

 東北大学サイエンス・エンジェル(SA)のあおです。今回は、E-channel記事の第3弾。留学生のCindyさんの記事「Behave like a “lady”(女性らしく振る舞うということ)」を翻訳させていただきました!


 Behave like a “lady”


When I was young, my mom always said to me ”please behave like a lady.”
幼い頃、母はいつも私に "女性らしくふるまいなさい "と言いました。
Actually, When I was a little girl, I acted like a little boy. I preferred guns to Barbie dolls; I tended to fight with boys instead of playing house with girls; I usually ran wild outdoors rather than quietly read a book inside doors.
Every day, I came home with a bruised face and muddy clothes, just like a naughty little boy. On observing my behavior was far from being a lady-to-be, my mom hurriedly sent me to different girl-like classes, like piano classes, dancing classes, painting classes etc. hoping that I could become an adorable, quiet, good girl.
毎日、やんちゃな男の子のように、アザになった顔と泥だらけの服で家に帰りました。当時の私の行動は「女の子らしい」という言葉とはかけ離れたものでした。そんな私を見るに見かねた母は、急いで私をピアノ教室やダンス教室、絵画教室など、ありとあらゆる「女の子らしい」習い事に通わせました。母は、私が可愛らしくて大人しい「良い女の子(good girl)」になることを願っていたのです。
Thanks to my mom’s great effort, I finally knew why I could not urinate standing up for peeing like other little boys.
When I reached the age of 16, girls around me started to explore woman’s attraction. But I hardly spared a time on thinking about what “woman’s attraction” was. I chose to wear comfortable jeans instead of skirt; I treated boy as a competitor for studying rather than a boyfriend to be; I insisted on spending my own money or even paying the bills for boys when we hanged out where most girls would like boys to show their generosity. In boys’ eyes, I was so tough and independent that I even received a nickname” boss”. At my high school’s farewell party, one boy said to me that ” Cindy, if you keep this tough personality, no man will marry you. ” On hearing that, I was so frightened that I would end up being alone in my life.
Therefore, as I entered university, I dramatically changed my attitude towards ”what a real lady should be like. ” I started to learn how to be more attractive among boys. I threw away comfortable jeans but kept a skirt. I hardly thought critically but tended to follow boys’ opinions , I spoke and acted gently to demonstrate my easy going personality in front of people. Gradually, in order to build up a perfect lady image for marriage, I hid my career’s ambitions away, which concealed my true self. The change did bring me some romantic relationships but they all faded away as well. One of the reasons was that I didn’t feel comfortable about myself in pretending to be someone I was not. I felt disappointed that it seemed that what I wished to be was different from society's expectation. I was not a traditional lady.


The moment came when I was offered an opportunity to study a PhD course in Japan, this chance was so precious that I could not hide my ambition anymore. And I finally plucked up my courage to further my education, which was not what a typical lady would do in China.
Now, I am about to finish my PhD programme!
My research is about the impacts of titanium implants on the bone. Dental implant is a common practice for the missing teeth, hoping that I can prove this new type of material will be another promising implant material in the future. Actually, I am into this research as it is related to my clinical work in China. Before I came to Japan, I was also an orthodontist. I came across the implant anchorage failure from time to time once I applied force on it. So I want to figure out how the bone interacts with implant material under force.
In October of 2021, because of the academic improvement I have made, I was selected as one of three representatives of Japan to compete for the Hatton Award of IADR (International associated dental research) in 2022 (One of the most important academic competition in dental field). This is a great opportunity for me to embark on an academic journey. I always feel grateful to the people I met and the courage I have to help me get rid of stereotypes. 
Chinese people always joke that there are three kinds of people in the world: the male, the female and the female PhD. It is just the very typical stereotype that Chinese society possesses for women, where excellence is a merit for a man but not for a woman. Women are supposed to be praised for taking good care of family rather than competing with a man at work. But I really don’t want to be kidnapped by this lady’s stereotype, I just want to be true to myself.
Maybe it’s better to consider that every society, ethnic group, and culture has gender role expectation means how we’re expected to act, speak, dress and conduct ourselves based upon our assigned sex. However those gender role expectations could be an opposite of one’s own expectation. For example, girls and women are generally expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be polite, accommodating, and nurturing. While, men are generally expected to be strong, aggressive, and bold.
In today's society, we have more freedom to express ourselves. You can’t hold back women at work to compete and they have the desire to do so. It’s just as unfair as telling men not to have emotions, or giving them the pervasive underlying message that work is all that matters. Trying to conform to gender stereotypes can be difficult, stressful, and sometimes damaging for those who don’t fit into them perfectly. Both men and women suffer when they are told to act in a way that feels unnatural.
Once you be true to yourself, a happier life you could have.
Interestingly, when I started to be true to myself and I met my husband he said he loves me because of my different personality from other girls.
My dear friends, all in all, behaving like a lady is not the real point, just behave like the nice person you wish to be.




editor’s note(編集後記)

In my opinion, a girl could be more independent and powerful than she is thought to be. So, what can be more fascinating than a girl contributing her wits and courage to this world?



次世代の研究者を目指す中高校生に「こんな女性研究者もいるんだ!」「科学って楽しい!」という思いを伝えるため、2006年に結成。年度毎に学内で公募され、総長に任命された 東北大学の自然科学系10部局に所属する女子大学院生が、中学・高校での出張セミナーや科学イベントで科学の魅力と研究のおもしろさを伝えている。2021年度より、自然科学に加え、人文・社会科学も含めた科学分野としての活動がスタート!メンバーは宇宙・自然・ロボット・環境・ヒトや動物の身体のしくみなど、それぞれの専門分野で日々研究中。

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