


I feel like I'm starting to recognize my muscles in one t-shirt these days.
I'm Wada, a long-term intern. In this article, I'm going to talk about what you can get out of interning. You can read it in 5 minutes, so I highly recommend you take a look at this article.

 Long-term intern summary

Start of participation: March 2020
Participating days: Every Monday and Thursday
Project in charge:
・Daikanyama Project
・Cafe business
・New business public relations (ADREcollege)

 Explosion of  my weak pointnesses in the project in charge

アドレカレッジ は、1日完結型・オンライン参加可能のビジネス体験プログラムです。広報にまつわるプログラムが多く、実務を通して自分の適性を見られるという最高のプログラムなのです! そんなプログラムをメディアを通して広めるのが今の僕の本日の仕事です。そして見出しの通り本日の業務で僕の短所が爆発しました、、。
Today, I mainly worked on public relations for ADOREcollege, which is also my project. ADOREcollege is a one-day business experience program that you can participate in online. It's a great program. There are many programs related to public relations, and this is the best program to see your aptitude for The! My job today is to spread the word about such programs through the media. And as you can see in the headline, my weaknesses were exploded in today's work..

 How I work today

<10:30-12:30 >
・public relations approach (27 cases)
・Pick up media contact information
・Mentoring services

<13:30-16:00 >
Media approach completed (27 cases)

<16:00-16:30 >
Instagram Update

<16:30-17:00 >
Creating a talk script for media approach

Uber Eats用PL修正
PL fix for Uber Eats

Daily reporting

 I am wondering if it should be solved


しかし、好きなことをやりたいならどうしてもやりたくないような作業も出てきてしまいます。僕は将来自分が事業を立ち上げた際広報のスキルが必要であることと、プラスカラーの一員としてアドレカレッジ を広めたいという思いで今プロジェクトに携わっています。それを実現するためにはやはり克服していくしかありません。

Looking at my schedule for today, it looks like I'm going about my business as normal, well, business as usual. However, I was originally supposed to finish the media approach at 2:30 pm. But it has taken until 4pm. Why did it take so long to complete a seemingly simple task? It's in my personality.
I've been struggling with this myself quite a bit, and when I'm working on something that doesn't involve a lot of brain power, I get very sleepy and I'm going to make the best of it. I used to think that if we make the most of our strengths, we can maximize our performance and everyone will be happy. . I was thinking.
But if you want to do what you love to do, there will be things you don't want to do. I knew that if I wanted to start my own business in the future, I would need to have public relations skills, and that ADOREcollege As a member of Pluscolor, I am involved in this project now with the intention of spreading the In order to make it happen, we have no choice but to overcome these challenges.
As the saying goes, "Continuity is power," so we will do our best to build up our efforts little by little.
While I said I was wondering if I should solve this problem, I solved it myself.
If you read this, please think about what you will.can.must do and choose what you should do. I hope it will go.

 Please expect next time

しかし、それが仕事になるのかというと意外とそうでもありません。好きだけど苦手なこともあります。そう考えると社会に出る前に自分の得手不得手が分かるADORE collegeってやっぱり凄いですね!もし不得手が分かっても、それを克服する方法はたくさんあります。とりあえず僕は細かく休憩を挟むなどして今回の課題を解決していきます。今後の僕にも乞うご期待。
So today was the day I realized once again that I'm not good at simple tasks. By the way, I've always been quite fond of doing detailed work. I can make a pair of damaged jeans by myself, for example.
But it's not so much a job as a surprise. Sometimes I like it, but I'm not very good at it. When I think about it, I think ADORE college is a great way to understand my strengths and weaknesses before I go out into the world. That's great! If you find out what you're not good at, there are many ways to overcome it. In the meantime, I'll continue to solve this issue by taking detailed breaks. Stay tuned for more from me.


自社サービス NOZOKIMI-ノゾキミ-
自社サービス アドレカレッジ 】ADOREcollege
