アンテロープは頭上に広がる空の青さについてはたと考え、 「この空はいったい誰のものなのだろうか」とつぶやいた。
しかしアンテロープが首を横に振ると、おやおやそれじゃあ心の中で、今日はあなたと遊びましょうか ね、と答えてくれた。
The Path the Antelope Walks #5
After the Antelope went even further, he could hear some lively voices between the dried grasses.
“Hello, Mr. Antelope”
It was a child and mother fox, whose big ears were standing straight up.
“Why are you walking with that serious look when the sky is so blue?”
The Mother Fox asked.
The Antelope suddenly thought about the blueness of the Sky over his head, and muttered to himself; “To whom does the sky belong?”
The child Fox asked him; “Hey, Mr. Antelope. Play hide-and-seek with me!”
But the Antelope refused. So, the child fox answered “Oh, well. Then I will play with you in my mind today!”
The Antelope kept on walking. From time to time, the friends of the Wind gave him a supportive