and school absenteeism, Otama-chan developed a unique method to foster self-esteem through art. Currently, she uses this method to support parents and children struggling with various life challenges, helping them nurture their talents.

  4. Personal Introduction:
    I am Otama-chan, the Treasure Talent Advisor and a "Multi-Artist" known as Takanashi Itsuki. Born on June 18, 1964, in Nagano, Japan, I graduated from Joshibi University of Art and Design, where I earned teaching credentials and a museum curator’s qualification. After working as an esthetician and junior high school art teacher, I began running an art school in 1995, sharing the joy of art with many families. The challenges I faced and the insights I gained through art laid the foundation for my current work. Through my method, "The Talents of 4 Elements and 15 Colors," I support parents in transforming their children's flaws into talents and uncovering new possibilities.

  5. Concept (Overview):
    This book introduces the "Talents of 4 Elements and 15 Colors Method" to help parents see their children’s flaws as seeds of potential talents. By understanding the concepts of "Good Presents" and "Bad Presents," parents can learn how to nurture their children’s talents instead of correcting their perceived shortcomings. Through practical examples and real-life advice, parents will discover ways to make parenting more enjoyable and fulfilling.

  6. Target Audience:
    Parents of children aged 3 to 12, caregivers struggling with parenting challenges, educators, and child psychologists. The book is especially aimed at parents who are having difficulty understanding and addressing their children’s "flaws." It will also be helpful for professionals looking to foster individual talents in children.

  7. Market Background & Competitors:
    There is a wealth of information on parenting, especially regarding "positive parenting" and "talent development." However, the "Talents of 4 Elements and 15 Colors Method" is a unique approach that is not widely available in the market. Unlike conventional parenting books, which often focus on behavior correction, this book highlights the child’s individual traits, offering a new perspective on how to nurture them.

  8. Differentiation Points:
    This book uses the unique classification of talents based on the "Talents of 4 Elements and 15 Colors." The central idea is that whether a child’s flaw (the seed of a talent) grows into a talent or withers into problematic behavior depends on whether they receive a "Good Present" or a "Bad Present." This distinctive approach offers a new perspective on talent development.

  9. Table of Contents:

    • Introduction:
      Why parents’ struggles never seem to end, and how the "Talents of 4 Elements and 15 Colors Method" can help.

    • Meet Otama-chan, the Treasure Talent Advisor:
      A personal introduction to the author and the discovery of the method.

    • So Many Parenting Struggles:
      An exploration of common parenting challenges and their root causes.

    • The Seeds of Talent Hidden in Flaws:
      How to discover the talents hidden behind what appears to be a child’s flaws.

    • Good Presents and Bad Presents for Talent Seeds:
      Explanation of the concepts of Good Presents and Bad Presents and how parents should respond to different situations.

    • Realization that Flaws Can Become Talents:
      Real-life examples of how children’s flaws have transformed into talents.

    • “I’m Sorry for Scolding You All This Time”:
      Reflections on why we often focus on correcting flaws instead of nurturing potential, and sharing experiences that resonate with parents.

    • Detailed Overview of the Fairy Godmother Ai’s Method—The Talents of 4 Elements and 15 Colors:
      An introduction to each of the 15 talent types and their characteristics.

    • The Greater the Flaw, the Greater the Potential Talent:
      How famous individuals’ childhood flaws became exceptional talents, and examples from the author's experience with students.

    • Practical Guide to Using the Method in Daily Life:
      Specific techniques and approaches for parents to apply the method in their daily interactions with their children.

    • Testimonials from Parents Who Have Tried the Method:
      Feedback from parents who have successfully implemented the method, sharing their experiences and results.

    • You Too Can Be Someone’s Fairy Godmother:
      Encouraging readers to spread the method and support other families.

    • Conclusion:
      Wishing for stronger parent-child bonds through this book.

  10. Estimated Page Count & Schedule:
    "200 to 250 pages, with a 6-month writing period, and a 12-month timeline until publication."

  11. Promotion & Sales Strategy:
    The promotional strategy will focus on social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and blogs. Regularly posting short videos and practical advice will help reach parents. In addition, workshops and talks will be conducted at parenting events, with an emphasis on community engagement.

  12. Expected Reader Reactions:
    "I’ve never seen anything like this before!"
    "I want to try this new parenting method."
    "I wish I had known about this sooner!"
    Final Words
    My life is my own. It’s a one-on-one challenge with myself, free from control by others or society, and without blaming others or society. I do not regret the past nor fear the future. The future may end by tomorrow or continue for over 60 years. For such a life, I focus on living today with joy and fun.
    I will continue to hold onto hope until the very end. This world exists solely for the growth of my soul.
    I am happy. I am delighted. I am incredibly lucky. I am attracting an abundance beyond my capacity. I always enjoy life calmly and at my own pace. Thank you. I am grateful. Thanks to you.
    Thank you for another wonderful day today!
    Gratitude to God and everyone! Love 💖 Appreciate!

#fairygodmotheraismethod #フェアリーゴッドマザーアイズメソッド #15色の才能 #15color talent #小鳥遊樹 #itsukitakanashi #お玉ちゃんお宝才能アドバイザー #otamachantreasuretalentadvisor #お玉ちゃん #Otamachan #OSHIM #オシム #Okiso #息嘯 #ひよこの森のアトリエ #日記 #youtuber #悩み #生きがい #FGM愛M #才能の芽 #教育制度の改革 #愛 #平和 #マイエレメント #4元素 #エレメント #火地風水 #breathing #hiyokonomorinoatelier #diary #youtuber #worry #life #FGMlove #talent #EducationSystem #Love #Peace #MyElement #ELEMENT #4Element #FireEarthWindAndWater #ChatGPT #googletranslate #googledocument #火地風水4元素15色の才能



