
TEAM STORIES✿Computer Vision Engineer 画像処理エンジニア/Syahir Toriman 


Q1.Please tell me about yourself

Hello, I am Syahir from Singapore! I am a recent Computer Engineering graduate from NTU, and now I am working as a Computer Vision Engineer in Spiral. Since I was little, I had always been curious about how things work, and would not be afraid to get my hands dirty in the process. Growing up, I was fortunate to be a part of the generation where technology was becoming more and more accessible to the general public. I was also able to experience first-hand, technological advancements such as CRT TV, Pagers, Dial-up Internet to OLED TV, Smartphones, and Fibre Optics. Witnessing these advancement sparked my interest in wanting to explore and understand their ins and outs. And so began my Engineering Journey.

My interest lies in both Software and Hardware, which then developed into the fields of Computer Vision, Embedded Programming & Robotics.
Outside of Engineering, I have several hobbies and personal interests. Traveling, Music, Film, and Photography, to name a few. I also enjoy various active sports, such as Volleyball, Football/Soccer, and recently Bouldering has been my go to.

Q2.Why do you want to work here?What interests you about this role?

Before University, I had taken up a Diploma in Aerospace Electronics. That was my first introduction to drones, and during then I had seen its potential and versatility in different environments. Drone development requires a good understanding and skill in both Software and Hardware. I feel that there are things that I can contribute back to the team with my experience, and things that I can definitely learn from.
The company is made up of a diverse group of unique people in a global environment. I personally believe that through diversity, comes the opportunity to expand far. 
In addition, I have always had an interest in Japan. Such as its pop culture like Music, Film and Anime. Being a travel lover too, Japan also offers some of the best nature and culture one can experience. Naturally, all of this led me to jump on this opportunity.

Q3.What motivates you?Please also tell us your work goals.

The feeling when one’s hard work results in success. Working with drones, you can see its result physically in front of you. The satisfaction from when it succeeds, affirms all the efforts made. I also enjoy exploring new technologies and methodologies. The world of technology is always developing rapidly, which is really exciting to me.

My current work goal is to ultimately be an engineer that is good at my field and that people can easily and confidently rely on. 

Q4.How do you like the working environment at Spiral?

In Drone Development, it is a fusion of different fields of Engineering, and having a good understanding of each of them would help one to develop a more robust and efficient solution. The team is made up of a diverse group of people from different engineering backgrounds, with everyone working together towards the same goal. Everyone’s opinions are heard during a project discussion.

As a result, it creates an environment where everyone can freely discuss and also consult each other on challenges faced, so as to develop the best possible solution. This is an ideal environment for a Junior Engineer such as myself, as I am able to freely seek the expertise of my fellow senior engineers for advice, and also have my opinions taken into consideration.

