



Unfortunately, I am not courageous enough to worship ‘humanity’. Well, it is true that I often feel contempt for ‘humanity’, but at the same time I cannot deny I always find affection in it. Affection? - Perhaps, it is rather compassion. Anyway though, if you were no longer moved by ‘humanity’, life would change into a lunatic asylum in which you would never like to live. We must say it was inevitable that Swift eventually went insane.

A short while before he went mad, Swift, gazing at a tree whose top had withered, reportedly once murmured, ‘I am very much like that tree. I’m going headforemost.’ I cannot read this anecdote without a shudder. I secretly find it blissful for me not to be born such a smart and most talented genius as Swift himself was.

 わたしは不幸にも「人間らしさ」に礼拝する勇気は持っていない。いや、しばしば「人間らしさ」に軽蔑を感ずることは事実である。しかしまた常に「人間らしさ」に愛を感ずることも事実である。愛を? ― あるいは愛よりも憐憫かもしれない。が、とにかく「人間らしさ」にも動かされぬようになったとすれば、人生は到底住するに堪えない精神病院に変わりそうである。Swiftのついに発狂したのも当然の結果と言うほかはない。
