
その愚痴で誰が幸せになるの?"What does one achieve by complaining?"

























① ○○さんに直接言えないから、△△さんに伝える。

② △△さんに自分の味方になってほしいから、多少脚色して伝える。

③ △△さんはできるだけ、同調しようとするため、「わかる、わかる。」などの相槌を打つ。

④ 言った本人は、△△さんが味方になったと思い、一時的にスッキリしたかのような、状態になるが、またすぐに愚痴をこぼす。(一生満足することはない)

⑤ △△さんは、また同調しようとするため、大袈裟に相槌を打ったり、賛同しているという意を表す。(心が少しずつ擦り減っていく)













Throughout our everyday lives, we are often met with the unexpected, where things don’t necessarily go as we want or expect them to. Why does this person not understand what I’m asking of them? Why do I feel misunderstood in general, despite my attempts at communication? Why can that person get away with being selfish?

We live in a society infested by innumerable grumblings of discontent.

Companies are particularly fertile ground for complaints. You may do your best without seeing the fruits of your labor for a long time. Your effort may go unrecognized completely. Your mistakes may be scrutinized on a level you deem unfair. You may endure sleepless days and nights in working so hard, and go without praise or even acknowledgement for it.

You may end up thinking something along the lines of, “nobody understands how hard I work.”

If these emotions pile up, discontent and complaint may spill from your lips without you even noticing it.

This is a bit of an aside, but in Buddhist philosophy, one who complains is thought of as being inconsiderate of others, more so than overly thinking of oneself. The two Japanese characters that make up the word “complaint” (Gu:愚 and Chi:痴) are both related to the general concept of foolishness. The people who absorb the complaints of those around them are absorbing with them a negative energy. When you complain about something, you feel better - but it is just temporary, which leads to an endless cycle of further complaining just to get to that fleeting feeling again.

As our company is gets bigger, many problems can potentially arise if there is a lack of communication and understanding. We are currently only 9 members at our company, and I’m positive there are already issues that I simply haven’t taken note of yet. It’s not necessarily a bad thing that I haven’t heard any grumblings, but I often wonder if we can create an environment where nobody complains, not out of conformity, but simply because they are happy to the point that they don’t feel like complaining.

Regardless of if that’s something we can actually accomplish, the important thing is that we take the matter seriously and really wrestle with the idea that it can become a big deal in ways both negative and positive, and that it’s up to us to decide which direction it goes.

People grumble or make small complaints due to a lack of a space or scenario in which they can comfortably and directly share how they feel. I believe we have to create an environment, both specific and in general, in which this type of communication, if constructive, is allowed to take place. It is important to note the difference between complaining and communicating.

How I perceive the path that follows a complaint:

1. You can not tell Person A what you’re feeling directly, so you share it with Person B.

2. You want Person B to agree with you, so perhaps you exaggerate a bit to drive your point home.

3. As your chosen confidant, Person B feels obligated to sympathize with you, so they feign agreement regardless of their actual opinion on the matter.

4, You think Person B really gets where you’re coming from, and you feel better after having complained to them, but this feeling is temporary, and soon Person B finds you complaining to them once again (beginning the endless cycle).

5. Person B continues to agree with you out of obligation and out of the desire to avoid confrontation with a person who complains that much (until they’re eventually just sick of you, planting the seeds for a toxic environment).

Complaints create an infinite loop of temporary and contrived achievement, solving nothing and creating further issues along the way.

If you consider someone your Nakama*, then you should be able to tell them anything you might have to complain about outright.

If you can’t, and you need someone else to talk to them about, it means your relationship is superficial.

I do not want superficial relationships.

I want to work with people who I can look in the eye and open up to, and people who I constantly look forward to spending my days with.

In order to achieve this, I have to do my best to create an open environment where people can communicate anything without reservation.

I have not found a perfect way to do this yet, and I don’t think I will anytime soon. However, even with the foggy road ahead, as manager, I have to meet this question and this challenge head-on.

If you feel like complaining, please first try and ask yourself, what am I achieving by letting out this complaint? It may change your perception about complaints in general, and lead to actual productive conversations and actions.
