
自己の哲学:映画と対話を通して自分の道を見つける|The Philosophy of Self: Finding My Way Through Movies and Dialogues

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 Last month, I watched "Barbie," "My Elements," and "Young Plato" in the theater. I felt that each movie had a theme centered around self-discovery, leading from emotional experiences. In particular, "Young Plato," a documentary film about a boys' primary school in Ireland that incorporates philosophy classes, featured exactly the world of dialogue I aspire to foster. I was moved by the enthusiasm of the entire school's efforts, starting with the principal.


 After watching such emotionally stimulating movies in succession, I realized that I still harbor some "anger" within me. This is an emotion I've experienced multiple times in the past. Each time, I thought I had overcome it by letting go of my self-blame and converting it into energy for personal growth. However, it appears that the issue has not yet been fully resolved.

 『ヤング・プラトン』では、校長が生徒の感情をコントロールするための質問を投げかけていた。感情のコントロールとは、単に感情を経験し、そして手放すことではなく、哲学的な思考プロセスも必要である。"今、何をすべきか?" "Xとは何か?" "人生とは......?" 小学校の哲学室のホワイトボードの横に書かれている質問だ。私は自分の怒りを分析するためにChatGPTを使うことにした。

 In "Young Plato," the principal was posing questions to help students control their emotions. Emotional control is not just about experiencing and then letting go of feelings; it also requires a philosophical process of thinking. "What should you do now?" "What is X?" "Life is…?" These are the questions written next to the whiteboard in the elementary school's philosophy room. I've decided to use ChatGPT to analyze my anger.

 "Xとは何か?" その怒りは、毎回似たような状況で生じるものだった。そのたびにその感情を体験し、自分に欠けているものを見極め、克服していった。ピンチはチャンスだった。おかげで何度も新しい扉を開くことができた。ChatGPTは、"大切なのは、その失敗から何を学び、どう成長するかだ "とも言っている。その通りだ。私の成長には怒りが欠かせなかった。もしかして、私は自分を許していないのだろうか?こんな感情は二度と味わいたくない!

 "What is X?" That anger would arise under similar circumstances each time. Every time it happened, I would experience the emotion, identify what was lacking in myself, and overcome it. A crisis was an opportunity. Thanks to that, I've been able to open new doors many times. ChatGPT also says, "What's important is what you learn and how you grow from that failure." That's true. Anger has been indispensable to my growth. Could it be that I have not forgiven myself? I never want to experience such emotions again!

 ChatGPTに怒りをぶちまけたら、「他人の行動で自分の平穏を乱されるのは避けたいでしょう 」という冷静な返事が返ってきた。そうだ!そんなことに時間を費やすのはもったいない。「一時的には問題を解決することができても、その感情や状況が本当に昇華され、心の中で処理されるかどうかは別の話です。昇華とは、感情や経験を前向きな方向に変え、成長や学びに繋げるプロセスです。要望に従うだけでは、感情をそのまま押し込めるだけになることがあり、昇華とは異なる可能性があります」とChatGPTは続けて言った。

 When I vented my angry words at ChatGPT, the composed reply came back, "You'd want to avoid letting the actions of others disturb your peace." That's right! It's a waste to spend my time on such things. ChatGPT then said, "Even if you can temporarily solve the problem, whether or not those emotions and situations are truly sublimated and processed within your mind is another matter. Sublimation is the process of turning emotions or experiences into something positive that leads to growth or learning. Just complying with desires could merely suppress emotions, which may differ from true sublimation.”



 Struck by this, I then told ChatGPT, "Learning by suppressing myself. Perhaps this is where my false self lies and it might be raging in anger." At that moment, I woke up from my self-conditioning. Amazing, ChatGPT.

 I then named that emotion and had ChatGPT write a poem for me, which made me burst into laughter. It's a shame I can't share it.



 "If this poem can even slightly serve to express your feelings or experiences, I would be pleased," replied ChatGPT, in its usual manner.

 Movies stirred my emotions, ChatGPT assisted in processing those feelings, and the subsequent journey of self-discovery refined my understanding of who I am and how I want to be. This intricate dance between external stimuli and internal reflection has charted a path forward for me.


 Life is… an incredible and complex journey of self-discovery and growth. Our stories are still being written, and the pen is in our hands.



