
NVIDIA CEOジェンスン・フアン語る Part4 - NVIDIAを形作る思想

2023年2月にアメリカのUC Berkeley校でNVIDIA 創業者兼CEOジェンスン・フアンの講演が行われました。その内容を数回に分けてご紹介します。(動画はYouTubeで見れますし、この記事の最後に講演内容の書き起こし(英語)も載せておきます。)






Part 5に続く)


Ryan: So, you had mentioned some Moore's law, interesting problems we're trying to solve. So, I wanna touch upon Nvidia's role in solving the world's greatest problems. So, Nvidia's technologies is involved in some pretty innovative projects from healthcare, to sustainability, and more. Some interesting projects include carbon capture, AI, decoding the COVID spike protein, speeding DNA sequencing to a single day, predicting extreme weather. Can you tell us what are some of your favorite projects that Nvidia is involved in, and are there any other projects that we should be aware of but may not have heard of yet?

Jensen: Funny you should ask. I wanted to share that with you all day. (audience laughing) I wrote a list. Let's see. I said earlier that it's great to have a company that does good business, but it's able to also make an impact. We do good business so that we can make an impact. That should be the purpose of all companies. Business making a lot of money, generating a lot of cash, creating a lot of value, gives you the opportunity to be able to do great things. Great things that otherwise would probably not get done. You mentioned a lot of good ones. I mean, the work that we do in digital biology and healthcare, you can't do without a company of our scale. And you have to be a company of our scale that's willing to leverage a lot of the technology that we built for some other purpose to direct it and channel it at this really important cause. Because without us doing something like that, being clever about taking something that has a day job and channeling it towards healthcare or climate science, materials science is another really important areas, without us doing something like that, this area of science would not be big enough to be able to support the level of investment that we put into it, the virtual investment that we put into it. So, that's the part of the cleverness of the company to find ways to leverage what otherwise has a day job playing computer games, but realize that the architecture with new algorithms is really fantastic at climate science. So, for us to adapt this platform in this way allows us to both drive a great business, but also drive great impact. So that gives us a lot of pleasure. And when I mentioned earlier a company with great business, but also a great sense of purpose, this is really at the heart of that.
