

Introduce myself

My name is Sasaki, and I'm a long-term intern.
These days I tend to get bogged down by the repetition of the same thing every day.In order to stimulate my brain as much as possible, I decided to think about what I would like to do in the future. For starters, I would like to go to a temple to experience asceticism after the end of my self-restraint.

Long Term Internship Overview

Start date of participation: April 2020
Participation days: Every Thursday
Project in charge:.
 New Business Planning (ADOREcollege)
 Bar Business

Learning from Public Relations Activities

Today, I worked on several minor tasks.
It's not part of a larger flow of work, so I can't explain the contents of the work, but we do daily work such as creating structure images and banner design.
It seems that Plus Color will also be actively providing public relations support for restaurants in the future. As I will be working in the production business in the future, I am looking forward to learning from them up close and personal.

Today's Schedule

 Adler College announcement
 Creating an image of a French restaurant website proposal

  Continuation of creating an image of a French restaurant website proposal

・ バーLP修正箇所まとめ
 Summary of Bar LP corrections

 Created a banner for the note magazine

 Bar sign making

 Creating a banner for the continued note magazine

・ 日報記入
 daily report

As the old saying goes, "Divide up the difficulty.





I'm what I call bored, and I'm not very good at doing one thing for a long time. It was only in the last few years that I realized this, and until then I considered myself to be a very focused person I did. It's true that there is a lot of singular focus there. Especially when I start to work on something new, I can get very enthusiastic about it.

However, when I start working on a long term project, such as a 3 month project, I tend to get bogged down in the middle of it and cut corners.
One of the ways to control my personality is to "separate tasks".

Here's an experiment I did.
Get a device that juices up when you "press a button when the screen is lit up red. Have a monkey sit in front of it. At first, of course, the monkey doesn't understand anything.
But one day, when the screen happens to be red, the monkey pushes the button and gets the juice. Then the monkey first learns that the juice comes out when it pushes the button, so it pushes the button repeatedly. After repeated trial and error, the monkeys eventually learned that the juice comes out when the display is red. and get the juice more efficiently.....

If you divide this learning into two stages: button and juice, screen light and button, you will complete the learning process much more quickly.
In other words, first you have to press the button to get the juice, and once you've mastered the task, you'll be able to Level up, add the "screen is red" requirement. In other words, by splitting up the tasks, you'll learn much faster. If you don't know anything, you have to fumble your way through the process. But by splitting up a single task, you'll be much more efficient.

In other words, I'm not able to keep up with the whole thing when we're talking about the long term, and it feels tedious and Maybe I've been put away. You don't want to deal with something you don't know about.

From understanding yourself and your tasks


Just as there are 10 different colors in a group of 10 people, each person has his or her own way of working. And each of us has our own way of working.
Today's work itself was not all connected to each other, but I felt that my concentration and efficiency were better than usual because I worked on it with some separation in mind.

It was a day when I realized that it might be a shortcut for me to face my own characteristics and to think again about what I am working on, instead of just working on it in a vague way.


★自社サービス NOZOKIMI-ノゾキミ-
★自社サービス 【アドレカレッジ 】ADOREcollege
