
(008) 【要点だけ教えてYo!】サンプル - 年金・保険 - #0001

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「最後の紙の保険証」に嘆く高齢者 マイナカードと一体化まで4カ月 「紛失したら…」「申請すら行けず」 東京新聞
【AI翻訳】Elderly individuals express concerns about their reliance on the "last paper insurance card," awaiting a four-month integration with the My Number Card. Issues such as anxiety over potential loss and the inability to travel for applications are highlighted.

2024とくほう・特報/「マイナ保険証」でトラブルやまず/本紙報道に読者から被害体験続々 しんぶん赤旗
【AI翻訳】There have been numerous troubles associated with the "My Number Health Insurance Card," with reports of victims from readers. The issues are varied, with particular concern regarding security and the complexity of procedures.

次の年金支給日は8月15日「厚生年金」を手取りで「月額20万円」受給できる人は約15パーセント(LIMO) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】The next pension payment date is August 15, and only about 15 percent of people can receive 200,000 yen in monthly "Employees' Pension." This indicates the situation of pension benefits, suggesting that many recipients do not reach the expected amount.

保険代理店で個人情報漏洩相次ぐ 背景に過剰なシェア主義 組織性の有無が焦点に 日本経済新聞
【AI翻訳】There have been a series of personal information leaks at insurance agencies. The background involves excessive information sharing, and there is a need for responsibility awareness and measures within organizations. Strengthening leak prevention measures is necessary.

「マイナ保険証が使われない理由はコレ!」 現役医師が脚本、出演の動画が大バズり いま起きているリアルな実情(関西テレビ) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】The video "Here are the reasons why the My Number Health Insurance Card is not being used!" has become a hot topic. A practicing doctor discusses concerns about the implementation of the My Number Health Insurance Card and highlights specific issues in the medical field. Many people have doubts about the system's convenience and the difficulties of its widespread adoption.

年の差夫婦がもらえる「加給年金」って廃止されたんですか? 年金の「扶養手当」と聞いていたのですが、年間でいくら支給されるものでしょうか?(ファイナンシャルフィールド) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】The "additional pension" for couples with an age difference has been abolished, but there is a "dependency allowance." The annual payment amount varies depending on conditions, with a maximum annual amount of approximately 780,000 yen that could be awarded.

3兆円運用の米ミシガン州の退職年金基金、10億円以上のビットコイン現物ETF保有 株式会社CoinPost
【AI翻訳】The Michigan state retirement pension fund manages approximately 3 trillion yen and holds over 1 billion yen in Bitcoin spot ETFs. This investment is part of efforts to diversify its assets.

母に代わり、大切な家庭菜園を守ってきた「年金月23万円」一人暮らしの85歳父…年収1,300万円、60歳・老後安泰の長男が決断した「身を切る親孝行」【FPの助言】(THE GOLD ONLINE(ゴールドオンライン)) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】The 85-year-old father lives alone on a pension of 230,000 yen and maintains the family garden in place of his mother. His son, with an annual income of 13 million yen, is set for a stable retirement but decided to sell property as a gesture of filial duty.

「生活が苦しい」高齢者世帯の59.0%に。厚生年金と国民年金は平均でいくらか LIMO(リーモ)
【AI翻訳】59.0% of elderly households are struggling to make ends meet, providing information about the average pension amounts for Employee Pension and National Pension. The current situation indicates that insufficient pension income is impacting household finances.

結婚39年でひとり身に…夫婦で年金35万円だった元キャリア妻、年金事務所で聞いた「遺族年金額」に涙腺崩壊「あんなに働いてきて、この仕打ち」(THE GOLD ONLINE(ゴールドオンライン)) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】A former career woman, married for 39 years, is heartbroken over the reduced survivor's pension following her husband's death, as their combined pension of 350,000 yen has diminished. She feels disheartened by the treatment she received after years of hard work.
