
(003) 【要点だけ教えてYo!】サンプル - 医学・医療 - #0001

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介護現場で「機能訓練支援」ロボット推進、厚労省・経産省が重点分野を改訂 PT-OT-ST.NET
【AI翻訳】The promotion of "functional training support" robots in nursing care settings has been revised as a key area by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. This is expected to improve the quality of care and address labor shortages.

子どもの命を守る“最後の砦” 小児集中治療室「PICU」に密着 広い北海道に唯一の施設 Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】Hokkaido has the only Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) that plays a crucial role in protecting children's lives. Medical staff are dedicated to treating severely ill pediatric patients, requiring prompt responses.

紅麹問題発覚前、症例報告の医師に小林製薬「同種事例ない」…「他にも報告あったと聞いていれば問題提起できた」 Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】Before the problem with red yeast rice emerged, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical told a physician who reported a case that there were "no similar cases." However, they mentioned that if they had heard of other reports, they could have raised the issue.

「方言」が原因で医療行為に支障が出たら、文化が失われたら…AIで鹿児島弁を翻訳 研究者の思い(ABEMA TIMES) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】Research is underway to translate Kagoshima dialect using AI. The goal is to prevent disruptions in medical practices and cultural loss due to local dialects, aiming to facilitate regional communication.

横須賀リサーチパーク(YRP)に大学新設 中央医療学園が計画 大学ジャーナルオンライン
【AI翻訳】A plan has been announced for the establishment of a new university by Chuo Medical Academy at the Yokosuka Research Park (YRP). Aimed at enhancing medical technology and regional healthcare, it seeks to contribute to the development of medical professionals in the future.

「髪がたくさん抜け、右手は麻痺」…最低限の医療も受けられないイランの刑務所の「過酷すぎる」生活(ナルゲス・モハンマディ) 現代ビジネス
【AI翻訳】In Iranian prisons, many inmates are unable to receive medical care and live in harsh conditions. Health issues, especially for individuals like Narges Mohammadi, have become serious, with problems such as hair loss and hand paralysis. Inmates cannot even undergo basic medical procedures, making their living conditions extremely tough.

中村医師の活動追う 金沢21美など来月上映会 中日新聞
【AI翻訳】Next month, a screening event showcasing the work of Dr. Nakamura will be held at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa. The event will present his clinical activities and contributions to community healthcare, offering audiences a chance to experience the significance of medicine from a physician's perspective.

O157感染 一時重症、集中治療室に 匝瑳の73歳女性(千葉日報オンライン) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】A 73-year-old woman in Sosa City, Chiba Prefecture, contracted O157 and was temporarily in severe condition, requiring admission to the intensive care unit. She is now recovering and has been moved to a general ward, but the effects of the infection persist. The route of infection is under investigation.

アナウンサー・島津久美子、 次男の1か月健診で医師が手を止めた理由「もう一度測ってみますねと再計測」 ABEMA TIMES
【AI翻訳】Announcer Kumiko Shimazu revealed the reason why the doctor paused during her second son’s one-month check-up. The doctor said, "Let me measure that again," as they proceeded with a retest.

ヨーロッパ医薬品庁 アルツハイマー病治療薬「レカネマブ」の販売承認しないよう勧告 (TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN) Yahoo!ニュース
【AI翻訳】The European Medicines Agency has recommended not to approve the sale of the Alzheimer's drug "Lecanemab." This creates significant uncertainty regarding the market launch of the drug.
